“Qiubai, you’re back.” Just returned home, Xiao Ke’s voice came, the cake on the table had been eaten, and Xiao Ke was lying on the coffee table, playing a game with Ye Qiubai’s game console.

“Well, you haven’t slept yet.” Ye Qiubai looked at Xiao Ke who flew over and said.

“No, I’m playing a game, I’ll go to sleep when I finish the level.” Xiao Ke said.

“Then you play slowly, I’ll go to sleep first.” Ye Qiubai said a word and walked upstairs.

Ye Qiubai remembers the plot, tomorrow Kudo Shinichi will go to the amusement park, and then he will be knocked down by a stick of gin wine, and Kudo Shinichi will become Conan.

Well, this is actually not important, the important thing is that tomorrow Tropical Paradise will die, and then there will be a new soul in the account.

The next day, Ran left the house and left for Kudo’s new family in a happy mood. Xiao Lan didn’t notice at all that there was a person behind her quietly following her.

“I said, why are you following this girl?” Xiao Ke lay on top of Ye Qiubai’s head and asked Ye Qiubai.

“To witness a historic moment, of course.” Ye Qiubai said with a camera in his hand.

Tonight, Kudo Shinichi will become Conan, this historic scene, of course, Ye Qiubai will record it.

Ye Qiubai took Xiaoke and sneakily followed Xiaolan to the door of Kudo’s new family, and when Kudo Shinichi went out, the two took a taxi towards the amusement park, and Ye Qiubai also secretly followed.

After coming to the amusement park, Ye Qiubai did not go far, and waited near the roller coaster. Ye Qiubai remembered that the dying man was here in the roller coaster, and he could collect a soul at that time.

Ye Qiubai and Xiaoke were holding a cup of milk tea alone, drinking it while looking around boredly.

After a while, Kudo Shinichi and Xiaoran also came to the roller coaster, and then walked in.

“Ding, collect souls*1.” Ten minutes later, the system sounded.

“Collection complete.” Ye Qiubai took out the soul ball and said with a smile.

“Let’s go.” Ye Qiubai said to Xiao Ke.

Finding a café nearby, Ye Qiubai ordered a cup of coffee and drank it slowly.

After staying in the café for more than ten minutes, the siren sounded, and a group of police officers came to the amusement park and went to the roller coaster.

“How long will it take for these police officers to solve the case?” Xiao Ke took a sip of coffee and asked Ye Qiubai.

“Soon, the police’s ability to solve cases may not be good, but Kudo Shinichi that kid is there, and he can solve the case soon.” However, after taking notes and other processes, the estimated time is not early. Poor Xiaolan, I didn’t know that Kudo, this kid is simply a god of death, and it’s strange that he can’t date him. Ye Qiubai said.

At this time, on the table in front of Ye Qiubai, a card lay quietly here. This is a magic card, which can create illusions, otherwise Ye Qiubai would not be able to chat with Xiao Ke so openly.

When it was almost evening, the police collected and left, and it was already afternoon. After the police left, Kudo Shinichi and Koran also walked out.

Ran cried as she walked, and Kudo Shinichi was full of impatience.

At this moment, a black fat figure ran in front of the two, immediately attracting Kudo Shinichi’s attention.

“Xiaolan, I still have some things, you go back first.” Kudo Shinichi said to Ran .

Ran wanted to catch up with Kudo Shinichi, but she didn’t expect that her shoelaces suddenly broke, separating her from Kudo Shinichi.

“He left, and at that time I didn’t know why, and suddenly I had a premonition, and I would never see the foreboding of my heart again.” Xiao Lan thought to herself.

After Ye Qiubai waited in the café for a while, he saw gin wine and vodka come out.

When he came to the vicinity of the café, Qin Jiu suddenly turned his head to look in Ye Qiubai’s direction, and his eyes flashed with killing intent.

Sitting in his seat and seeing this scene, Ye Qiubai couldn’t help but praise the ginjiu, worthy of being the number one killer of the winery. However, Ye Qiubai did not panic, because the magic card was still working, and at this moment, in the eyes of Qin Jiu, there was no one in the seat where Ye Qiubai was sitting.

“Big brother, what’s wrong?” Vodka asked.

“Just now I felt that someone was spying on us, but I didn’t find anything.” Gin Jiu said.

“Big brother, as far as we are dressed, it is two big men who come to the amusement park, and it is strange that others do not pay attention.” Vodka said.

“Vodka, shut up.” Gin Jiu said coldly.

“Yes, big brother.” Vodka nodded.

Then the gin wine and vodka left the amusement park, and Ye Qiubai also paid and walked out of the café.

When he came to the place where Kudo Shinichi was, Ye Qiubai saw Kudo Shinichi who was thrown to the ground with a stick. Then Ye Qiubai took out a video camera and shot it at Kudo Shinichi.

As long as you have this thing, when you are in a bad mood in the future, give this video to Xiaolan. This is evidence of the stone hammer, no matter how Kudo Shinichi washes it by then, it will not be able to wash it white.

Or, whenever you want to break Conan’s plot, upload this video to the Internet, and when the time comes, Conan’s plot will have to collapse.

Anyway, it’s better to keep it first.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the medicinal effects in Kudo Shinichi began to attack, Kudo Shinichi made a sound in pain, and gradually Kudo Shinichi began to become smaller, and finally became a primary school student.

After Conan became completely smaller, Ye Qiubai got up and left. Anyway, this kid won’t die, and Ye Qiubai doesn’t worry about him.

But Conan has become smaller, which means that Ye Qiubai can do another thing.

Ye Qiubai left the amusement park and found a hidden corner, and on the instrument on Ye Qiubai’s chest, nano armor covered the surface of Ye Qiubai’s body.

Ye Qiubai flew up and headed towards the Dongdu Pagoda.

After landing near the Dongdu Pagoda, Ye Qiubai disarmed the armor and then took out the treasure map placed in the system space.

Before, because he didn’t know when Kudo Shinichi became smaller, Ye Qiubai didn’t look for those maple leaf gold coins worth 600 million island national coins. Now it is determined that Kudo Shinichi has become smaller, that means that the maple leaf gold coins are now there.

Just watched the fourth episode before crossing, Ye Qiubai knew how to interpret the code, according to the neon sign, Ye Qiubai easily found an abandoned floor that had not been renovated.

Looking for an unoccupied corner, Ye Qiubai pressed on his chest, the nano armor was equipped on his body, flew up, and entered the building. Then I saw several bags hanging from the ceiling.

Ye Qiubai put the bag into the system space, left no trace here, and flew away.

Looking for a hidden corner, Ye Qiubai began to check these gold coins, and they were indeed true. However, even if it is true, Ye Qiubai now has no channel to exchange these gold coins for money, after all, Ye Qiubai has only been in this world for two days.

However, Ye Qiubai is not in a hurry, as long as these things are still there, they will turn into money one day. And Ye Qiubai is not short of money now.

Putting away the maple leaf gold coin, Ye Qiubai flew up and flew towards the house.

When passing a street, Ye Qiubai suddenly saw Kudo Shinichi, no, it should be Conan running on the street on a dog now, behind Conan, Xiaolan and Uncle Maori are also chasing.

Dog Knight Conan? Is this the case from the second episode? A chairman’s daughter was kidnapped?

Thinking of this, Ye Qiubai turned around, chased towards Conan, and followed Conan in the air.

After Ye Qiubai ran with Conan for a while, he followed Conan to a school. Conan rode the dog and ran in, and Ye Qiubai also found a corner to land, then disarmed his armor and walked in after Conan.

As soon as he came to the corridor, Ye Qiubai saw the dog that Conan was riding before run out. Ye Qiubai came to the classroom and saw Conan being knocked down by a tall man with a baseball bat.

Just as the tall man was about to knock Conan down again, Ye Qiubai had already taken out the stun gun he had drawn before and pulled the trigger.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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