“Xiaoyun, you have a nosebleed.”

After Ye Xiao noticed it, he took out a tissue from his pocket with a nervous look on his face.

Then he helped her wipe away the nosebleed near the center of the body.

“Hehe~~I’m so excited~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled foolishly~~

“Stay calm and don’t get too excited, otherwise you’ll get another nosebleed.”

Ye Xiao said with gentle concern.

Then he stuffed some tissues into Yi Mengyun’s nostrils.

“Okay~ Husband~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled happily at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao smiled softly.

Facing such a sweet and gentle voice as Yi Mengyun.

His heart was also warm. very happy.

Everyone seems to have forgotten the crazy thing Yi Mengyun did last night……

“Hee hee~”

Yi Mengyun smiled brightly~ and then.


She stood on tiptoes and kissed Ye Xiao gently on the mouth~~

“You girl, why are you not ashamed at all?”

Ye Xiao gave her a gentle look.

“Hehe~~Because I love my husband so much~~”

After she finished speaking, she boldly pecked Ye Xiao on the face~~ without looking around at all���Passengers take it seriously……………………………………………….

The two came to the company.

Although they were late, no one in the company dared to blame them.

The two held hands like this and walked into the company intimately.

After meeting the two of them, project manager Zhao Youcheng said hello with a smiling face.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

After Wang Long came to the company

“Xiaoyun, let me go and talk to Wang Long about resigning.”

Ye Xiao said to Yi Mengyun beside him.

“Uh-huh~~Let’s go~~”

Yi Mengyun held Ye Xiao’s arm tightly.

Give him a sweet smile~

“Xiaoyun, why don’t you stay where you are? I’ll be back soon after I finish speaking.”

Ye Xiao said

“Of course not~ I don’t want to be separated from Brother Ye Xiao~~”

Yi Mengyun looked at Ye Xiao with little attachment eyes and said in a tough tone~

“I……Let’s talk to him in the past later.”

Ye Xiao didn’t expect that Yi Mengyun was going to go there too.

It’s just a few steps, can’t she accept being separated for such a short time?……

If Yi Mengyun and Wang Long were allowed to meet up close.

Ye Xiao was afraid that Yi Mengyun would do something extreme.

At that time, Zhang Tianba only caused him a little skin injury.

I was treated so cruelly by Yi Mengyun…….

Then Wang Long, the mastermind behind the scenes……

Ye Xiao didn’t dare to think any more.

So he originally planned to find an opportunity to avoid Yi Mengyun, and then go to Wang Long to explain the matter clearly.

“It’s okay~ Brother Ye Xiao~ He won’t dare to bully you as long as I’m here.~~”

“Let’s go quickly~~”

Before Ye Xiao could react.

Yi Mengyun has already dragged Ye Xiao to the general manager’s office.

Ye Xiao had no choice but to take one step at a time………………………….

General Manager’s Office

“Xiaoxiao, you……Is there anything?”

Wang Long glanced at Yi Mengyun who was clinging to Ye Xiao’s side.

Then he asked Ye Xiao politely.

He was still wondering if the two of them were here because of what happened last night…….

“Hello~ My brother Ye Xiao is resigning.~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled slightly and spoke out for Ye Xiao first.

Ci…Job! ?

Wang Long said in surprise


Ye Xiao nodded.

“Xiaoxiao, why is this so sudden? Are you dissatisfied with your salary? still? Wang

Long asked Ye Xiao

“No, but I have other plans.”

Ye Xiao didn’t tell the real reason.

Because Yi Mengyun was by his side.

If he mentioned what happened at the barbecue restaurant last night, it would be difficult for Ye Xiao to guarantee that Yi Mengyun could stay calm.

“Okay, then Xiaoyun and I will leave first.”

Ye Xiao took Yi Mengyun’s hand.

When she was about to leave,

“Miss Yi, do you want to go with you?”

Wang Long asked

“You are so stupid~~I came here just because brother Ye Xiao works here~~”

“Once my brother Ye Xiao leaves, how can I still stay here?~~”

Yi Mengyun tilted her head.

Looking at Wang Long with an indifferent expression


After hearing that Yi Mengyun was leaving.

Wang Longxin became anxious.

This own son has not yet captured Yimeng Yun.

If he lets her go, how can he still have a chance to get in touch with her?

How can they make their family prosperous in the future?

“Xiaoxiao, isn’t it because of what happened yesterday? What happened yesterday really has nothing to do with me. You also know that I value you very much. How could I deliberately find someone to plot against you? The little girl who went to bed last night must have listened to other people’s slander, so she said that..”

Wang Long explained.

Just after Wang Long finished speaking, the temperature in the office dropped sharply.

A trace of cold air emanated from Yi Mengyun’s body.

It made people shiver unconsciously.

Her cold eyes stared straight at Looking at Wang Long with a weird smile on his face, the hair on Wang Long’s body stood up!

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