“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to call the police? Still want to protect your girlfriend?”

“Her behavior is extremely bad. Such a person would be very dangerous in this society.”

Liu Gao and Chen Xu said to Ye Xiao

“I can control her so that she doesn’t continue to hurt people in the future.”

Ye Xiao said to the two of them.

“after? She has now hurt my friend, so she must accept legal sanctions! Liu and Gao pointed at the miserable Zhang Tianba and said to Ye Xiao seriously.


Ye Xiao suddenly smiled coldly

“why are you laughing? Did we say it wrong?”

The two people were dissatisfied.

“What qualifications do you have to say such things? Extremely bad behavior? In this case, you are also dangerous people, right?”

“Why are we dangerous?”

“Doesn’t it count to hurt someone with a beer bottle? Doesn’t it count to intimidate others? Does molesting a girl not count? Haha, if I tell the police what you have done, you will also be punished by law.”

“Are you threatening us?”

The two accused Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao shook his head, then pointed at Zhang Tianba beside him, and said to the two of them:”I can help you cure him, and you, I hope you can just ignore it. happened before”

“Even if you can really cure him, we still have to call the police! Your girlfriend’s behavior is much worse than ours. This kind of person must be put in jail for more than ten years.”

“Don’t even think about protecting prisoners!”

The two said to Ye Xiao


Ye Xiao lowered his head and smiled coldly….

“You don’t know what I have been through with her. I really cherish her…….so……”

“I can only use my own method. Originally, I didn’t plan to delete the memories in other people’s minds casually, but now it seems I have to do this…….”

Ye Xiao smiled lightly.

Then I opened the [Memory Index Panel] that can add, delete, and modify people’s memory.

He knew this behavior was deeply unfair to the victim.

I also know that Yi Mengyun should have shouldered the legal consequences for her extremely bad and hurtful behavior.

After all, she is alive……Cut off someone’s arm……

Ye Xiao was shocked when he thought of Zhang Tianba’s appearance.

But he couldn’t bring himself to let Yi Mengyun be sentenced…….

Before marrying Li, Ye Xiao chose the former.

Then, he used the [Memory Index Panel] to add new memories to the two of them, and first asked them to leave the house and go outside. If they were allowed to stay in the house, after deleting the memories, the two of them would see Zhang Tianba’s misery in their minds. look like.

Since the memory index panel is mandatory.

So the two went out quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiao immediately deleted the memories of what happened tonight in their minds.

In this way, the two of them forgot what Yi Mengyun did tonight…….

Finally, Ye Xiao used the [Body Repair Panel].

Zhang Tianba’s body was repaired.

After Zhang Tianba woke up.

His whole body was shaking and his eyes were full of fear. He said in a panic:”Madman”…madman……don’t cut me…don’t cut me……”

The image of Yi Mengyun slashing him with a kitchen knife was still deeply imprinted in his mind.

It made him have a mental breakdown

“She is no longer here and your body is fine.”

Ye Xiao said to him


Zhang Tianba looked around with a trembling voice, and then asked Ye Xiao cautiously.

Seeing how scared he looked, Ye Xiao knew that he must have been tortured a lot.


Ye Xiao nodded.

“my arm…….Wasn’t he chopped by her?……”

Zhang Tianba looked at the arms that were growing on his body in surprise.

“Let me tell you, she is really a lunatic!”


“You, are you Ye Xiao?”

Zhang Tianba asked Ye Xiao


Ye Xiao nodded.

“Hiss, you’d better leave your girlfriend as soon as possible!!!”

“You will be killed by her sooner or later! So scary!”

“By the way, I almost forgot, I want to call the police! I want the police to arrest this crazy woman!”

Maybe he was overly frightened.

It made Zhang Tianba look a little crazy at this time.!!!

After hearing that Zhang Tianba wanted to call the police,

Ye Xiao’s expression immediately became serious.

“Where is the mobile phone?……Where is the mobile phone?……I want to call the police……”

Zhang Tianba stood up.

He looked for his cell phone in a panic.

After seeing the mobile phone on the table.

He looked happy.

Then came to the table.

I picked up my phone and was about to call the police.


My mind is blank!

Immediately afterwards.

What happened at night?

What am I doing?

“Ye Xiao? What are you doing at my house?”

Zhang Tianba looked at Ye Xiao at home with a surprised look on his face.

“Nothing, I’m leaving first.”

Ye Xiao smiled faintly at him.

After saying that, he left.

Hey, forget this tragic memory…….

Ye Xiao secretly said in his heart……………………………… ps: The little author doesn’t ask for any money./(ㄒoㄒ)/~~I just ask all the readers who are still following me to let me know in the comment area that I am not single-player./(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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