“I don’t know about this, I just saw such a passage in the records of the sect, but the writing is very vague, the time, place, and name are not written.” Ye Qiubai shook his head.

“It’s a shame that I can’t know the name of my senior.” Koizumi said.

“Hey, you guys take care of this tiger.” At this moment, Kuaidou’s voice came, interrupting the conversation between Ye Qiubai and Koizumi Hongko.

The two turned their heads and saw that Xiaoke was bullying Kuaidou.

Although Kuaidou is a strange thief Kidd, he is also an ordinary person, how can he be Xiaoke’s opponent, and he is pressed to the ground by Xiaoke and rubbed.

“Xiaoke, don’t bully Kuaidou.” Ye Qiubai said to Xiao Ke.

“Well, remember, I’m not a puppet or a tiger, I’m Lord Koruberus, a sealed beast.” Xiao Ke looked at the black feather fast bucket and said.

After that, Xiao can use his wings to wrap himself, and then change back to his doll form.

Ye Qiubai stretched out his hand to pick up Kidra and said, “Kuaidou, the two of us can be regarded as not fighting or not acquainted, so let’s settle the matter.” ”

“Hmph, obviously it was only myself who was beaten, when did you get beaten?” Kuaidou pouted and said.

“If you don’t feel well, or will you punch me?” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“Am I not that stupid? Don’t think I didn’t hear, you are a cultivator of the flesh. Kuaidou said with a glance at Ye Qiubai.

“I didn’t expect you to be so smart and not fooled.” Ye Qiubai said with some disappointment.

“I knew you bastard wasn’t well.” Kuaidou glared at Ye Qiubai and said.

“Well, what I said before is true, let’s leave it at that. In addition to settling accounts with you, I am going to ask you for a favor today. Ye Qiubai said to Kuaidou.

“Help what?” Kuaidou asked curiously.

Ye Qiubai took out the maple leaf gold coin he got before from the system space and put it on the ground and said: “This is the maple leaf gold coin stolen by the Italian bandit group before, and I accidentally found it, you help me exchange it for money.” ”

“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Kuaidou asked puzzled.

“I’m sorry, our sect belongs to the hidden sect, I also just inherited the sect, and I haven’t developed my own relationship outside, so I can only ask you for help.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Why should I help you deal with it?” Kuaidou asked with a proud look.

“If it’s inconvenient for Kuaidou, I can help you deal with it.” Koizumi said.

“Let’s hand over the gold coins to Kuaidou, Koizumi-san, I really have something here that I need your help dealing with.” Ye Qiubai heard Koizumi Hongko’s words and said with a smile.

Saying that, Ye Qiubai snapped his fingers, and a bunch of gold bricks appeared in the living room of Kuaidou’s family.

“This is a billion yen worth of gold that I found in a place called Shikijima before, the amount is too large, Kuaidou should not be convenient to handle, so please ask Koizumi-san.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“No problem.” Koizumi nodded.

While speaking, Koizumi walked to the pile of gold bricks, and with a wave of his hand, the gold bricks disappeared.

Seeing what Ye Qiubai and Koizumi Hongko did, the corners of Kuaidou’s mouth twitched, pockmark, are these two goods showing off to him?

“In return for the help of the two, I know that there is a lot of gold in one place, how about finding a time and let’s go and take away the tie together?” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“A lot of gold? What place are you talking about? Kuaidou heard Ye Qiubai’s words and asked curiously.

At this moment, Kuaidou no longer cared about the opening and hanging of these two hangings, but was attracted by Ye Qiubai’s topic. He turns into a monster thief Kidd to steal gems everywhere and also needs money, such as the cost of various props, the wear and tear of vehicles and gliders, and so on.

If he steals the gem, he will not keep it himself, but will return it, so he will not earn any money at all. Now there is an opportunity to earn money, and he certainly will not refuse.

“Have you heard of Karasuma Renye’s twilight annex?” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

“Of course I heard it, something special seems to have happened there.” Kuaidou nodded.

“One thing you probably don’t know, the entire Dusk Annex is built of gold, we will empty the annex at that time, and then exchange the yellow finance into money, it will definitely not be less, and the three of us will divide it equally.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Deal.” Koizumi nodded.

“Deal.” Kuaidou also nodded.

“In that case, then I’ll go first.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Kuroba-san, I also take my leave.” Koizumi Hongko also opened her mouth to leave.

She came here today because she would meet Ye Qiubai here, so she came to take a look. Now that people have seen it, it is time to leave.

Kuaidou sent Ye Qiubai and Koizumi Hongko to the yard, Koizumi Hongko took out her broom, rode it, and flew away.

After Kuaidou watched Koizumi Hongko leave, he looked at Ye Qiubai, he was very curious about how Ye Qiubai planned to leave.

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai pointed on the storage device on his chest, and the Iron Man armor covered his whole body. Xiao Ke lay on Ye Qiubai’s head, Ye Qiubai waved his hand with Kuaidou, the battle armor started, and flew away.

Seeing Ye Qiubai’s back leaving, Kuaidou couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth, pockmark, you are an unscientific existence, the way to leave is actually so scientific, this is simply too unscientific.

In the next few days, Ye Qiubai went to school normally, and after school, he went to Maori Uncle’s house to rub rice. During this time, Uncle Maori has been investigating an affair commission, and has not met a dead person, and Ye Qiubai has no new soul into the account.

This day was a rest day, and after eating at Xiaolan’s house at noon, Ye Qiubai followed Uncle Maori to meet his client, who was the client who entrusted Uncle Maori to investigate the affair these days.

According to Uncle Maori , this client seems to be an antique collector, very rich, as can be seen from where the other party lives, the large yard, anyway, is quite large.

Although Ye Qiubai could also buy such a large yard if he wanted to, Ye Qiubai lived alone, and there was no need at all.

Because it was a secret commission, after arriving at this house, the owner of this family sent all the servants of the family out, and he was alone in the house.

After arriving in the backyard, Ye Qiubai, Xiaolan and Conan were waiting in the yard, and Uncle Maori went in alone to talk to the client.

Ye Qiubai and the three sat on the edge of the pond in the yard, watching the fish swimming around in the pond in a daze. After being in a daze for a while, Ye Qiubai took out the tablet and began to play.

Although there are not many functions that can be used on this tablet, Ye Qiubai still asked the red queen to help him design some single-player games for his own entertainment.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Ye Qiubai felt hungry. Suddenly, Ye Qiubai’s ears moved, and he heard a sound of footsteps, it was someone coming.

A few minutes later, a doorbell rang, the door to the room where Uncle Maori was was opened, and the client came out.

“I’m sorry, I’ll invite the guest to the reception room, and I’ll be back soon.” The client said to Uncle Maori and walked to the door.

Ye Qiubai’s group continued to stay bored in the courtyard, while Uncle Maori waited in the house.

“Ding, collect soul *1.” After waiting for more than ten minutes, the system sound sounded.

Ye Qiubai immediately became energetic, so to speak, this client should have died. Although he knew that the client was dead, Ye Qiubai did not do anything and continued to wait.

“Jingle bells…” suddenly the phone rang.

Because there is a client at home, and he is already dead, naturally there is no one to answer the phone. Uncle Maori couldn’t stand the noise, opened the door and walked out, ready to answer the phone. However, as soon as I walked to the phone, the phone stopped.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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