“Lord Qiubai, the presidential suite is indeed empty.” The manager said.

“Give me and Mr. Maori Kogoro all three upgrades to the presidential suite.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Xiaobai, no need.” Xiaolan said with a smile.

“It’s okay, I already knew that this hotel is mine, and where do I need Dr. Agasa’s place.” Let’s play ours, don’t care about this broken reasoning game. Ye Qiubai said.

“Master Qiubai, Miss Xiaolan, Young Master Conan, please follow me.” The manager made a gesture of invitation to Ye Qiubai and the three and said.

Under the leadership of the manager, Ye Qiubai first came to the room of the Maori uncle, and after picking up the Maori uncle, he came to the presidential suite.

Uncle Maori originally refused, but after knowing that this hotel belonged to Ye Qiubai, Uncle Maori readily agreed.

The Presidential Suite is enough for one person.

In the evening, Ye Qiubai came to the restaurant with Xiaolan and Conan, ready to eat.

Uncle Māori was worried about the wine here and had already left early.

After coming to the restaurant, Ye Qiubai from a distance saw Uncle Maori waving to him. Next to the Maori uncle, there was also a man and a woman sitting there.

“It’s Mr. Maeda and Miss Sayama.” Seeing the two people, Xiaolan said in surprise.

“You know them?” Ye Qiubai asked.

“Well, Mr. Satoshi Maeda is a former karate champion, and Miss Sayama is his fiancée.” Xiaolan said.

“Oh.” Ye Qiubai said lightly.

When he came to the table and sat down, a waiter immediately came over and asked Ye Qiubai what dishes to order.

“Dad, why are you with Mr. Maeda and Miss Sayama?” Xiaolan asked curiously.

“Māori detectives are interrogating us as the Duke of the Night.” Maeda said with a smile.

“Dad, you’re going too far.” Xiaolan complained.

“Uncle, are you interested in this game?” Ye Qiubai asked with a smile.

“Well, being a detective is certainly interested in this kind of challenge.” Uncle Maori said with a smile.

“That uncle, you come on, but don’t care too much, after all, we don’t lack that half of the money.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Miss Sayama, your dress is so beautiful.” Xiaolan looked at the short-haired woman and said with a smile.

The woman was very cold to Xiaolan’s praise, and replied faintly: “Thank you.” ”

Xiao Lan was obviously used to this woman’s attitude, and did not care, and said after approaching: “You have to be careful with some satyrs.” ”

As she spoke, Xiaolan also looked at the lewd man who had been beaten by Ye Qiubai before.

The lewd man may have forgotten the pain because of the scar, and when Xiaolan looked over, he still looked at Xiaolan with a rippling face.

However, when Ye Qiubai looked over, the product was so frightened that the wine glass in his hand did not grasp it firmly and fell to the ground. The goods hurriedly picked up the cup, put it on the table, and fled away.

Soon the food was brought up, and everyone began to eat. Because Ye Qiubai is the boss, the dishes are very delicious, and there are still a lot of them.

During the meal, Xiaolan also said why she signed up for this tour group.

“Mr. Maeda, why did you sign up for this tour?” Xiaolan asked Maeda Satoshi.

This Maeda Satoshi can be said to be Xiaolan’s idol, and Xiaolan also learned karate because of him.

“He came with me because I signed up.” Akiko Saiyama on the side said.

“Akiko, he has always been a fan of Kudo Yusaku’s books, and she is very obsessed with the Duke of the Night.” Satoshi Maeda also explained.

“Regarding the Duke of the Night, I won’t lose to anyone, even my hair I cut into the short hair he liked.” Akiko Saiyama said.

“You are not the only one who knows the Duke of the Night, you just need to know this, I am out of company.” At this moment, a voice came, and everyone looked up and saw Hideko Uejo, who they had seen before, walking over in a very cool dress and saying.

After that, Hideko Uejo got up and left.

“It’s so sexy.” Uncle Maori and Satoshi Maeda looked at Hideko Uejo’s back, and their eyes straightened.

When Xiaoran and Akiko Saiyama heard this, one grabbed one of the ears and pulled them back.

“Hmph, you old man, you really don’t change.” At this moment, a woman’s cold snort sounded.

Ye Qiubai and Xiaolan turned their heads and saw Concubine Yingli walking over.

“Mom.” Seeing Concubine Yingli coming, Xiaolan immediately shouted in surprise.

“Aunt Yingli.” Ye Qiubai and Conan also immediately got up to say hello.

“Why are you old woman here?” Uncle Maori snorted coldly.

“I was called by Xiaobai.” Fei Yingli said.

“Aunt Yingli, please sit down.” Ye Qiubai immediately pulled away the chair and let Concubine Yingli sit down, while beckoning the waiter to serve a few more dishes that Concubine Yingli loved to eat.

“Xiaobai, didn’t you say you needed my legal assistance? What the hell is going on? It won’t be for me to come and see this old haired idiot, right? Concubine Yingli asked Ye Qiubai.

“Aunt Yingli, you also know the matter, that is, there is a bastard who wants to disrespect Xiaolan, I beat him up, in case this goods is called to the police, it is more convenient to have your lawyer here.” As a result, who knew that the goods were so instigated, they didn’t even call the police, causing you to run for nothing. To apologize, you might as well just play in Izu for a few days, this hotel is mine, completely free and doesn’t cost anything. Ye Qiubai said.

“Okay.” Concubine Yingli nodded arrogantly.

“Xiaobai, why are you looking for a lawyer to find this old woman?” Uncle Maori also asked unpleasantly.

“Our company has a long-term cooperative relationship with Aunt Yingli’s firm, of course, we have to find Aunt Yingli if there is something wrong.” Ye Qiubai explained.

“Mom, since you’re here, let’s have fun for two days.” Xiaolan also said.

In order to prevent Uncle Maori and the two from continuing to quarrel, Ye Qiubai immediately changed the topic, looked at Akiko Saiyama and said: “You are a fan of Uncle Yusaku’s book, it just so happens that his son is here, you can get to know him, maybe you can get to Uncle Yusaku’s signature.” ”

“Hey, is he Kudo-san’s son? But I remember that his name was Edogawa Conan. Akiko Saiyama looked at Conan and asked in surprise.

“Bastard, of course, it is inconvenient to talk nonsense to the outside world, you just know it yourself.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Conan’s face turned dark, and he immediately glared at Ye Qiubai, and this product was spreading rumors for his father again.

“Is Conan Yusaku’s son?” Concubine Yingli also asked in surprise.

“Yes, I took Conan’s DNA and Uncle Yusaku’s DNA to compare genetics.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“I really didn’t expect Yusaku to be like this, does Yukiko know about this?” Concubine Yingli said gossipy.

Originally, Concubine Eiri thought that the two sons of the Kudo family were a model couple, and they were quite envious. As a result, it is really difficult to read the scriptures. In this comparison, his family’s mouth is quite good, although he often has flowers, but he has not made an illegitimate child. Thinking about it like this, Concubine Yingli’s eyes softened when she looked at Uncle Maori.

“Aunt Yukiko doesn’t know, what she knows now is just a few of us.” Ye Qiubai said.

“No wonder you want to foster Conan here, it’s really inconvenient to take it with you.” Concubine Yingli looked at Conan and said.

With Concubine Yingli and Uncle Maori present, this meal will naturally not be peaceful, and after Ye Qiubai had eaten, he fled in a hurry and came to the hotel’s pool to see the beauty.

“Ugh.” Just as Ye Qiubai was looking at the beauty, several screams sounded.

“It’s over, it’s coming.” Hearing this scream, Ye Qiubai sighed.

How could there be no accident where Conan was, and now this scream means that someone is dead.

Ye Qiubai got up and walked in the direction where the voice came from.

“Ding, collect soul *1.” As soon as I got closer, the system sound sounded.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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