"Okay, let's come out to play, don't talk about anything else, focus on playing games.

Chen Ning directly ended these topics.

At the end of the Ferris wheel, the two little girls took the little boy and started to ride the roller coaster, and then the pirate ship, the big pendulum ......

There is no age limit for the games here, and unless you dare not play it yourself, you will not be refused.

Because the security issues are extremely well done here.

"I can't do it, you kids are so bold, let's play something safe.

Bai Ni accompanied her son to get off the pendulum and vomited directly, and the original exquisite appearance had already cost seventy-seven eighty-eight.

Of course, it can't be said that Bai Ni is timid.

Jin Yu never went up again since he took the roller coaster.

Anyway, she still has Qin Sheng at home to take her daughter with.

And the energy of a child's play is comparable to the energy of a woman shopping, and she is very bold.

They don't know what it means to be afraid!

"Let's go to the beach and play beach castle!"

At this time, Niu Niu actually proposed to play a stable game project.

It should also be an exciting project, and they have had enough.

"This is good, Niuniu is the most sensible!" Bai

Ni nodded happily when she heard Niuniu's words, and praised Niuniu.

"Liu Yitian's mother, you have to call me Chen Qi, Niuniu can only be called like this by people from our own family!" Niuniu

heard Bai Ni call her like this, and corrected with a hint of seriousness on her little face.

Bai Ni was immediately embarrassed when she heard it!

She didn't know the nickname Niuniu before, but she had just heard Chen Ning and Jin Yu call them like this, so in order to show her closeness, she just called her like this for the first time.

As a result, he was rejected by others, and he simply didn't give face.

The main thing is that this little girl directly calls her Liu Yitian's mother, and she doesn't even call her aunt

! Didn't she just hear that she was not allowed to play exciting projects, and she wanted to play in the beach castle? She thought she was sympathetic to her!

Normally, Niuniu may lack a little politeness like this.

But in Chen Ning's opinion, Niuniu is not wrong at all, she has a sense of boundaries at a young age, which is very good.

"Let's go Niuniu, Dad will take you to play in the beach castle!" In

order to show encouragement, Chen Ning directly smiled and picked up Niuniu and walked towards the beach.

Seeing this, Jin Yu and Qin Sheng also followed with Yiyi.

Bai Ni's expression changed again, and she couldn't help muttering, "The father and daughter don't have a good thing, they are both equally unqualified!" and

Chen Ning, who had walked more than ten meters, paused slightly, although he didn't look back, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Mom, I want to go to the beach castle too.

Liu Yitian saw that Niuniu and they had gone away, and couldn't help but pull Bai Ni.

"What are you playing, let's not ......

" "Bai Ni, why are you here?" Bai Ni

was brewing anger, and she was a little impatient with the child, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her calling herself.

Suddenly turned around, and after seeing the person who came, he suddenly changed to a surprised and puzzled expression and said: "Boss, why are

you here?" "Well, I'm here to talk about a cooperative project with Xiaoyao Island, let me introduce you, this is the manager of the amusement zone on Xiaoyao Island, Manager Tan Zhou, Manager Tan This is Bai Ni, the head of the public relations team of our credible company." Bai

Ni's boss is also very young, and he looks like he is only twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and Manager Tan with him is a middle-aged man in his forties, short and balding.

"Fortunately, Miss Bai is so beautiful.

The bald manager Tan's eyes lit up slightly after seeing Bai Ni, and he took the initiative to step forward and stretch out his hand to greet him.

Bai Ni was taken aback.

A division manager on Runaway Island, that's a great character.

If you compare it, it can be about the same as the head of a department in Shuicheng!

Although this guy is bald and fat and very greasy, he is ......

Bai Ni suddenly thought of a good way to get angry.

And Bai Ni's boss on the side also narrowed his eyes when he saw Manager Tan's reaction.

Before, this bald man was high to himself, but now he is so enthusiastic when he sees Bai Ni.

What does this mean?

It shows that Manager Tan is interested in a young woman like Bai Ni!

At this time, Chen Ning and Qin Sheng on the other side took the two little girls to the beach.

There are a lot of tourists, but the beach is wide and not crowded.

Although you can often see the sea in the water city, there are not many opportunities for the two little girls to go to the beach to play.

In particular, the beach is even better, and there are many sand castles for children to play.

A few people first found a free awning, spread their own mats, and took out the prepared snacks and drinks.

The two little ones went directly to the castle complex to dig sand, and the three adults were rarely idle.

None of the three had any interest in going swimming in the sea.

Here, Chen Ning was chatting with Qin Sheng and Jin Yu.

Not far away, Bai Ni walked over with the child and two others.

"Brother Tan, forget it, it's just a little misunderstanding, they are all the parents of the children, so they are too embarrassed, and it will be difficult for us to see each other in the future.

Bai Ni said something to the bald manager Tan in a tired voice.

It sounds like persuasion, but more often than not, it's like arching fire.

"Don't worry, your Brother Tan will take care of it.

Tan Zhou said indifferently and proudly.

As he spoke, one hand also wrapped his arms around Bai Ni's waist.

Bai Ni's boss turned a blind eye to Manager Tan's actions, and then interjected: "Bai Ni, you are too honest, although this is not a company, but you are still my employee, you have been wronged, my boss has to help you vent your anger, isn't it just a cook, Manager Tan's casual words can make him get out of Xiaoyao Island!"

"This...... It's still not good!"

Bai Ni looked embarrassed, but a hint of pride flashed in her eyes.

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