After Kicking Ming Ye, He Cried and Begged Me To Hug Him Every Night!

Chapter 152: The second master came to No. 1 Middle School and was shriveled everywhere 1

   Chapter 152 Second Master Comes to No. 1 Middle School

   Air stiffness and condensation.

   Almost everyone looked at the fifth grade list as if struck by lightning.

   The first row is especially dazzling.

   The name that belonged to Ji Luowei, which was unbearable in the past, was replaced by Shengyi.

   The kindness of the poor class? !

   Not only that, but looking at the second grade, he is the study committee member of the poor class.

   And the three names that continue down are actually the representatives of the three classes of the poor class.

   "How is this possible?!" The class leader of class 1 exclaimed, "Is the report card faulty? All the top five in the grade are in class ten?"

   Is this really scarier than a ghost story?

   Ji Luowei's face twisted for a moment, he actually fell from the first to the sixth?

   The first five students in class 1 couldn't believe what they saw!

   They are a class, how could they be crushed by the poor class?

   Class 10 looked at each other, not daring to breathe because of the weird atmosphere.

   When they saw the ranking, they immediately thought of what they said confidently and proudly to them.

  ——No one dares to joke that the top three of the grade are in the tenth class.

   Actually, they are really in their class!

   And not only the top three in the grade, but also the top five in the grade.


at the same time.

   The big office of the head teacher.

   The head teacher of each class turned on the computer at the same time and waited to read the report card.

  The results uniformed by the marking team will be recorded on the LED screen as soon as possible, and they are only now receiving the documents.

   "This time the test questions are quite difficult. It is estimated that the average score will drop a lot." The head teacher of the second class said, looking at the transcript of his class, "Sure enough, our class lost 200 average points."

   "Our class too." The other head teachers laughed bitterly, "It's too violent, but it's normal. This time the whole subject exam questions are all tricky and big questions from the capital. Our Haicheng is a little behind, and it is inevitable that we will step back."

   "Mr. Li, is your class divided evenly?" The dean of the school stood in the aisle, "Your class should still be able to maintain six hundred."

   The first thing Li Dan saw was the average grade of the class, 410 points.

   The elder, whose face drooped instantly, did not reply to the dean's words, but looked at Teacher Cheng who was staring at the computer screen in a daze.

   "I remember that the average score of the tenth class is only 150. Everyone in the monthly exam has dropped it. Your class probably won't have 100?"

   The other head teachers looked at Teacher Cheng with sympathy.

  Teacher Cheng wiped his eyes, wiped them again, and was speechless.

   The dean of the school came over curiously to take a look, and was dumbfounded on the spot.

   "Four hundred and two?"

   "Is there something wrong with the eyes." Li Dan rolled his eyes in disdain,

   "Our class is only four hundred and one, and the poor class can be four hundred and two?!"

   She narrowed her eyes, and as she spoke, she clicked the next page to see the class ranking.

   Looking at Ji Luowei in the first row, the corner of her mouth curled up proudly, but when she saw the number 6 in the grade ranking, her face was shocked.

   Ji Luowei is the first in the class report card, which means that he has the highest score in a class, but his grade rank is 6.

   This means that the top five in the grade are not in the class.

   "Mr. Li, the top five in the grade are not in your class?" The fourth head teacher peeped at Li Dan's computer, and his jaw was so shocked that he couldn't close it.

  Li Dan curled his lips, "The marking team made a mistake and is not rigorous."

   The dean said quietly, "Mr. Li, it's not that the marking team is not rigorous, it's that the top five in the grade are in the tenth class."

   "What?!" The other head teachers pointed their heads to look at the tenth class, and then went quiet as if their throats were blocked.

  Teacher Cheng finally came back to his senses, raised his head dazedly, and grinned at Li Dan, "I'm sorry, our class was too ambitious and accidentally surpassed yours."

  Li Dan rushed over with a stride, staring at the grades of Class 10, his face became extremely ugly.

   This time the result was unexpected.

  The tenth class was at the bottom of the average grade every time, but this time it rushed to the front of the first class.

In addition to not handing in blank papers in the past and present, compared to the previous zero points, Chinese 1, mathematics 1, English 1, and comprehensive 4, the total score is 7 points, which is still firmly in the bottom one, but considering the historical achievements of the past and present, it is also a kind of Reasonable progress.

   The rest of the tenth class were incredible, they all entered the top 100 of the grade.

  Shengyi's first place result was particularly eye-catching. With a total score of 750, she actually got 715!

   Ji Luowei was only 690.

  Gu Niannian ranked 680 in the top three, and was also surpassed by the representatives of the ten math classes.

   Even Shen Jiashu, who was studying in vocational high school before, with a total history score of less than 300, has made rapid progress. He scored 430 in the test, and his personal score was almost a passing score.

   This time, the tenth class was too powerful, comparable to the rise of a dark horse, and gave the whole high school a huge surprise.

   "Do you think this result is reasonable?" Li Dan slapped the table and became cold and angry.

   "Class 10 barely passed the normal weekly test. How could it be so good in this Beijing test paper?"

   She pointed to the report card, "This grand, and Chen Tian, ​​the study committee member of your class, their previous grades were the last in our class, and now they can get the first and second place in the test, I'm a fool!"

   Teacher Cheng's expression darkened, "What do you mean, you want to slander my students for plagiarism?"

   The dean frowned, "Although it's surprising that Class 10 got this result, but the exam questions this time are from the capital. Your class is not as good as Class 10. Where can they copy."

   "This grade ten class will never be tested, there must be an inside story." Li Dan plausibly said,

   "I asked to call the top five of the tenth grade, check the monitoring one by one, and ask clearly."


  Big screen here.

   "There must be something wrong with the system." A group was making trouble there,

   "How could the top five in the grade not be our class?"

  The tenth class were shocked at first, but they also reacted later.

   They have progressed so fast, mostly because of the review materials given to the Beijing High School in the past and present.

   They just read it for two days, and when they write it, they will naturally feel guilty.

   This kind of feeling is like, when I listen to the class, I feel that I understand everything, I write the questions confidently, and find that I am completely wrong.

   They also thought that this monthly exam would be the same, but who knew it was true.

   So when Class One was questioned, Class Ten was not happy.

   "You didn't do well in the exam yourself, you blame the system." Qin Zhe sneered coldly,

   "Can't accept that the top three in the grade are in our class? Sorry, the top five are in our class this time!"

   The tenth class was so frustrating before, but now it is so refreshing.

   The first class was so cool before, but now there are many red faces.

   Ji Luowei covered his face, and the words of the past and present rang in his ears.

   - Cherish it, this is your last time.

A prophecy!

  Gu Niannian's face is not good-looking, her score has been stable in the top three, and now she has been pushed to eighth by class ten.

   "Class 10 can take the exam so well, isn't it a cheat sheet?" Other classes whispered, who can believe this span.

   The poor shift at the bottom ran to the front of the first shift.

   and making a cheat sheet also gave the first class an excuse to save their respect.

   They began to question ten class plagiarism.

   Class 10 was so angry that they scolded class 1.

   At this time, the broadcast informs the top five of the grade to go to the Academic Affairs Office.

   "It seems that the school also thinks that you plagiarized and asked you to go to the examination. What else do you have to say?" Ji Luowei sneered.

   The ten classmates looked at each other in dismay, but at the first moment, they all looked at the past and present.

   Their backbone.

   (end of this chapter)

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