Chen Ning's

stunned expression was seen by Liu Hao's parents, and they immediately thought that Chen Ning was frightened.

At the same time, I was a little annoyed.

You must know that Qishao's reputation is so good, he should have reported it a long time ago!

If he wasted it for a long time, it would be quite embarrassing.

I have to get it back from this kid in the future!"

"Okay, come back to the hotel with me, and I'll arrange your work assignment for tomorrow."

Liu Hao's parental aura came up directly, and the chubby little short hand stretched out, about to pat Chen Ning's other shoulder.

Chen Ning's body trembled and he dodged directly.

If he was photographed by this guy, he felt that he would definitely be unlucky for half a year!


Liu Hao's parents didn't expect Chen Ning to avoid him, so he couldn't help but sigh for a moment.

immediately looked at Chen Ning, and immediately found the deep disgust and contempt in Chen Ning's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Liu

Hao saw Chen Ning's disgusted eyes for him, and his face suddenly sank again.

"For the sake of your children's face, hurry up and get out with your people, I can act as if today's incident didn't happen.

Chen Ning gave Liu Hao's parents an ultimatum, which can be regarded as his most virgin side.

is the same as that Bai Ni, because of the relationship between Niuniu's classmates, which can give them the greatest patience.

"You...... Okay, very good, I won't even give Lan Qishao face, you wait for me, and I'll let your small restaurant close tomorrow. Liu

Hao's parents were smart this time, and directly understood the meaning of Chen Ning's refusal.

He is very annoyed now, and his reaction just now is acting, just to make a fool of himself!

"Don't be tomorrow, you call that Lan Qishao now and tell him to get over, otherwise I will not only beat his people, but also smash his bullshit hotel!"

Chen Ning's face really sank, this Liu Hao's parents obviously didn't grasp the last bit of kindness he gave him.

"You...... You are so arrogant, you dare to smash the industry of Qishao in Shuicheng, you simply don't want to live!" Liu

Hao's parents were frightened by Chen Ning's arrogance, and immediately thought that Chen Ning's brain must have been damaged by water.

What qualifications does you have as a chef in a small restaurant to say such a thing?

"You talk a lot of nonsense, don't you even have a phone number from Blue Star?" Chen Ning said disdainfully.

"Who said I didn't, since you are looking for death, then you just wait!" Liu Hao's

parents were stimulated by Chen Ningyi, and the surrounding onlookers and employees all looked at him.

If you don't even dare to make a phone call, then the shame is too great.

After speaking, Liu Hao's parents took out their mobile phones directly.

While rummaging through the phone, he walked out of the way for some distance.

Apparently didn't want people to hear what he was saying.

When Liu Hao's parents called, they all nodded their heads.

The rest of the people looked at that and thought that he was really calling the seven young men of the Lan family.

Either not so respectful.

However, Chen Ning heard it very clearly, this guy did not contact Blue Star directly at all.

In fact, this Liu Hao's parent, not to mention that he is not qualified to contact Blue Star, he really doesn't even have Blue Star's phone number.

He can only call the majority shareholder.

And this major shareholder is a dog leg of Blue Star.

Chen Ning took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, it was half past ten, although Niuniu was asleep now, but he still had to go back as early as possible.

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't want to waste any more time, so I directly flipped out Lanxing's phone and dialed it.

Lan Xing originally lived independently outside, but today the Lan family had a family meeting, so Lan Xing also returned to the Lan family's old house.

Although it was past ten o'clock, the meeting of the Lan family was not completely over.

All the immediate family members surnamed Lan gathered in the lobby of the Lan family's old mansion.

Blue Star is equivalent to a full-count existence, and he is still quite tired after a day's work, hiding in the group of brothers and sisters in a daze.

Suddenly, a phone rings and wakes him up.

"Who's phone hasn't turned off, get out of here!" Lan

Tian was talking about the last important thing, and even the old man was listening carefully.

As a result, a sudden phone call startled everyone.

In the Lan family, except for the old man, there is no one in the blue sky who does not dare to scold.

Because his eldest brother and second brother are gone, he, the third master, is the eldest of the second generation.

"Seventh brother, you're crazy, the family conference phone is not turned off!" A

man from the Lan family who was sitting next to Lan Xing began to hear the bell ringing from beside him, thinking that his phone was ringing, and he was so frightened that he almost slipped under the chair.

However, I soon found out that this was not my own phone ringing, so I realized that it was from Blue Star.


While scolding at the caller, he took out his phone.

Even if he had to turn it off, he would have to see which bastard was calling him at this time.

When you turn around and take time, you must concoct the other party well.

When Lan Xing saw the display on the phone, he suddenly became excited again and stood up with a whoosh.

"Oh shit! It's my boss's phone, shut up, I'm going to answer the phone!" he

yelled at his father, who was still angrily scolding him.

"Little rabbit cub ......"

Lan Tian was so angry with his son that he almost burst his blood vessels, and he was just about to step forward and slap this bastard's unfilial son with two slaps on both feet.

But just as he was about to move, Lan Jing on the side suddenly stopped him.

"Third brother, don't be impulsive, it should be Mr. Chen Ning's call to Xiao Qi. "


Lan Tian was stunned for a moment, and then reacted and closed his mouth directly, staring at Lan Xing.

And Blue Star has already answered the call.

"Boss, calling so late, are you thinking about Xiao Qi. As soon as Lan Xing spoke, he didn't walk right.

"Why don't you have a fight with me, I heard that you are the big boss of the Emgrand Hotel? Mr. Liu of your hotel wants to dig me with a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, I don't agree, he brought you out to press me, saying that you will make my restaurant close, what do you say about this?"

Chen Ning was holding Niuniu in one hand and the phone in the other.

said lightly into the phone.

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