“It’s your grandfather and me.” Ye Qiubai said.

While speaking, Ye Qiubai walked down the stairs and came to the long-haired man’s side.

The steps of the stairs are not long, and it is not a big deal for the man to fall. Seeing Ye Qiubai coming down, he got up and punched Ye Qiubai.

Ye Qiubai kicked over, gave him a move to cut off his son’s leg, and the long-haired man knelt directly.

Ignoring the kneeling long-haired man, Ye Qiubai stretched out his hand and said to the beautiful woman who was pushed down the stairs on the side: “Is it okay?” ”

“I’m okay.” The beauty shook her head, reached out and grabbed Ye Qiubai’s hand, and was pulled up by Ye Qiubai.

“Why did this guy push you down the stairs?” Ye Qiubai asked this beauty.

“He’s a stalker and he’s stalking me all the time. Later, I called the police, and the police also taught him a lesson, I think he pushed me down to retaliate against me for calling the police. The beauty explained.

Hearing the explanation of the beautiful woman in front of him, Ye Qiubai turned around and kicked the long-haired man directly in the face, kicking him to the ground.

“What Lao Tzu hates the most is that you stalkers, like people won’t say it directly? If you don’t have the guts to say it, don’t go along with it. Ye Qiubai scolded while hitting.

After beating the long-haired man, Ye Qiubai reached out and grabbed his neck, carried him up the stairs, and said with a sinister smile: “After calling the police, you still want to take revenge on others.” Likes to push people down stairs, huh? Then you can experience more of it yourself. ”

As he spoke, Ye Qiubai stretched out his hand to push the long-haired man down, and the long-haired man rolled down the stairs.

Ye Qiubai walked down again, lifted him up again, and pushed him down again.

After going back and forth ten times, the long-haired man immediately begged for mercy: “I’m sorry, I was wrong, I don’t dare anymore.” ”

“.” Ye Qiubai said lightly.

Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, the long-haired man immediately turned around and left with a roll and a crawl. Seeing the long-haired man leaving, the beautiful woman on the side looked at it with a burst of joy, and it was really a wicked person who needed to grind ah.

“Beauty, let’s go, I’ll take you home.” Ye Qiubai said to the beauty.

“Thank you, my name is Miho Nishitani.” Nishidani Mifan thanked Ye Qiubai and introduced herself.

“Ye Qiubai.” Ye Qiubai also introduced himself.

Accompanying Nishitani Miho out of the rice flower station, Nishitani Miho covered her knees and had a painful look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Qiubai asked Nishidani Meifan.

“It seems that I broke my leg just now.” Miho Nishitani said.

Ye Qiubai thought about it, reached out and picked up Nishidani Meifan and walked to the side.

“You, what are you doing?” Miho Nishitani asked with a red face.

“Of course I sent you to the hospital, can you go by yourself?” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Miho Nishitani thanked her.

Ye Qiubai carried Nishitani Meifan to a nearby clinic and asked the doctor to check it. After the examination, there is actually not much of a big thing, that is, there are some bruises, there is no need to bandage, just take a break.

After taking a look, Ye Qiubai sent Nishitani Meifan to her residence.

“Miss Nishidani, how long has that stalker been following you?” Ye Qiubai asked Nishidani Meifan.

“It’s been a long time, and I don’t dare to sleep at night when I’m annoyed by him. I even moved several places, and I also found a job that I now work at night and rest during the day. Nishitani said bitterly.

“That stalker won’t give up so easily, beat him today, he will inevitably have other actions in the future.” Ye Qiubai poured a glass of water for Nishidani Meifan and said.

While speaking, Ye Qiubai took out the Rubik’s Cube and put it on the bedside table, and the projection was projected, showing a picture, and it was the stalker in the picture.

“This is?” Nishitani Miho asked in surprise.

“This is the case of that stalker, I don’t want to leave an enemy outside, and while it’s gone, I have a drone tracking him.” Ye Qiubai said.

In the picture taken by the drone, the stalker constantly kicked and hit a pillar angrily, and his face was very hideous.

“Sure enough, he will take revenge.” Ye Qiubai said lightly.

“So what should I do?” Nishidani Meifan grabbed Ye Qiubai’s arm and asked.

“There is only one way now, that is, kill him, as long as he dies, naturally no one will come to disturb you.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“But killing is illegal.” Miho Nishitani said.

“Killing people is indeed illegal, but as long as you don’t get caught, it’s fine. You have to know that your country is not very peaceful, I don’t know how many people will sink in Dongdu Bay every day, isn’t it normal to add two more? Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“I’ll go with you.” Nishidani Meifan took Ye Qiubai’s hand and said.

“Okay, you will recuperate your injuries first in the past few days, I will send someone to keep an eye on that kid, if he makes any moves, I will clean him up first.” Don’t rush to work, I’ll go first. Ye Qiubai said.

“Wait.” Seeing that Ye Qiubai was about to leave, Nishidani Meifan reached out and grabbed Ye Qiubai’s arm and said.

“Anything else?” Ye Qiubai asked curiously.

“Can you stay with me? I was scared alone. Nishitani said.

“Okay.” Ye Qiubai nodded.

This Nishitani Mifan is also a beauty, since the beauty asked to stay with her, why did she refuse?

Ye Qiubai personally went to the kitchen to make a meal, so that Nishidani Meifan almost swallowed her tongue.

On this day, Nishitani Miho talked a lot with Ye Qiubai, including that she used to live in Yokohama, and later because she was harassed by that stalker, she came to Yonekacho. Her dream is actually to open a pastry shop, so she has been working part-time at the pastry shop.

After all, Nishidani Meifan went to class all night, and after chatting with Ye Qiubai for a while, she could no longer resist sleepiness and fell asleep.

After Nishidani Meifan fell asleep, Ye Qiubai quietly left and helped her lock the door.

After leaving Nishidani Meifan’s house, Ye Qiubai went home first, and then Ye Qiubai took out the tablet to look at the monitoring of the drone and found that the stalker had returned home.

When the time came to midnight, Ye Qiubai took out the wasp suit and equipped it on himself, Ye Qiubai pressed it on his right hand, and the whole person suddenly shrunk to the size of an ant.

Ye Qiubai opened the spatial barrier and used his teleportation ability to teleport himself to the home of that stalker.

The stalker’s family is quite rich, living in a single-family villa, and there are only two father and son in the family. The wasp suit was activated, and Ye Qiubai flew into this villa through the crack in the door.

At this moment, both father and son were already asleep, Ye Qiubai first came to the stalker’s bedroom, the tentacles behind him launched, and two lasers shot out, penetrating the stalker’s head.

“Ding, collect soul *1.” The system sound sounds.

Then Ye Qiubai came to the room where the stalker’s father was and solved the old man in the same way.

Just as the so-called godfather is not a mistake, the reason why this stalker can have the leisure to track Nishidani Miho is because his family has money, and he doesn’t need to work to be so unscrupulous.

If you can’t even afford to eat, who has the energy to keep track of others?

“Ding, collect soul *1.” The system sound sounds.

After solving the two, Ye Qiubai took out the fire card and set a fire in the house. Then Ye Qiubai turned on the teleportation and went home.

After returning home, Ye Qiubai entered the system space and said to the system: “System, two consecutive catches.” ”

With Ye Qiubai’s words, the number of grabs of the system went to zero, two black holes opened in front of them, and two light masses flew out from inside.

One photophore seems to be some agent, and the other photophore is something similar to a flying machine.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the emotional suppression potion from the torn apocalyptic world.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Zitari flying machine from the Marvel world.”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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