“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Ye Xiao finally came back to life and finally saw her.

How could she die like this?

Then Ye Xiao quickly opened the [Body Repair Panel].

Then a translucent virtual panel appeared in front of Ye Xiao.

Body repair object: Yimeng Yun begins a physical examination…….

Examination result: imminent death.

Diagnosis report: advanced gastric cancer, kidney cancer, anemia, severe malnutrition, endocrine disorders……

Ye Xiao was shocked after seeing Yi Mengyun’s diagnosis report.

What on earth has she been doing these past few years, and why has she contracted so many diseases?

It is expected to cost 10,000 points to repair the target.

Since it is the first time the owner uses it, it is free.

It will cost 0 points to repair the object Yi Mengyun.

Under repair……

Note: [Body Repair Panel] cannot repair people’s mental illnesses.


The subject Yi Mengyun’s body has been repaired!

Yi Mengyun felt the changes in her body with some incredulity.

The pain in my stomach suddenly disappeared.

The physical fatigue is also gone.

The body is also full of strength

“Brother Ye Xiao, what’s going on?”

Yi Mengyun’s face became much rosier.

She seemed to be more energetic.

Her clear and beautiful eyes looked at Ye Xiao curiously.

She asked him doubtfully

“My special ability.”

Ye Xiao smiled softly at Yi Mengyun.

“Hehe~~My brother Ye Xiao is so awesome~~”

Yi Mengyun put her little head against Ye Xiao’s chest.

Rubbing together as intimately as a little pup

“Believe it?”

Ye Xiao smiled.

“Of course~~I believe whatever Brother Ye Xiao says~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled sweetly at Ye Xiao

“Is there any discomfort in your body?”

Ye Xiao said with gentle concern.


Yi Mengyun shook her head.

The props given by this system are really amazing.

Ye Xiao secretly admired them in his heart

“Have you had breakfast?”

Ye Xiao asked Yi Mengyun


Yimengyun replied obediently.

“You girl, why don’t you know how to eat breakfast? Come on, I’ll take you to eat what I think is the best wonton on this street.”

“I know you have loved wontons since you were a child.”

Ye Xiao slowly put down Yi Mengyun, and then gently touched her little head.

“Yeah, okay, okay~~”

Yi Mengyun hugged Ye Xiao’s arm affectionately.

Not the slightest bit of restraint.

On the contrary, he looks very skilled.

This made Ye Xiao feel a little surprised.

Haven’t I seen this girl for more than five years?

Why are you so intimate when we first meet?

I can’t feel any sense of distance at all.

Could it be that this girl was also reborn?……

Ye Xiao speculated in his mind.

The two came to Wanlixiang Wonton Shop.

Ye Xiao was sitting opposite Yi Mengyun, watching her eat wontons.

“Is it tasty?”

Ye Xiao asked


Yi Mengyun nodded.

Then she scooped up a piece of wonton with a spoon and blew it several times.

Then she stuck out her tongue and tested its temperature.

After finding that it was still a little hot, she blew it again.

After blowing it for a few times, she brought the wontons to Ye Xiao and said softly to him:”Brother Ye Xiao, come on, I blew it, it’s not hot at all. Try it too~~”

After seeing Yi Mengyun bring wontons to him.

Suddenly, the image of Yi Mengyun feeding his corpse in the previous life appeared in Ye Xiao’s mind.

I can’t help but feel heartache


Ye Xiao said crisply.

Then he ate the wontons that Yi Mengyun brought to him.

Watching Ye Xiao eat them obediently and swallow them,

Yi Mengyun was very excited.~~

“Xiaoyun, how have you been spending the past five years since I left? Can you tell me about it?”

Ye Xiao asked curiously.

Before he exited the subway, he heard the people coming in saying that there was a girl outside looking for someone, and she also vomited blood…….

When Ye Xiao got out of the subway exit, he saw Yi Mengyun lying on the ground.

Then she understood that the person she was looking for was him.

Could it be that in the past five years, she……Keep looking for me again? after.

Yi Mengyun told Ye Xiao all her experiences in the past five years.

Ye Xiao was surprised after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Yi Mengyun suffered so much because of his leaving without saying goodbye.

This is probably why she suffers from so many diseases.

I didn’t eat well, didn’t sleep well, and still felt so anxious and tired every day…….

Ye Xiao felt even more guilty towards Yi Mengyun…….

“That day, I was pressed for time, so I didn’t have time to say goodbye to you…….”

Ye Xiao looked at Yi Mengyun with an apologetic look.


Ye Xiao apologized to Yi Mengyun for leaving without saying goodbye in her second year of high school.

I saw Yi Mengyun coming to Ye Xiao’s side.

Then he gently pulled him into his arms

“I forgive brother Ye Xiao, but brother Ye Xiao can never leave me again in the future.”

“Do you understand?”

When Yi Mengyun said this, her attitude was a bit tough.

There was even a commanding tone in it.

“Well, I get it.”

Ye Xiao nodded obediently.

He didn’t think much about it.

PS: Please kneel down and ask for data! Please give me flowers, please give me evaluation votes, and please give me monthly votes!!!

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