Early the next morning, Chen Ning woke up from his cultivation.

After washing up, go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Although she didn't have to go to class today, Niuniu still woke up on time and ran out barefoot as usual.

"Dad, Niuniu dreamed that you were taken away by Aunt Chengwei.

Niuniu didn't go to wash up today, but ran over and hugged Chen Ning's thigh, and said with a little scared.

Chen Ning raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that the appearance of the two city guards yesterday still left some impact on Niuniu.

"Don't worry, Dad didn't do anything bad, and the city guards won't arrest Dad.

Chen Ning bent down and hugged the little girl.

There is also a little sleepy-eyed little girl, wearing cute little pajamas, which makes Chen Ning feel cute how she looks.

"Uh-huh, Dad is the nicest person in the world.

Niuniu hugged Chen Ning's neck and said very seriously.

The best

person in the world? Chen Ning showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, he just needs to be a good person in his daughter's mind.

In a good mood, and not in a hurry to go to school, Chen Ning made two more breakfasts at home for the first time, which made the little girl very happy and directly washed away the bad memories.

After eating, Chen Ning prepared a little girl.

I'm going to Xiaoyao Island today, so let's go to the restaurant to find Yiyi first, and then wait until ten o'clock to set off together.

Jin Yu bought two sets of clothes for Niuniu before, the little girl's eyes lit up, and the two sets were changed back and forth, so that Chen Ning could help evaluate them.

No matter how young a girl is, she also loves beauty.

Chen Ning commented very patiently, anyway, there is no bad one.

At around half past eight, Niuniu couldn't stay at home, and pulled Chen Ning to let him take him to find Yiyi.

Out of the community, Chen Ning was going to forget the Niujia bun shop opposite.

But the repeated sound of the horn came over him, and he had to pay attention.

Niujia Bun Shop has a lot of customers today, and you can see a lot of people shaking in the store from here.

And the horn at the door should be the main reason for the increase in passenger flow.

"Niujia Bun Shop celebrates its 10th anniversary, buy one get one free buns, and all kinds of stir-fried vegetables are all 50% off, and neighbors are welcome to come and taste. A

shout came from the loudspeaker, repeated over and over again.

Chen Ning watched the excitement on the side, so he didn't pay attention to it.

I was going to boil the frog in warm water, but it's not good to push it too hard, so it's fun to take it slowly.

"Chef Chen, how can your family rest!" Chen

Ning took Niuniu to the front of the restaurant and greeted a few people.

These people questioned Chen Ning directly, and even with a hint of anger.

Chen Ning was stunned for a moment, and then smiled speechlessly.

These people are obviously repeat customers of the buns at One One Restaurant.

At this time, the roller shutter door of the restaurant is half-opened, and there is a small blackboard at the door, which reads the notice that the owner has something to do and has a day off.

As a result, these old customers who have been addicted to eating buns at Yiyi Restaurant have run away.

In fact, it was notified yesterday, but there are still some people who didn't pay attention.

However, these guests got angry with Chen Ning in order to buy a few steamed buns, and Chen Ning really couldn't reply to this.

"I'm sorry everyone, but there is an event in our child's kindergarten today, and we have to take our children to participate. Chen Ning replied with a smile.

"Alas, you are really, you can't care about our life or death when you play with children, you don't eat your buns for a day, and you feel uncomfortable. One customer still complained.

Chen Ning was speechless again.

It's as if there's something really wrong with their buns.

"There is a Niujia bun shop opposite, and there are still preferential activities, you can try it. Chen Ning rolled his eyes and said.

"Pull it down, it's not like I haven't eaten his buns, if I felt okay before, and now I've eaten your buns, his buns are no different from pig food, not to mention buy one get one free, even if I buy one get ten free, I won't eat it!"

Chen Ning smiled slightly again and apologized again to a few people.

Led Niu Niu into the dining room under the half-open roller shutter door.

At nine forty, Chen Ning and Qin Sheng and his wife both carried a backpack and took two happy and excited little girls out of the restaurant and rushed to the kindergarten.

When the group arrived in front of the kindergarten, they found that a large group of people had gathered here, as well as ten medium-sized school buses.

The kindergarten is not large, but the number of children in the large, medium and small classes together is about 100, and with parents and teachers, ten school buses are barely enough.

The teachers are very busy, and they are all organizing the parents of the children in their respective classes to get together and then get on the bus according to the class schedule.

Zhen Yuan was also very busy, but when he saw Chen Ning and Niuniu coming over, he still came over alone to say hello and directly arranged them on a school bus.

As soon as he got into the car, Chen Ning frowned slightly.

He saw Bai Ni, dressed in white, sitting in the car with her child.

"Mr. Chen, hello to the family.

Bai Ni's eyes lit up as soon as she saw Chen Ning, and she greeted a few people.

Jin Yu was slightly stunned, he had often met Bai Ni when he picked up his children before, but this Bai Ni had never taken the initiative to greet her, at most she just nodded her head.

Why are you so enthusiastic today?

Chen Ning was a little surprised, but he was sure that there was definitely something wrong with this woman's warmth and kindness.

There are some things between adults that children naturally can't see.

After seeing her classmates, Niuniu took the initiative to greet enthusiastically: "Liu Yitian."

"Chen Qi and Qin Yiyi come and sit in front of me, there is no good place to be late."

Bai Ni's son Liu Yitian was also very happy to greet Niuniu and Yiyi when he saw it.

Although Jin Yu was puzzled by Bai Ni's attitude, she quickly came back to her senses and responded enthusiastically.

But Chen Ning ignored Bai Ni and sat down directly with Niuniu.

Bai Ni didn't mind Chen Ning's attitude at all.

has been taking the initiative to talk to Chen Ning, as if he had completely forgotten about the rejection of asking Chen Ning to pretend to be boyfriend to attend the banquet before.

Jin Yu also quickly discovered Jin Yu's attitude towards Chen Ning.

It turned out that Liu Yitian's mother's enthusiasm was mainly aimed at Chen Ning!

A moment later, other parents also took their children to the car one after another, and the whole car suddenly became lively.

These children are all enthusiastic about going out to play.

The children had fun together, and the parents got together to chat.

Of course, in the small talk of parents, there will inevitably be some comparisons.

Chen Ning doesn't like this kind of communication very much, especially when he hears some parents talk about how good his career and income are, he really feels a little boring.

Chen Ning was silent, and many parents deliberately ignored him.

In the end, Zhen Yuan also got into the car, and the convoy set off.

Xiaoyao Island is more than 50 kilometers away from the water city, and you need to go to the fixed pier to take a boat.

After a twenty-minute drive to the seaside pier, Zhen Yuan organized everyone to board the ship in batches.

It was not a formal passenger ship, but a relatively large speedboat with many members, one of which could carry sixty people.

"Daddy, Daddy, Niuniu is on the boat. Niuniu

was obviously on a boat for the first time, so she screamed excitedly when she arrived on the speedboat.

Yi Yi was also on a boat for the first time, but this little girl was obviously a little timid, snuggling in Qin Sheng's arms and not daring to look at the sea next to her.

Chen Ning looked at Niuniu's happy appearance, and she kept smiling on her face.

And Bai Ni took her son to sit in the back row of Chen Ning and Yiyi, looking at Chen Ning's generous back and the handsome silhouette of the occasional side face, her eyes would flash with rippling light.

Bai Ni really didn't look down on Chen Ning's profession at first, just because of his handsome appearance, she thought it was good to develop into a physical relationship.

But when she bumped into Chen Ning and Yun Lu two days ago, Yun Lu obviously went to their restaurant to eat, and she rearranged Chen Ning's position in her heart.

On this parent-child trip, she has a clear purpose.

I must take him down, and then ride the Yun family through him.

It's a win-win-win-win-win-

A moment later, Zhen Yuan also got on the boat.

Tell everyone to sit down and fasten their seat belts, and then the speedboat starts and speeds out into the sea with a boatload of people.

The sea distance of more than 30 kilometers only takes about 15 minutes for a speedboat.

It didn't take long to see an island with dense vegetation.

Chen Ning looked at the island, and a trace of remembrance flashed in his eyes.

When he was fifteen years old, he lived on this island for more than a month because of a mission assigned by his master, and killed more than 100 foreign mercenaries.

It's also very good with an old guy here.

"That old turtle should be seventy-five now, and I don't know how many times I've been a father in the past few years!" With

Chen Ning's brief memories, the speedboat also entered the dock.

Xiaoyao Island is a private property, in addition to contributing a huge amount of tax revenue to Longxia every year.

There are even some rules of its own.

It's fun and safe to come here, and you can find everything you can think of here.

Of course, if you spend it, it is more expensive than ordinary amusement places.

Boarding the island, not far in front of the pier is a large and spacious square.

The square is lined with replicas of famous statues from all over the world, and many tourists take photos here.

The most conspicuous statue is a figure statue in the center of the square.

The reason why it is conspicuous is not that there is anything special about the characters.

It's just because he's tall enough!

Among the surrounding statues that are only five or six meters high, there is such a ten-meter-tall statue, which is naturally the most conspicuous.

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