There were a total of six people from Captain Fang's side.

Captain Fang is a strong man in his thirties, and his body size is the same as that of Yugang.

Behind Captain Fang were four guards dressed in uniform dark blue.

And walking in front of Captain Fang was Lu Fang, the chief guard of Xiaoyao Island.


The name is the same as the name of a car.

Lu Fang looked to be about fifty years old, of medium stature, not fat or thin, with short black hair, slightly thin cheeks, slightly dark complexion, and a slightly old-fashioned and indifferent expression.

"Hello Chief Guard, welcome to the recreation area to guide the work......"

Tan Zhou greeted him, the captain of the other party turned a blind eye, and his body bent at an almost ninety-degree angle to salute.

To be honest, Tan Zhou is also a high-level member of Xiaoyao Island, but in the face of Lu Fang, the chief of the guard, he has only fear.

He Tan Zhou can only be regarded as a high-level worker, and Lu Fang is basically equivalent to the boss of Xiaoyao Island.

What scared Tan Zhou the most was that he had personally seen this chief of the guard kill a manager with the same identity as him

! It was really killed!

With just one slap, he killed a person!

"What about the troublemaker?"

Lu Fang didn't talk nonsense with Tan Zhou at all, he originally came out to inspect the work of various districts, and when he heard that someone was making trouble, he followed over to take a look.

As for the two people who followed Tan Zhou with flattering faces, Lu Fang only regarded them as air.

It's been too long since anyone dared to make trouble on Easy Island, and he felt a little bored.

"Over there, he blatantly slandered our Xiaoyao Island......

" "Don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Fang directly interrupted Tan Zhou's words, and walked towards the reef where Chen Ning was, and the rest of the people hurriedly followed.

Zhao Jian and Bai Ni really want to talk to the chief of the guard, even if they are familiar.

But after seeing Lu Fang, the two of them were directly coaxed.

This chief of guard seems to have a terrifying momentum from his body.

The group approached the reef.

Just when he was still about ten meters away from the reef, Lu Fang's footsteps suddenly stopped.

His eyes looked at the back on the reef with a little doubt, and his eyes kept changing.

Lu Fang suddenly didn't move and didn't give an order, and the rest of the people didn't dare to move, and they all looked at Lu Fang with doubts.

Lu Fang stared at Chen Ning's back, and gradually his eyes changed from doubt to excitement, and finally even his body trembled slightly.

Although there are several years apart, Lu Fang must be that person with seventy percent

......!" Is that you?"

Suddenly, Lu Fang's tone trembled a little, and he asked at Chen Ning's back.

Tan Zhou, Zhao Jian, Bai Ni, and Captain Fang and several team members were all dumbfounded

? What's the matter?

Their brains were down for a while.

Chen Ning had already known that Lu Fang was coming, and he slowly turned around when he heard his voice.

That's right, it's him

! Although he is much more mature than a few years ago, his appearance and contours have not changed much!

Lu Fang was completely excited.

He knelt down with a puff and said in a trembling voice, "Finally see you again, Xiu ......

" "Get up, do you want everyone on the island to come and watch?"

Chen Ning directly interrupted Lu Fang halfway through his words.

This guy was so excited that he forgot about his surroundings.

Fortunately, there are fewer people here, and kneeling alone is not enough to cause any sensation.

Of course, it is also that other tourists do not know Lu Fang's identity at all.

"Yes, Lu Fang is reckless!" Lu

Fang was also recalled by Chen Ning's words, and hurriedly got up.

However, the waist is still slightly bent to show respect for Chen Ning.

At this time, the few people behind Lu Fang were still in a stunned state.

This scene is really beyond the limits of their thinking.

Suddenly, Lu Fang remembered why he came here, and suddenly turned his head to look at Tan Zhou.

"But he slandered Runaway, you say?"

"Ahh......hh Yes, no......"

Tan Zhou's legs were weak, and he didn't speak at all.

"You dare to lie to me, you damn it!" Lu

Fang didn't bother to say anything more, took a step and raised his slap.

"Chief Guard, spare your life......"

Tan Zhou was directly frightened when he saw Lu Fang's movements.

He saw Lu Fang slap a manager to death like this.

He looked frightened and wanted to ask for mercy.


Zhou's plea for mercy obviously didn't have any effect, and he was slapped in the face.

Tan Zhou was directly knocked to the ground, and then there was no sound at all.

"Drag it away!" Lu

Fang didn't even take a look after the fight, and directly ordered the stunned Captain Fang.


Captain Fang was excited, and hurriedly led his subordinates forward and set Tan Zhou up.

And when Captain Fang personally set up Tan Zhou, he also deliberately probed Tan Zhou's breath.

Immediately, Captain Fang's face turned a little pale.

Lu Fang obviously also noticed Captain Fang's small movements: "Do you want to accompany him too?" "

No, I don't want to!"

Captain Fang hurriedly shook his head, and then directly waved his hand to let the two subordinates take Tan Zhou away.

Bai Ni and Zhao Jian only thought that they were knocked unconscious at first, but Captain Fang's reaction, coupled with Tan Zhou's posture when he dragged them away, made their legs suddenly weak.

This deputy island master is too brutal

! Bai Ni even felt that her bladder couldn't lock the water

! In a blink of an eye, the two of them thought of Chen Ning!

Who is he?

This chief of the guard has such a lofty status, he actually killed a person for him at the first sight of him, and even knelt down.

The level of respect is too terrifying!

Bai Ni looked at Chen Ning in fear at the same time, and couldn't help but think in her heart again.

But at this time, Lu Fang's words made all Bai Ni's thoughts disappear.

"Sir, what should you do with these two people?"

Lu Fang didn't know much about the details, and he didn't need to know.

It was enough for him to know that these two people were with Tan Zhou.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, it's all this woman, he said that you bullied her and asked Manager Tan to help him get angry, I, I just came to see the excitement.

When Zhao Jian heard Lu Fang's words, he almost urinated directly.

then begged Chen Ning for mercy and put all the blame on Bai Ni.

Bai Ni's eyes widened, and she looked at her boss in disbelief.

"Get out, especially Bai Ni, don't appear in front of me in the future, it makes me feel sick to see you, remember that my sentence is a warning!" Chen

Ning's tone was cold and disgusting.

He couldn't kill Bai Ni, mainly because her son and his daughter were classmates.

But only once.

When Bai Ni heard Chen Ning's words, she didn't have the courage to refute at all, she just nodded again and again.

Then he turned and ran in the direction of his son.

Where she left, a puddle of water was clearly left on the beach.

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