In fact, Kasuga Teruhiko’s father did not intend to take revenge, but his wife, Kasuga Teruhiko’s mother, had been blowing pillow wind, and Kasuga Tsuhiko’s father agreed.

After knowing that the other party sent killers to kill him, Ye Qiubai did not intend to let them go.

However, in order to have an alibi, Ye Qiubai specially contacted Officer Twilight to come to the Metropolitan Police Department when the killer attacked today, as long as the other party was in the Metropolitan Police Department when he died, this is the most perfect alibi.

“Red Queen, how is that killer now?” Ye Qiubai asked.

With Ye Qiubai’s questioning, the killer’s surveillance picture appeared on Ye Qiubai’s glasses.

After that killer shot today, he was targeted by the red queen and has been monitoring.

After all, the Kasuga Foundation invited the killer to contact by phone, and the identity of the killer Ye Qiubai really did not know, and it was confirmed after the killer shot today.

“After the red queen, inject him with nanobots, let him kill me tomorrow, and then be caught, and after being caught, commit suicide.” Ye Qiubai said to Honghou.

“Received.” The red queen said.

With the words of the red queen, the killer in front of him suddenly passed out, and the next moment a person wearing a wasp suit actually appeared in the room. The wasp warrior removed a small box from his waist, then enlarged the box, took out a syringe from it, stuck it in the killer’s neck, and injected the nanorobot into it.

After injecting the nanorobot, the wasp warrior put away the syringe and storage box, then shrunk in an instant and disappeared.

Early the next morning, Ye Qiubai left the Metropolitan Police Department and began to appear on the street with swagger, and began to stroll on the street.

After walking around for two hours, nothing turned out.

When Ye Qiubai came to the Mihua Shopping Street according to the plan, the Red Queen controlled the killer to shoot Ye Qiubai.

Ye Qiubai took out the sword and slashed it out, splitting the bullet that the killer attacked in half.

Immediately after that, another bullet attacked, and Ye Qiubai once again split the bullet.

Then Ye Qiubai hid behind the building on the side, so that the sniper could not see him.

After waiting for a few minutes, Officer Takagi and Officer Chiba rushed over, looked at Ye Qiubai with concern and asked; “Xiaobai, are you all right?”

“I’m fine, Brother Takagi, Brother Chiba, that killer has been subdued, let’s go up and take a look.” Ye Qiubai pointed to a building and said.

“Already subdued?” Takagi said in surprise.

“That’s right.” Ye Qiubai took out the tablet and showed it to Gao Mu.

The first thing on the tablet was a top-down view, and soon the drone quickly descended to the roof of a building, where a man was dismantling a sniper rifle. Then a line was launched from the drone, stunting the killer.

“Xiaobai, do you still have weapons in your drone?” Takagi asked in surprise.

“Only a stun gun was installed.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

Of course, there are not only stun guns on the drone, but also laser weapons, of course, this cannot be said.

After Ye Qiubai came to the rooftop with Takagi and Qianye, they saw four drones circling here, guarding the killer.

After Takagi took out the handcuffs and handcuffed the killer, he took the killer down with Chiba, along with the killer’s weapon.

When Officer Twilight knew that he had successfully caught the killer, he also drove over, took evidence at the scene, and led the team back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Ye Qiubai didn’t know what happened after that, and Officer Twilight didn’t let Ye Qiubai participate. However, the killer committed suicide after being handed over to the court, and Ye Qiubai also got the fourth soul.

After catching the killer, Ye Qiubai stayed in the Metropolitan Police Department for two days with Uncle Maori and the family and Shinobi, and after confirming that there were no other killers, he left the Metropolitan Police Department and returned home.

After returning home, Ye Qiubai entered the system space and said to the system: “System, four consecutive catches.” ”

This time, not only solved the Kasuga family of three, but also brought a killer, and four souls into the account, which can be captured four times.

Although Ye Qiubai usually does not kill innocents, since this family has provoked himself, there is no need to exist.

With Ye Qiubai’s words, the number of grabs of the system went to zero, four black holes opened in front of Ye Qiubai, and four light clusters flew out from the black holes.

Among the light clusters is a car, except that this car also has two wings stretched out on both sides, which seems to be able to fly; Inside one is a photophore, which should be skill or knowledge; One inside appears to be a row of servers; The last photophore appears to be a beehive.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Fang Thomas’ flying car from Fang Thomas’ world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the self-healing ability from the apocalypse of the X-Men world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the server from the Red Queen of the Resident Evil World.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a jade bee hive from the Little Dragon Girl of the Condor Heroes World.”


In the world of Fang Thomas, Fang Thomas was defeated by Sheriff Reif and Fondol after making a big fuss, but he also escaped smoothly.

After escaping, Thomas Fang got into his car and sped away. Halfway through, Thomas Fang operated a few times on his car, and the two sides of the car stretched out their arms, and then flew up.

Just after Thomas Fang flew to a thousand meters in the air, a black hole suddenly appeared in front, and Thomas Fang did not react, so he drove in.

A few minutes later, Thomas Fang was spit out by the black hole, but the car did not come out.

“Ugh.” Thomas Fang waved his hands and feet and fell to the ground, and smashed violently on the ground from a thousand meters in the air, falling into a blur of flesh and blood, and Thomas Fang, the leader of the criminal group, was thrown to death.


X-Men world, underground in Cairo, weather is still buried.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared, and the apocalypse fell into the black hole again.

A few minutes later, Apocalypse was spit out again and continued unconscious.

Apocalypse: Can you change someone?


Resident Evil World, located in a military base under the Kamchatka Strait, under the manipulation of the Red Queen, biochemical experiments are constantly being carried out.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared in the computer room after the red, and a row of servers fell into the black hole and disappeared.

Although the red queen is artificial intelligence, it also needs to rely on the server to improve its computing power.

Now there is one less batch of this server, and some problems immediately appeared after the red.


In the world of the Condor Heroes, outside the ancient tomb, after the two jade bees stepped on the nectar, they happily flew towards the hive.

At this time, a black hole appeared under the hive in front, and the hive fell directly into the black hole and disappeared.


Looking at the four things extracted this time, the corners of Ye Qiubai’s mouth twitched, and Fang Thomas’s flying car was a waste for Ye Qiubai, who had an iron man suit.

The self-healing ability of the apocalypse, this ability is actually quite good, but after seeing this ability, Ye Qiubai was a little speechless, this has already sworn several abilities of the apocalypse, so whether the ability of the apocalypse will have to be destroyed. Although the X-Men world has many abilities, you don’t need to be alone in the system.

Ye Qiubai, the server after red, did not feel anything, and when the time came, give it to the red queen, and let this pseudo-red queen on Ye Qiubai’s side see what information is in the server after the real red.

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