Then Yi Mengyun took out two ropes from her pocket.

She first came to Wang Defa’s seat.

Just when I was about to tie him up

“Miss Yi, what are you doing?”

Wang Long and Wang Defa asked in confusion.

“Of course he’s tied to a chair~~”

Yimengyun Qingjudo

“Uh, what then? Wang

Long said doubtfully

“Then I will punish you well~~If I don’t tie you up, you will definitely move around.~~”

Yi Mengyun pursed her lips, looking cute~~

“Punish us?”

The two of them looked puzzled.

Why are we being punished?

“OK~~”Yi Mengyun nodded lightly, and then said to the two of them:”You have done so many very bad things to my brother Ye Xiao~ Of course I will punish you well.~~”

“Miss Yi, we didn’t do anything to Ye Xiao.”

Wang Long argued

“Wow~ You still don’t admit it, how bad!”

Yi Mengyun angrily dodged her little feet.

Her pink sneakers clicked on the tiles.

“Miss Yi, it’s so late, you’d better go home quickly and get some rest early.”

Wang Defa stood up from his seat and said to Yi Mengyun

“You guys are really disobedient~”

Yi Mengyun pouted and accused the two of them.

“Miss Yi, okay, let me take you home.”

Wang Long also stood up.

“Since you are so disobedient, I can only use special methods.~~”

After finishing speaking, Yi Mengyun took out her mobile phone

【Stop panel].

Time stop objects: Wang Long and Wang Defa.

Stop time: one hour…………

Stop and start!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Long and Wang Defa became like puppets, motionless.


Yi Mengyun smiled happily.

Then he pushed the two of them back to their seats.

Then they were tied up with ropes.

Wait until the two people are tied to the chair.

Only then did Yi Mengyun untie the two of them.

? ? ?

The two looked at each other in astonishment. how…Why were you tied up all of a sudden?

“Miss Yi, stop joking with us and help us untie the rope quickly.”

Wang Long moved, then looked at Yi Mengyun and smiled at her.

“I’m serious~ I’m not joking with you.~~”

Yi Mengyun tilted her head and looked at Wang Long sincerely.

“Miss Yi, what exactly are you planning to do to us?”

Wang Defa asked


Yi Mengyun pursed her lips~~

“You want to sow discord between me and brother Ye Xiao, so the nature is very bad.~”

“I want you to understand that it is very painful for a very important person to be hurt~~ so that you will not hurt me and my brother Ye Xiao again in the future.~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled sweetly~~ then looked at Wang Defa with disgusting beautiful eyes, and said coldly:”On the first day when brother Ye Xiao brought me to the company~~ I realized~~ the way you looked at me was very dirty and dirty. Dirty~~”

“It’s really disgusting~I even want to vomit~~”

Yi Mengyun recalled that Wang Defa stared at her with dirty eyes from time to time that day.

As soon as she thought of that disgusting sight, Yi Mengyun felt nauseated.

“I……, which boy wouldn’t be moved when seeing a girl like you? Is it wrong for me to take a second look at you when you are so beautiful?”

Wang Defa still spoke confidently.

“So disgusting, so disgusting……”

Yi Mengyun’s face was full of disgust and disgust.

Then. vomit~~~~

I vomited immediately!

Vomited all over Wang Defa.

There is a sour smell


Wang Defa got a little angry and actually vomited all over him……

“I didn’t allow you to look at me with such a dirty look!!!”

Yi Mengyun wiped her mouth.

Then she stared at Wang Defa coldly.

“I only allow my brother Ye Xiao to look at me like this~~”

Yi Mengyun tilted her head.

Brother Ye Xiao, who was imagining her in his mind, looked at her like this……

Her whole body became extremely excited~~ Her little face began to turn a little red~~

A silly smile appeared on her face~~

“What exactly do you want to do?”

Wang Defa asked

“I want you to never look at me with that mean look again.~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled sickly and picked up the scissors on the table.

Then he stabbed Wang Defa’s lower body mercilessly!

Wang Defa was dumbfounded!

Wang Long was shocked!


“Ah ah ah ah ah——————!!!”

Wang Defa let out a miserable cry!

Blood continued to flow from his lower body. ps: Please give me flowers…….

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