Ye Qiubai and the Maori uncle’s family led by Moriya Teiji to the backyard behind the building, where many women had already arrived, and there were a lot of desserts on the table, looking happy.

“What a hearty dessert, I’ll go first.” Xiao Ke immediately cheered when he saw so many desserts, and flew over with the magic card.

Ye Qiubai was not interested in desserts, and walked in after Moriya Emperor Two.

“Come, you’re welcome, you guys are here to spend the afternoon.” After Moriya Teiji led everyone into the backyard, he said with a smile.

“Wow, that’s beautiful, are these all handmade snacks?” Xiao Lan saw the snacks on the table and asked.

“Of course, the formal afternoon tea party should of course serve guests with handmade dim sum.” You’re welcome, try to use it. Moriya Teiji said with a smile.

“Hearing his words, I remembered the saying that fresh ingredients should of course be cooked in the most simple way.” Ye Qiubai heard the words of Emperor Sengu and said to Xiao Ke on the side.

“Good, this snack tastes really good.” Xiao Ke said with satisfaction.

“This snack is delicious.” Xiaolan picked up a biscuit and took a bite of it, admiringly.

“If you like it, in this case, I will pay for the effort I put in it last night.” Moriya Teiji said with a smile.

“Professor, you still cook?” Hearing Moriya Teiji’s words, someone immediately praised.

Hearing this woman’s admiration, Moriya Teiji turned around and said: “I’m still single, all the snacks placed here today, whether it is sandwiches or biscuits or something, are made by me, my personality is like this, if you don’t make it yourself, you won’t worry.” ”

“Those beautiful buildings were born because of this spirit, right?” Hearing Moriya Teiji’s words, the people around him immediately praised it.

“In fact, it can also be understood as the helplessness of single dogs.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“Xiaobai, don’t talk nonsense.” Xiao Lan immediately whispered.

“Don’t worry, they won’t hear it.” Ye Qiubai said.

When Moriya heard the praise of others, he immediately said, “If I don’t have the conditions for beauty, I can’t agree that it’s architecture.” It shows that many young architects lack a sense of beauty at all, and it is right that they must pay a stronger sense of responsibility for their work. ”

“Professor Moriya’s so-called beauty refers to left-right symmetry, right?” Ye Qiubai asked with a smile.

“Yes, in my opinion, symmetry is the real beauty.” Moriya Teiji nodded and said.

“Actually, I know someone who is also an absolute symmetricist, and you must have a lot to talk about. However, he has already been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, and you probably have no chance to get to know each other. Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“Brother Xiaobai, why is that person in a mental hospital?” Conan asked curiously.

“Because that man has become paranoid about symmetry, he demands symmetry in everything he sees. For example, he can’t drive a car, do you know why? Ye Qiubai asked Conan.

“Why?” Conan asked curiously.

“Because there is only one side of the steering wheel in front of the car, and the other side does not, it is asymmetrical, and he can’t drive, so he can only travel by bicycle.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Huh…” Conan immediately didn’t know what to say when he heard this.

When Emperor Moriya heard Ye Qiubai’s words, he immediately felt that he must be very chatty with that person. However, because that person has been admitted to a mental hospital, he is not easy to ask, otherwise others will also treat him as mentally ill.

Moriya Teiji forcibly changed the topic, looked at Uncle Maori and said, “By the way, Detective Māori, I want to ask you a question, is it okay?” ”

“Ask me questions?” Hearing Moriya Teiji’s words, Uncle Maori said with some hesitation.

So many people asked him questions in front of him, wouldn’t it be a shame if he couldn’t answer it?

“Well, I recently wanted to help a company run by three people to figure out a network passcode, and since you are a detective Maori Kogoro, you should be able to solve it immediately.” Moriya Teiji said with a smile.

Hearing Moriya Teiji’s words, the people around looked at Uncle Maori in surprise. Uncle Maori is still very famous in the eastern capital with the help of Conan, plus this is the Conan world, and the status of detectives is very high, so after knowing that this is Maori Kogoro, they all looked over.

“That’s right, please say it.” Uncle Maori saw that everyone around him was looking at him, straightened his suit, and said with a smile.

“That’s great, this is the information of those three people, and the pass instruction is a noun formed by the three of them, and there are five hiragana in total.” Moriya Teiji smiled and took out a wad of paper, handed one of them to Uncle Maori and said.

Moriya Teiji handed another piece of paper to Xiaolan and said, “Miss Xiaolan also come and try it.” ”

“Good.” Xiaolan took the paper and said.

“Mr. Ye, let’s try it too.” Moriya Emperor II handed a piece of paper to Ye Qiubai and said.

“I don’t know anything about reasoning, and it’s a waste of time to show me. It’s better for me to eat more dessert when I have this time. Ye Qiubai smiled and refused.

“Okay, the time limit is three minutes, come, everyone here will also think about it.” Moriya Teiji said with a smile.

Ye Qiubai did not care about these people, but came to Uncle Maori and took a piece of cake and ate it.

After thinking about it, Uncle Maori didn’t come up with it in the end, and neither did the others present.

“It’s Momotaro.” At this moment, Conan suddenly shouted.

Just as Conan finished shouting, Ye Qiubai walked to Conan’s side, hammered a punch on Conan’s head, and then lifted him up and threw it to Xiaolan and said: “Xiaolan, take care of this little ghost, don’t let him talk nonsense.” ”

After throwing Conan, Ye Qiubai looked at Moriya Diji and said: “Professor Moriya, I’m sorry, this little devil will talk nonsense, this is also because my uncle has no time to care about him, which makes him so uneducated, don’t mind.” ”

“It’s okay.” Moriya Teiji waved his hand, then came to Conan and asked, “Little friend, can you tell me why it’s Momotaro?” ”

“Because the birth dates of these three people are separated by one year, and these three years are monkeys, chickens, and dogs, which are Momotaro’s partners.” Conan covered his head and explained.

“Little brother, since you have solved the code and given the correct answer, then I will invite you to visit my exhibition room as a reward.” Moriya Teiji said with a smile.

Seeing Conan and Xiaolan leaving with Emperor Sengu, Ye Qiubai was a little speechless.

After continuing to stay at the afternoon tea party of Emperor Moriya for two hours, Ye Qiubai and the Maori uncle family left.

Back at Uncle Maori’s house, as soon as he walked in the door, Ye Qiubai punched Conan’s head.

“Ah, it hurts.” Conan covered his head and shouted.

“Xiaobai, why are you hitting Conan again?” Xiaolan saw Ye Qiubai’s words and complained.

Ye Qiubai ignored Xiaolan, but slipped Conan up, and said angrily: “Do you little ghosts know what you are doing this afternoon?” ”

“What?” Conan asked suspiciously.

“Moriya Teiji gave a passcode, you give people reasoning, you don’t think about it before reasoning, what kind of password is that? You believe whatever others say, right? If that password is the passcode of some important place, you help him figure it out, and if he uses this password to commit a crime, you are also an accomplice, you know? Ye Qiubai said.

Xiaolan, who originally wanted to help Conan, immediately blinked her eyes and said after hearing Ye Qiubai’s words: “Xiaobai, it’s not that serious, right?” ”

“Who knows? Maybe. But don’t you think it’s strange that he came up with such a passcode? Since it is a passcode, it should be kept secret, even if you know how to reason about the pass-by-pass, it should not be said in the court, isn’t that revealing the secrets of other people’s companies? If those three people are his friends, he is so very unreasonable, if those three people are his enemies, what is he going to do with the passcode of his enemy company? Ye Qiubai said.

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