“No, uncle, the murderer is that Sei Xuanichi.” Ye Qiubai said to Uncle Maory.

“How do you know?” Uncle Maori asked.

“Because I saw this man at eight o’clock by the river nearby, and I saw him throw a pistol and a pair of sunglasses into the river.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Really?” Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Uncle Maori asked in surprise.

“That’s right, I took a picture of him at the time, and I have handed it over to Mr. Police to wash the photo.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Well, that’s good, we’ll see the situation after the photos are washed out.” Uncle Maori said.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the police finally washed the photo and brought it over.

Ye Qiubai and Uncle Maori took the photo and looked at it, and after looking at it, Ye Qiubai smiled and said to Uncle Maori with a smile: “Uncle, he is indeed the murderer.” ”

“Huh? Qiubai, how is this possible? If you look at this photo, the last burning time of this heavenly word is 8:25, and if he is the murderer, he will definitely not arrive in 25 minutes. Uncle Maori said, holding a photo with celestial characters as the background.

“Uncle, you overlooked one thing, that is, this photo was not taken today, it was taken during the last first night festival under the world, so he only needs to arrive today when the last word burns.” Ye Qiubai said.

“But how do you prove it?” Uncle Maori asked puzzled.

“Uncle, look at the left wrist of Sei Xuanyi in these two photos, one is a completely tanned wrist, and the other has a white mark, do you say that this can happen in one night?” Ye Qiubai held another photo and pointed out to the uncle.

After the comparison, Uncle Maori also immediately understood what was going on.

The next thing was relatively simple, and Uncle Maori came to Sei Xuanichi and said: “Mr. Sei Shinichi, you are indeed the murderer. ”

When Sei Xuanyi heard Uncle Maori’s words, he was taken aback and said, “How is this possible?” I have an alibi. ”

“You’re talking about these pictures, right? The photo shows that you appeared at the scene when the Tianzi burned, and the last burning time of the Tianzi was around 8:25, if you killed someone at 8:20, there was no way to rush to the scene in 20 minutes, am I right? Uncle Maori said.

“That’s right, that’s my alibi.” Sei Xuan nodded.

“You know what? It is precisely your so-called alibi that tells us that you are the murderer. Uncle Maori said with a smile.

“Mr. Māori, what the hell is going on?” Officer Henggou asked puzzled.

“Officer Yokogou, look at Mr. Sei’s left wrist in these two photos.” Uncle Maori handed the two photos to Officer Henggou and said.

Officer Henggou took the photo and looked at it, and immediately understood what was going on. Not only did Officer Henggou understand, but even Sei Xuanyi understood after taking a look at his left wrist.

“I confess, I killed Jinzhu.” Sei Xuanyi confessed.

“Officer Henggou, I have another piece of evidence here. I took a picture of Mr. Sei Shinichi this afternoon by the nearby river, and he seemed to have thrown a gun into the river, so you can go to the place shown in the picture to salvage it. Ye Qiubai handed his camera to Officer Henggou and said.

“Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Ye. Officer Henggou said with a smile.

With Uncle Maori exposing Sei Xuanyi’s alibi, coupled with the evidence provided by Ye Qiubai, and Sei Xuanyi’s confession, the police closed the case very smoothly.

After Officer Henggou led the people to leave, Ye Qiubai saw Conan staring at him with dead fish eyes.

“Little ghost, what are you looking at?” Ye Qiubai reached out and patted Conan’s dog head and asked.

“Brother Xiaobai, how did you find out about Mr. Seii’s alibi?” Conan asked Ye Qiubai.

Conan can now be said to be very unhappy, after all, he, the detective, has not found anything, and as a result, Uncle Maori solved the case.

For Uncle Maori ‘s abilities, Conan can be said to know too much about the problem, and it is impossible to find the problem at all. And Ye Qiubai had been muttering with Uncle Maori for a long time just now, and that must have been told to him by Ye Qiubai.

“I found it at a glance, isn’t that very obvious? Little ghost, in order to be a qualified detective, you must have meticulous observation. Learn more from your uncle, you are still far behind. Ye Qiubai patted Conan’s head and said.

“Huh…” For Ye Qiubai’s words, Conan glared at a pair of dead fish eyes.

Learn from Uncle Māori? Don’t you know the abilities of Uncle Maori yourself? Do you still need to learn from him? Who are you? Sherlock Holmes in the Heisei era, the savior of the police.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, Ye Qiubai let the red queen probe and found that there was no monitoring. Well, cameras are a rarity in this era, how can there be any surveillance?

Ye Qiubai entered the system space and was in a very good mood when he saw the number of captures that became 1 because of another soul entry today.

“System, grab it.” Ye Qiubai said to the system.

With Ye Qiubai’s words, the number of grabs returned to zero, and a black hole appeared in front of Ye Qiubai, and a light mass flew out from it. Ye Qiubai saw that what seemed to be a pressure cooker wrapped in a red ribbon in the light mass?

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the bomb from Aunt Pot of the Beginning World.” The system sound sounds.


At the beginning of the world, Aunt Tao Yinghong carried a bomb towards the No. 45 bus.

After walking for a while, Aunt Guo was a little tired, so she put the bomb on the ground, intending to rest.

At this moment, a black hole suddenly appeared, and Aunt Guo’s bomb fell directly into it and disappeared.

Aunt Pot: “…”


Hearing the sound of the system, Ye Qiubai, who was originally planning to unlock the seal, immediately withdrew his hand. The system is so unreliable, what are you catching badly, catch such a thing back.

Guo Aunt Tao Yinghong, that is definitely a ruthless person, can someone who can pull a bus to accompany her to the funeral, can it not be ruthless?

Thinking of this, Ye Qiubai felt interesting. Aunt Guo made such a bomb, and now the bomb has been taken away by herself, so how can Aunt Guo still blow up the bus?

However, no matter what, although this thing is useless, it is not good to say when it will be used.

“System, this bomb is timed, it won’t explode when placed in the seal, right?” Ye Qiubai asked the system.

“No, the time in the seal is static, and only after the seal is lifted, the time of the bomb will continue to operate.” The system says.

Hearing the system’s words, Ye Qiubai let go of his heart.

The next morning, Ye Qiubai, Uncle Maori and others took the shinkansen back to the eastern capital. When leaving, Officer Henggou also came to see off Uncle Maori .

After returning to the Eastern Capital, Ye Qiubai began to look for the whereabouts of the new treasure. One place Ye Qiubai remembers that has a treasure is the house designed by Sanshui Yoshiemon and there is a palm-sized diamond there.

Gold is a good thing, but if you have diamonds, it’s much easier to shoot.

However, Ye Qiubai did not know where the house of Sansui Yoshiemon was, so after returning from Saitama Prefecture, Ye Qiubai began to look up relevant information.

Hong Hou went to the Internet to find information, and Ye Qiubai went to the library and other places to find it.

However, the information obtained in this regard was not so easy to find, and after looking for half a month, Ye Qiubai did not find any clues. Since he couldn’t find it, Ye Qiubai simply didn’t look for any information, and flew to find it himself.

Ye Qiubai remembered that Dr. Agasa found it when he took the three imps to camp, since it was an outing, it was impossible to be too far from the eastern capital. Moreover, the house was in a mountain forest, not in the city, and there were no villages around, and there was a small pond next to the house, and there were eight stone lanterns in front of it.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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