Chen Ning obviously felt Niuniu's nervousness and fear, and his face suddenly sank.

If it was just him, he would only be a little angry at Yugang's disadvantage.

But this Mo Yue was directly in front of the child, and her attitude scared Niuniu, which made Chen Ning very dissatisfied.

"Little friend, we're either arresting your dad or asking a few questions, don't be afraid. Wu

Kai, the male city guard, seemed to have a good temper, and when he saw Niuniu's emotions, he hurriedly and softly comforted him.

After speaking, Wu Kai also glanced at Mo Yue with a hint of helplessness.

Although Mo Yue was not polite when she spoke like this, with her indifferent appearance and tone, it was really easy to cause a shadow in the child's heart.

Mo Yue frowned, and then said to Chen Ning, "Send the child back to the room first, and we'll talk."

Chen Ning glanced at Mo Yue lightly and didn't speak, took out the key to open the door, and took Niuniu into the room.

Mo Yue originally meant that Chen Ning would send Niuniu into the door, and then he would come out to cooperate with their inquiry.

As a result, after Chen Ning entered the door, he closed the door directly, and after a while, he didn't come out again.

Chen Ning didn't plan to go out again at all.

After entering the door, I waited for Niuniu to finish washing herself.


Niuniu washed up and glanced at the door.

"Dad is with you today.

Chen Ning directly picked up the little girl and sent her into the bedroom.

Niu Niu blinked, and then she was happy.

She likes her dad by her side the most, and she feels very sweet when she sleeps.

Although Dad doesn't tell any stories, Niu Niu just likes the feeling of Dad being around.

Niuniu couldn't sleep after lying down, and at first she was still a little worried about the two city guards outside the door, but when Chen Ning shifted the topic to the topic of going out to play tomorrow, the little girl soon forgot about it.

It is estimated that she thought that a long time had passed, and the city guard had already returned home.

The two of them were chatting happily here, and Mo Yue's face outside the door became darker and darker.

"Knock on the door.

Finally, after waiting for a full twenty minutes, Mo Yue finally couldn't help it and said to Wu Kai.

"Captain, forget it, we originally violated the order, if we provoke Chen Ning, we will be complained......" "

Shut up, I said that I have something to do, Chen Ning is already a major suspect, and I don't know if the brain is pumped above, just don't let him go to the investigation, we are not even allowed to come to him!"

Mo Yue said this, her expression was even more indifferent.

This woman actually disobeyed the orders of her superiors and acted privately.

Yu Gang had obviously dealt with this matter.

But he didn't expect that there would be such a female city guard who didn't obey orders.

"Since the above has ordered like this, I feel that Chen Ning's suspicion has been fundamentally ruled out, and it is now nine o'clock......

" "I order you to knock on the door."

Mo Yue directly interrupted Wu Kai's words.

Wu Kai rolled his eyes, his heart was speechless, if he dared, he would definitely reply, 'Don't you have long hands yourself'? Unfortunately,

he really didn't dare.

But he really didn't want to let him knock on the door, so he could only be silent.

"Okay, if you don't knock it, I'll knock it myself!" Mo

Yue knew Wu Kai's thoughts when he saw his reaction.

His tone was a little colder again, and he turned around and knocked twice on the door.

It looks a little angry, but it's light when it actually hits.

There was no response again, and Mo Yue rang again after an interval of more than ten seconds.

This time the force was slightly greater.

However, there was still no response from the room, and Mo Yue raised her hand again, obviously ready to use her strength.

But just as her hand knocked on it, there was a sound of kara from inside the door, and then the door was pushed open.

The entrance door was pushed outward, and as soon as the door opened, it hit Mo Yue's hand directly, making a bang.

Mo Yue's brows furrowed slightly, obviously hurting her hands.

However, Mo Yue just took her hand back, and looked at the person who opened the door with a cold gaze.

Naturally, it's Chen Ning.

Chen Ning finally put the excited Niuniu to sleep, and knew that the two city guards outside the door were still there.

If the two of them left after waiting, Chen Ning would not pursue the matter of their blocking the door.

When Mo Yue knocked on the door for the first time, Chen Ning was sitting in the living room and heard it clearly, but he didn't move, and if the other party gave up, he would endure it.

When he knocked on the door for the second time, Chen Ning got up and went to the door, he knew that this female city guard would not give up.

So when the woman was about to knock on the door for the third time, Chen Ning directly opened the door.

"Do you know that your behavior is already a form of resisting law enforcement!" Mo

Yue said in a very cold tone as soon as she saw Chen Ning.

"You turn my voice down for me, saying that I resist law enforcement, do you have a law enforcement certificate, and now give you one last chance to take the initiative to get out!" Chen

Ning saw that Mo Yue was speaking loudly, his brows furrowed again, and he was very polite when he spoke.

Chen Ning doesn't care if you are a beauty or not, his patience with Mo Yue has reached the edge of the last bottom line.

"What are you talking about?"

Chen Ning's rolling word directly stimulated Mo Yue, her willow eyebrows erected, and her body exuded an angry and persecutive aura.

Of course, this breath definitely has a strong sense of oppression for ordinary people, but for Chen Ning, it is really not as good as a fart!

At least the smell of farts can make Chen Ning frown.

"I said let you get out, the opportunity to take the initiative has been given up by you!" Chen

Ning saw that Mo Yue's voice was getting louder and louder, and he stepped directly to the door of the house and closed the door.

Mo Yue took a step back and wanted to get out of the way, but when Chen Ning closed the door, he directly reached out and grabbed Mo Yue's collar.

"What are you doing, let it go!" Wu

Kai originally had a slight objection to Mo Yue's behavior on the side, so he didn't intervene when the two started a conversation.

But Chen Ning suddenly made a move, and this was not good.

Wu Kai said as he stepped forward to stop Chen Ning.

However, as soon as he got closer, Chen Ning reached out and grabbed the collar as well.

Mo Yue is good at kung fu, but after being caught by Chen Ning, she felt that her breathing was suddenly not smooth.

Grabbing Chen Ning's wrist with both hands and trying to untie it, she found that Chen Ning's hand was as unbreakable as painful steel pliers!

Wu Kai was even worse, after being caught, he completely lost his ability to resist, leaving only wide-eyed eyes and disbelief.

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