“Kidd the Thief? But the garden said it was the strange thief 1412. Xiaolan heard the name of the strange thief Kidd and said in surprise.

“Monster Thief 1412 is Monster Thief Kidd, and 1412 is his crime number. The reason why he has the name of the strange thief Kidd is because Uncle Yusaku wrote more sloppily when he wrote 1412, so he was regarded as an English kid, and it is also for this reason that the name of the strange thief Kidd is widely circulated. Ye Qiubai said.

“I didn’t expect such a reason?” Conan said in surprise.

“Actually, you and that Kudo guy met the strange thief Kidd when you were young.” Ye Qiubai said to Xiaolan.

“Hey, did we see Kidd the Thief when we were kids?” Xiaolan and Conan both said in surprise.

“Go, go, what’s the matter with you? Although you are also the son of Uncle Yusaku, you are not surnamed Kudo, don’t say that Kudo is calling you. Ye Qiubai waved his hand at Conan angrily.

“Xiaobai, tell me quickly, when did Shinichi and I meet the strange thief Kidd?” Xiaolan didn’t care about Conan at this time, but asked Ye Qiubai.

“It’s the mysterious man you met when you and Kudo ran to the school library at night, and he also claimed to be Kudo’s younger brother, and it was precisely because the birth of Kidd came from Uncle Yusaku, so the monster thief Kidd claimed to be the younger brother of that guy from Kudo.” Ye Qiubai said.

“That’s how it is.” When Xiaolan heard Ye Qiubai’s words, she finally remembered the incident when she was a child, and suddenly realized.

“But how did you know about this?” Conan Fox looked at Ye Qiubai suspiciously and asked.

“After you told me about it, I told my parents, and they told me later.” Ye Qiubai shrugged and said.

Anyway, his so-called “parents” in this world are dead, and there is no proof of death.

“By the way, you just said that the strange thief Kidd, what happened to the goods?” Ye Qiubai asked Xiaolan.

“He sent a letter to the Yuanzi family, like a code word, saying that he wanted to steal the dark stars of the Yuanzi family.” Xiaolan took out a torn letter from her bag and said.

“I’ll take a look.” Ye Qiubai said.

Xiaolan handed the letter to Ye Qiubai, took it, and Ye Qiubai read it.

“Aprilfool, when the moon separates the two men, I will hear the great name of the night star and follow the invitation of the wave to receive it. In other words, why is this letter still broken? Ye Qiubai read it out and said.

“I heard from Yuanzi that when his father received this letter, he directly tore the letter in anger, and this was still Yuanzi who secretly glued the letter afterwards.” Xiaolan said.

“Although I don’t know the specific time and place that this guy said in the letter, the time he stole something was definitely not April 1st.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“Why?” Xiao Lan asked puzzled.

“Because the beginning of the letter has already said, April Fool’s Day, so this letter is just an April Fool’s joke, and the time when he really started is definitely not April 1st, so wash and sleep, don’t pay attention to him.” After April 1st passes, we will naturally know when he plans to do it. Ye Qiubai said.

After that, Ye Qiubai urged Xiaolan: “Xiaolan, go cook quickly, I’m hungry, just waiting to eat your meal.” ”

“Okay, I’ll go cook.” Xiao Lan untied her heart and nodded with satisfaction.

After dinner, Ye Qiubai returned home and saw Xiao Ke sitting on the table eating cake.

“Xiaoke, you’re back?” Seeing Xiao Ke, Ye Qiubai said in surprise.

“yes, this time is exhausting me.” Xiao Ke said.

“Hongzi’s business is over?” Ye Qiubai said to Xiao Ke.

“Yes, the things that Hongzi refined this time are really very good gadgets.” Xiao Ke said.

Xiao Ke was not at home during this time, but was invited by Koizumi Hongko to help her refine a magic prop. Because Ye Qiubai didn’t understand magic, Koizumi Hongzi asked Xiaoke to help.

“Since you’re done, let’s take a good rest, if you need anything, just tell the red queen and let the red queen help you buy it.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Okay.” Xiao Ke nodded.

“In other words, Xiaoke, what do you think of Hongzi’s talent?” Ye Qiubai asked Xiao Ke.

“Hongzi’s magical talent is quite good, but due to the limitations of this world, Hongzi’s magic cultivation is not high. However, what does this do, you ask? Xiao Ke nodded.

“That’s right, you also know that I can’t do Kulo magic, so Kuluo should look for a suitable master, what do you think of Hongzi?” Ye Qiubai asked Xiao Ke.

“But I don’t want to be separated from you.” Xiao Ke shook his head.

“I just have this idea, and for the time being, the Kulo cards are still of great use to me, and I won’t give them to others now. It’s not nice to say, in case someone else uses kulo cards against me. Only when I no longer need the kulo cards will I transfer them to someone else. Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

Suddenly, Ye Qiubai thought of something, picked up the phone on the side, and dialed the phone number of Kuaidoujia.

“Hey, this is Kuroba’s house.” The phone was quickly connected, and the sound of Kuaidou came from the other side.

“Kuaidou, you guy is planning to attack the dark stars of the Suzuki family?” Ye Qiubai asked curiously.

“That’s right, you got it?” Kuaidou said with a smile.

“Nonsense, the second young lady of the Suzuki family is my hair, do you say I don’t know? However, I have read your teaser letter, it should be just an April Fool’s joke, right? Ye Qiubai said.

“Uh, how do you know?” Kuaidou asked curiously.

“Nonsense, didn’t you write it in the first place? However, since it was a joke, when are you going to do it? Ye Qiubai asked Kuaidou.

“Why are you asking this?” Kuaidou asked puzzled.

“Nonsense, of course I helped you, can I still harm you?” Ye Qiubai said.

“I plan to start on the Sally Beth on April 19, when the Suzuki Foundation celebrates its 60th anniversary.” Kuaidou said.

“So it’s at sea?” Ye Qiubai asked.

“yes.” Kuaidou said cheerfully.

“You can do your best, it’s an iron coffin at sea, how are you going to leave?” Don’t tell me just rely on your broken glide. In your style, you will definitely be informed of your husband, there will inevitably be helicopter cruises, and in the city because of the building shelter is not conducive to tracking, but at sea, you are a live target. Ye Qiubai said angrily.

“Don’t worry, I’ll arrange a way out.” Kuaidou said.

“Forget it, let me come, it just so happens that my laboratory has developed an underwater mini high-speed submarine, and you will leave the water at that time.” I’ll take a look tomorrow, and I’ll tell you about the retreat plan then. Ye Qiubai said.

“In other words, why are you so eager to arrange a way out for me?” Kuaidou asked suspiciously.

“No way, I need you to accompany me to act in a play then.” Ye Qiubai said.

“What kind of play?” Kuaidou asked puzzled.

“Fight with me, you don’t know, because I can play flying cards, and the search three lessons even suspect that I am you.” So, I need you to reveal your identity when the time comes, and then fight me. In that case, you will inevitably be exposed to the public, and of course I need to give you a good way out. And fight with me, in the future, I will also blend into the team of Officer Nakamori to help you go undercover.” Ye Qiubai said.

“A fight with you? Big brother, don’t make trouble, okay? With your unscientific power, I can’t die there if I fight you?” Hearing Ye Qiubai’s request, a terrified voice came from the other side of the phone.

“Anla, Anla, you put on the Kidd suit I gave you at that time, and when the time comes, you will give the control to the red queen, let the red queen operate, and I will also cooperate with you.” Ye Qiubai said.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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