When Zhang Tianba came to his senses, he found that he was tied up!

“Gaozi, Xuzi, come here and help me untie the rope!”

Zhang Tianba shouted loudly to the two of them.

But the two of them remained motionless.

“Mad, are you deaf?”

Zhang Tianba was a little angry.

These two bastards actually ignored him.

“It’s useless~~The two of them can’t move for the time being.~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled at Zhang Tianba and said

“What did you do to them?”

Zhang Tianba asked Yi Mengyun

“I can’t talk to you anymore. I have to finish punishing you quickly~ and then go back to my brother Ye Xiao.~~”

Yi Mengyun said

“What do you want to do?”

Zhang Tianba started struggling in a panic.

But his body was tied tightly and he couldn’t move at all.

Yi Mengyun didn’t speak.

Instead, she went to the kitchen.

When she came out again,

Zhang Tianba was scared. I almost peed my pants!

Holding the kitchen knife, Yi Mengyun walked step by step thinking about Zhang Tianba.

“no……you…..crazy!! Do you really want to chop my arm?”

Zhang Tianba’s face turned pale and his body began to tremble.

“of course~~”

Yi Mengyun smiled sweetly~~

But in Zhang Tianba’s eyes, her smile was full of danger!

“Why……Want to cut my arm…?”

Zhang Tianba started to tremble when he spoke in a panic


Yi Mengyun’s smile gradually stiffened.

A trace of chill erupted from her body.

The tone was sinister.

Immediately afterwards.

She suddenly grabbed Zhang Tianba’s hair.

Pulled it hard.

Pulled in front of her.

Then she glared at him with sharp eyes and said coldly:”Because you injured my most beloved brother Ye Xiao, do you think you should be punished?”

“At once……Just because of such a small wound……?”

Zhang Tianba couldn’t believe it.

Just because of the bigger fart wound, this crazy woman wants to chop off his arm? ? ?

“Not even a little bit!!!”

Yi Mengyun had a fierce look on her face, which was in huge contrast to her youthful appearance!

Then, with a bang, she slapped Zhang Tianba hard on the face.

“Do you know how much I feel sorry for my brother Ye Xiao?!! After seeing him injured and bleeding, my chest hurt as if it had been torn open!”

“I will not allow my brother Ye Xiao to be harmed in any way! Not even a little bit!”

“And you actually don’t have the slightest remorse in your heart!”

“You should personally cut off the arm you used to attack Brother Ye Xiao to apologize to my Brother Ye Xiao!”

Yi Mengyun looked crazy.

No trace of reason could be seen on her face.

“madman……you are a madman……”

Zhang Tianba was shocked by Yi Mengyun’s extremely sick look at this time.

I felt extremely regretful.

If I had known earlier I wouldn’t have taken this order.

Then you won’t meet such a crazy woman!

“madman……? Hahahaha……”


“I am not crazy at all, but I love my brother Ye Xiao so much.~~”

“So that outsiders like you can’t understand~ My love for Brother Ye Xiao is so strong that it’s about to explode.~~”

“But it doesn’t matter~ Just accept my punishment obediently.~~”

An extremely twisted smile bloomed on Yimeng Yun’s pretty face.


“don’t want! No!!!”

Zhang Tianba desperately begged for mercy.

But Yi Mengyun’s expression showed no trace of mercy except indifference!

The kitchen knife in her hand just swung towards Zhang Tianba’s right arm without delay!


Zhang Tianba was in heartbreaking pain!

His eyes were full of fear for Yi Mengyun, who still had a weird smile on her face!……………………………….

“Um……As for you two?~~”

Yi Mengyun put her slender fingers in front of her lips.

He looked at Liu Gao and Chen Xu with cute expressions.

Then he took out his mobile phone and untied the time stop between the two of them.

After the two of them can move their bodies.

I saw Yi Mengyun in front of me with blood on her face and a kitchen knife in her hand…….

Suddenly, I was shocked!

Then, the next second.

Making them even more frightened!

Not far away, Zhang Tianba was lying on the ground dying……. right arm……right arm……It’s gone!!!

The two of them were terrified.

The legs went weak for a moment.

They all collapsed on the ground

“His punishment is over~~It’s time…”

“It’s your turn~~”

Yi Mengyun tilted her head with a sweet smile on her face~~

The two people on the ground were so frightened that they couldn’t help but step back.

“us……We didn’t do anything……”

Watching the crazy woman in front of me holding a kitchen knife, she kept approaching.

The two were horrified.

Liu Gao was so frightened that his pants got wet. ps: Please give me flowers and tickets!

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