“So, can you help me drive this bad guy out? He just kept saying bad things about my brother Ye Xiao. It’s really hateful!”

“If you can’t do anything with him, then I have to do it myself~”

Yi Mengyun pointed at the man behind Ye Xiao who was looking at Ye Xiao strangely and angrily.

Then she tilted her little head and smiled at the staff~

“Miss Yi, don’t worry, I will ask the security personnel to take this low-quality man away immediately.”

After the staff of Tenglong Bank finished speaking to Yi Mengyun, they then nodded to the security personnel around them.

He signaled them to take action quickly and take away the man who affected Yi Mengyun’s mood.

Then, several security personnel Came to the man’s side

“Hey Hey hey! What do you do? I am a VIP of your bank! Is this how you treat VIPs?”

The man said dissatisfied

“Sir, you can’t make any noise here. Please go out first.”

The staff of Tenglong Bank said indifferently to the man.

Even if he offends this man, he cannot offend Yidong’s daughter!

Then, the security personnel dragged the man’s arms.

“Hiss, I was wrong. I stopped making noise. I apologize to this boy. I shouldn’t have said that he had no money. Don’t do anything to me.”

The man felt the pain coming from his arm.

Then he immediately gave in.

But the security personnel would not show mercy to him.

They dragged him coldly out of the gym.

After the man left, the whole gym was now clean. down

“Miss Yi, we have helped you drive them away.”

The staff of Tenglong Bank said to Yi Mengyun

“Thank you~”

Yi Mengyun smiled at the staff~

“You’re welcome, Miss Yi, do you need to sit in the VIP seat?”

The staff continued to ask

“Brother Ye Xiao~ Do you want to go to the VIP table?”

Yi Mengyun asked Ye Xiao with a doting look on her face.

“Don’t really want to go.”

Ye Xiao shook his head.

“Oh~ Then we won’t go~”

Yi Mengyun nodded obediently.

Then she said to the staff:”Brother Ye Xiao and I won’t go to the VIP table~”


The staff member nodded.

He did not continue speaking.

Instead, he glanced at the host on the podium and signaled her to continue.

“Okay, our gentleman is willing to invest 3.5 million to help our Mr. Ma Yun start his own business. In this way, our Mr. Ma Yun has achieved his goal of 5 million.”

“Sir, is there anything else you would like to say?”

The host asked Ye Xiao

“Mr. Ma, I can support you with 3.5 million, but I want you to own 20 points of shares in Alibaba.”

Ye Xiao said seriously to Ma Yun.

Ma Yun hesitated for a while.

Finally, he replied sincerely:”Okay.”


Ye Xiao smiled softly.

In the future, Alibaba’s annual revenue can reach tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

So a 20-point share is very valuable!

“leaf…Xiao, your wife is really the daughter of Yi Shuyun of Tengxun Group…….”

Chen Kai and Zhao Meng were stunned.

They knew that Yi Mengyun must be rich, but they didn’t expect that she was so rich!

This Ye Xiao is too powerful.

He was actually able to get Yi Shuyun’s daughter

“That’s right.”

Ye Xiao nodded.

His expression was calm.

He didn’t seem to be excited because Yi Mengyun was Yi Shuyun’s daughter.

After all, Ye Xiao liked her not because of her family background.

Ma Yun’s speech After a while, the second entrepreneurial expert gave a speech.

The second entrepreneurial expert was Liu Wei from Mihuyou.

To put it simply, the two-dimensional beautiful girl mobile game.

He spat on the podium and told everyone about how to heal the fragile hearts of otakus.

Many judges and teachers in the audience laughed.

Although the speech was humorous, Liu could be seen.

Wei ‘s passion for their project!

After Liu Wei said the expected capital, Ye Xiao invested him 2 million in entrepreneurial capital and received 20 points of their company’s capital.


In the previous life, the mobile games produced by this company called Mihuyou were very popular among fans, and the quality of the games was absolutely top-notch.

The company’s value is currently in the tens of billions.

There is no two-dimensional mobile game that can compete with their company, so investing in them will definitely make a profit.

Of course , only Ye Xiao knows this.

None of the judges and other investors dare to be as reckless as Ye Xiao.

Dare to invest 2 million without saying a word.

Many people even started to talk about whether Ye Xiao was throwing money randomly, and then all the money was wasted.

After that, several judges and teachers also invested hundreds of thousands in Liu Wei.

In this project, they are not as reckless as Ye Xiao.

They invest step by step.

If they don’t see a big benefit, they won’t invest, even if they invest, they won’t invest a lot.

Net, more fish.

They will not invest all their money in one project, but will invest in large quantities.

As long as one project becomes popular, they will make money!


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