Chen Ning looked at Ma Ling, his eyes were slightly cold: "Just say what you want to do." "

What are you talking about, handsome guy? We are neighbors, we just want to go home with you later, what else can I do as a girl?"

Ma Ling looked innocent and puzzled.

Niuniu is very good at looking at her face, from the time Chen Ning picked up herself and didn't let this little aunt touch her, she knew that her father hated this little aunt.

"At such a young age, I have such a heavy scheming, don't think that others don't know about the small actions behind my back, I don't bother to pay attention to Qin Qin's matter, because it's none of my business, but you pestered me and asked people to call that Mr. Liu, what do you want to do?"

Chen Ning simply said directly.

Although the other party can't cause any harm and trouble to himself, Chen Ning really hates this kind of behavior of making small moves behind his back.

When Ma Ling heard Chen Ning mention Qin Qin's matter, her face changed slightly.

Then I heard Chen Ning mention Mr. Liu, and he was stunned.

How could it be, how could he know that he had a personal connection with Mr. Liu?

With Ma Ling, there were some young people between the ages of eighteen and nineteen to twenty-one and twelve, and they were all a little impulsive.

Seeing Chen Ning treating his colleagues so unceremoniously, several of the boys glared at Chen Ning angrily: "Boy, what the hell do you mean, you said that Ma Ling is pestering you, what are you." "

That is, what does Qin Qin's matter have to do with Ma Ling.

"Apologize to Ma Ling immediately!" Someone

took the lead, and a total of five hot-blooded little boys yelled at Chen Ning one after another.

Chen Ning really can't raise the slightest interest in these children.

But suddenly he found that Niuniu's body in his arms was trembling slightly, obviously frightened.

Chen Ning suddenly quit.

First, with a trace of gentle energy in his hand, he gently comforted Niuniu, and let Niuniu fall asleep quickly on her shoulder.

Then his eyes looked indifferently at the few little boys who were shouting on the other side.

When a few boys who were shouting Zhenghuan came into contact with Chen Ning's eyes, they all immediately froze on the spot as if they had been immobilized.

Not only did he stop yelling, but then his legs went limp, and he fell down one by one.

"Ah, Jian Chen, Yang Wei...... What's wrong with you?" The

girls in the back saw several male companions fall to the ground almost at the same time, and instantly panicked, and stepped forward to help them check, they didn't know what was going on.

"Ahh......h Why are you peeing!"

"Jian Chen, are you peeing too?"

"...... You're peeing too!"

When the girls stepped forward to help up the boys with wooden expressions, they were surprised to find that these boys had all peed.

For a moment, the girl was quiet, and then she felt a chill in her back.

"W-I don't see ghosts, do you?" said a girl suddenly with a shudder.


When Chen Ning saw this scene, he was speechless for a moment.

It's that Ma Ling, who is the calmest of all people.

After the initial shock, Ma Ling's gaze quickly shifted to Chen Ning's side.

"Yes, you did it!" Ma

Ling shouted directly at Chen Ning.

At this time, this girl no longer has the youthful and lively temperament she had before, and she is completely a little shrew.

At least in Chen Ning's eyes.

Anyway, the people that Chen Ning hates will not be pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

"That's right, I'm a ghost breeder, and they're all possessed by my little ghosts, do you want to try it too?"

Chen Ning looked at Ma Ling lightly and said.

"You, you...... Nonsense, there are no ghosts in the world at all!" Ma

Ling was frightened by Chen Ning's words and took two steps back.

Then he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Yes, then what do you say about them?" Chen Ning shrugged his shoulders and asked rhetorically.

"This ......"

Ma Ling was stunned again.

yes, if there are no ghosts, what is going on with these boys?

The rest of the girls listened to the conversation between the two.

When they heard Chen Ning's words, they all immediately screamed and hid far away.

And the scared boy who had just been helped up by them was thrown to the ground again.

In fact, several of the boys have resumed their thinking activities.

Originally, they thought that they were frightened by Chen Ning's bloodthirsty eyes.

But as soon as Chen Ning said that after they were possessed by a ghost, they suddenly felt that something was moving in their bodies.

Suddenly frightened, they also screamed.

There were even two active ones, who got up directly and began to kowtow to Chen Ning and beg for mercy.

In fact, no matter what ghosts possess, their consciousness is controlled by Chen Ning, which can also be called a psychological shadow.

What Chen Ning said would make them subconsciously feel physically uncomfortable.

If these people can be a little stronger, they will be fine if they calm down for a while.

"In the future, no matter how big or small it is, do three good deeds every day, and stick to it for a month.

Chen Ning didn't expect this result, so he simply made up a solution for them.

For ordinary people, Chen Ning still has a certain tolerance.

The Zhang Qiang who was killed by him before really stimulated his bottom line.

Seeing that there were people gathering in the distance, Chen Ning didn't plan to stay longer, and turned around with Niuniu in his arms and was about to leave.

"Parent Chen Qi, you stop!"

Chen Ning wanted to leave like this, but there would always be people who wouldn't let him get his wish.

Not long after he took a few steps, an angry roar came from behind him.

"Mr. Liu, you can come, this person is too evil, and he gave Yang Wei and them a ghost possession. "

Yes, it's terrible, you see Yang Wei and they are all scared to pee!" After

a group of girls saw the voicer, they immediately surrounded and told Chen Ning about it.

Chen Ning was about to turn into a demon with horns in their mouths.

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