After eating and returning home, Ye Qiubai took out the tablet and said to Hong: “Honghou, pay attention to the situation of Uncle Maori and notify me when Uncle Maori goes to the police station.” ”

“Master, are you planning to meddle in this case too?” When the Red Queen heard Ye Qiubai’s words, she couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes, I see that the uncle is quite upset with that guy, so I will help the uncle.” Ye Qiubai said.

“But what are you going to do? We don’t seem to have proof. The red queen said.

“Have you forgotten the lasso of mantra in my hand? As long as he is tied up when he is at the police station, I am afraid that he will explain it when he peeked at the aunt next door taking a bath when he was a child. Speaking of which, since you have a lasso of truth in your hand, why not use it earlier? In this case, solving the case is too simple. Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“But it’s too strange to use a rope to tie others in public, right?” The red queen said.

“Just use a little magic a little.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

The next afternoon, Ye Qiubai was in class, the tablet suddenly vibrate, Ye Qiubai took out the tablet from the drawer, and saw a line of words displayed on the screen, which means that Officer Twilight has notified Uncle Maori to go to the police station.

Seeing this news, Ye Qiubai put the tablet back. After waiting for more than ten minutes, after this class, Ye Qiubai immediately packed his bag and prepared to leave.

“Xiaobai, where are you going?” Seeing Ye Qiubai’s actions, Yuanzi immediately asked.

“I have something to do in the afternoon, and I won’t have the rest of the class, so I will go first.” Ye Qiubai said to the garden.

Since Ye Qiubai invested a sum of money in the school, he got the right not to attend classes at any time, which of course is also related to Ye Qiubai’s usual excellent academic performance, and he has completed all the courses of the third year of high school by himself.

After leaving the school, Ye Qiubai found a no-man’s place, equipped with nano armor, and flew to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After Ye Qiubai came to the Metropolitan Police Department, Uncle Maori also arrived here.

Ye Qiubai found a no-man’s place, took out the magic card, and after stealth, followed Uncle Maori into the Metropolitan Police Department, and came to an office under the leadership of a policeman.

“Brother Māori, are you coming?” Seeing Uncle Maori arrive, Officer Twilight greeted.

“Officer Twilight, you came to me because of Masaki Negishi, right?” Seeing Officer Twilight, Uncle Maori said straight to the point.

“Yes, we suspect that Masaki Negishi was his friend Yutaka Abe, but he set out for Kyushu on Saturday morning to fulfill it. And he said that he entrusted you with tracking Masaki Negishi for three days, and Masaki Negishi was still alive on Saturday night, so that he could prove that he did not kill anyone, so we asked you to come over. Officer Twilight spoke.

“Mr. Māori, we meet again.” Yutaka Abe was also in Uncle Maori at this time, saw Uncle Maori and said hello.

“Hello, Mr. Abe.” Although Uncle Maori had reasoned about the truth last night, he did not show it, but greeted him with a smile.

“I really want to trouble Mr. Maori this time, and I hope Mr. Maori can prove my innocence to me.” Yutaka Abe said with a smile.

“I will definitely tell the police officer truthfully, as long as Mr. Abe Yutaka does not kill anyone, naturally there is no need to worry.” Uncle Maori nodded.

“Brother Māori, may I see a picture of you tracking Mr. Negishi?” Officer Twilight asked.

“Of course.” Uncle Maori nodded and handed the file bag containing the photo to Officer Twilight and said.

Officer Twilight took the photo and looked at it, then nodded, “It seems that Mr. Negishi did indeed die after Saturday night, so Mr. Abe has an alibi.” ”

Uncle Maori asked unhurriedly, “Officer Twilight, why do you suspect that the person who killed Masaki Negishi was Mr. Abe?” ”

“That’s right, Mr. Masaki Negishi and Mr. Yutaka Abe bought Wu Yuan’s insurance six months ago, and the beneficiaries were both parties. However, Mr. Abe recently owed 300 million yuan, so we suspect that Mr. Abe has a motive to kill Mr. Negishi. Officer Twilight said.

“That’s the case, but may I see Mr. Abe’s alibi?” Uncle Maori nodded and asked.

Officer Twilight took out a file bag and handed it to Uncle Māori, who opened the file bag and looked at it.

“Officer, now that it has been proved that I have an alibi, can I leave, I still have a lot of things to do.” Abe said.

“Mr. Abe, you can’t leave right now, because you’re the murderer.” Just as Officer Twilight was about to say something, Uncle Maori said.

“Mr. Māori, what are you talking about? Obviously, your photo has proved that I have an alibi. Abe asked with a frown.

“No, Mr. Negishi died not after Saturday night, but Friday night. Because the person I followed on the third day was not Masaki Negishi at all. Uncle Maori said.

“Brother Māori, what do you mean?” Officer Twilight asked in surprise when he heard Uncle Maori say.

“Officer Twilight, please look at the photos I took on the third day, and on the first and second days, you can see that Mr. Negishi’s dominant hand is his right hand, while on the third day, Mr. Negishi’s dominant hand is his left hand. This means that the person I followed on the third day was not Mr. Negishi. Regarding this point, Xiaobai used the computer to analyze it for me last night, and this is an analysis report. Uncle Maori took out a few pieces of paper from his arms and handed them to Officer Twilight and said.

Officer Twilight looked at the papers, and on them were more detailed data analysis, indicating that the third day and the first day were not the same person.

“In other words, Mr. Negishi’s death time is after Friday night, and Mr. Abe’s alibi is only after Saturday morning, but it is not Friday night to Saturday morning, so your suspicion has not been cleared.” Instead, you commissioned me to follow Mr. Negishi for three days to provide an alibi for you, which happened to expose that the murderer was you. If I’m not mistaken, the person who played Mr. Negishi on the third day was also hired by you, right? Uncle Maori looked at Abe Yutaka and said with a confident expression.

Ye Qiubai saw this opportunity and threw out the lasso of Truth in his hand and wrapped it around Abe’s ankle.

Abe-Yutaka, who originally wanted to quibble, struggled for a moment and spoke: “Yes, that person was indeed hired by me, and Masaki Negishi was indeed killed by me. ”

Hearing Abe’s words, Officer Twilight immediately turned on the tape recorder on the table and asked Abe, “Mr. Abe, can you tell us about how you killed Mr. Masaki Negishi?” ”

“Yes, I asked Mr. Mori to follow Masaki Negishi for three days before I started, and then on Friday I found someone who was very similar to Masaki Negishi and asked him to play Masaki Negishi on Saturday. In this way, on Friday night, I killed Masaki Negishi and dragged his body to the village of Red Oni, Gunma Prefecture, put his body in the firewood pile of the fire festival, and put Masaki Negishi’s identification not far away. In this way, when waiting for the fire festival, you can burn the body of Masaki Negishi, blur the time of death, and at the same time determine the identity of the body through identity proof…” Under the influence of the mantra lasso, Abe Yutaka told his entire crime process, and also explained the identity of the person who hired it.

After Abe finished explaining, Ye Qiubai took back the lasso of truth and left the police station.

Without the effect of the lasso of truth, Abe-Yue’s sanity immediately returned, remembering what he had just done, Abe Yutaka said in horror: “This, how is this possible?” How could I possibly admit it. ”

Ye Qiubai didn’t care about what happened after Abe Feng, and after returning home, Ye Qiubai went to buy vegetables.

When Ye Qiubai bought the vegetables and came to the Maori detective office, he saw a smiling Maori uncle and a very depressed Conan.

“Uncle, look at your appearance, the case has been solved?” Ye Qiubai asked.

“Yes, after I went to the police station, I exposed the alibi of that Abe Feng, and then that Abe Yutaka confessed to his murder.” Uncle Maori said proudly.

“Admitted it? Is this Abe Yutaka sick, how can he admit it? In that case, what kind of alibi he has? Ye Qiubai pretended to be shocked and said.

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