Chen Ning returned to the store, and Jin Yu and Qin Sheng looked at Chen Ning and showed concern.

"It's okay, just a little trivial.

Chen Ning smiled at the husband and wife.

He said this, and neither husband nor wife asked any more questions.

There is nothing to do at this time, Chen Ning changed the topic, and talked to the two of them about bringing two little girls to the event tomorrow.

"I saw the message in the group, I can go buy items during the lunch break, but tomorrow we have to rest for most of the day. Jin Yu said.

It's a little tangled in having to close the door for half a day.

"It's off, don't do anything for half a day, just take a day off, it's more important to be happy with your children than to make money, money is endless. Chen Ning said.

Seeing Chen Ning say this, the couple finally nodded.

Indeed, over the years, the two have saved money in order to make money, not only have the two of them never gone out, but even Xiao Yiyi has never gone out to play with the children seriously.

Without saying anything more, Chen Ning returned to the kitchen and continued to work.

At this time, it was almost nine o'clock, and the two dishes of medicinal food should be hurried, so as not to suddenly come to the door of those customers who did not eat on time.

As a result, as soon as Chen Ning finished thinking about it, customers came to the restaurant.

It is the kind of customer who does not eat according to the rules in Chen Ning's mouth.

Although there is no medicinal diet, stir-fry is also possible.

It was busy until half past nine, and the two pots of medicinal food were stewed.

As for Lan Xing, it was naturally yesterday's work, sitting on a pony at the door of the back kitchen, picking and washing vegetables one by one, and nagging a few words from time to time.

However, they were all ignored by Chen Ning and Qin Sheng.

"Huh, Chengwei is coming to the community, it's still two cars, is there something big about arresting people?"

Lan Xing inadvertently passed through the small door in the community, and saw two police cars entering the community and parking under a building not far away.

Immediately got up and wanted to see the excitement.

Chen Ning originally wanted to scold him, but suddenly thought of something, so he ignored him.

Seeing that Chen Ning didn't stop his movements, Lan Xing suddenly became active: "Boss, I'll go and see the excitement to find out the news, and I'll come back to tell you a story." After

saying that, the kid rushed out of the small door.

"Brother Chen, it seems that the building where you and Niuniu live is still in the same unit.

Qin Sheng also glanced at the community at the door, and happened to see the location where the city guard car was parked.

It is the door of the unit where Chen Ning lives.

Generally, if it is a small matter, the city guards only need one car and two city guards to dispatch.

Once two vehicles are dispatched, it is not an ordinary small police situation.

"Oh, that might be what happened, but it has nothing to do with me.

Chen Ning said with a slight smile.

"Of course it has nothing to do with you, but the security in our water city is very good, as long as there is a bigger criminal case, it will cause a lot of sensation, just wait to see what kind of thing it is." Qin Sheng said with a smile.

Chen Ning also smiled slightly, and thought back to what happened last night in his heart.

When Qin Qin was dragged into the room by Zhang Qiang last night, he asked for help, but that paragraph was covered up by him in Qin Qin's memory.

That technique was nothing more than a superb hypnosis, and maybe in a few years, she would be able to remember this scene.

Chen Ning didn't think about it anymore, Zhang Qiang's kind of garbage would be killed if he killed it.

After more than half an hour, the two pots of medicinal food on Chen Ning's side were all out of the pot, and Lan Xing ran back with an excited face.

"Boss, Brother Qin, guess what's going on?" Lan Xing sold Guan Zi as soon as he came back.

As a result, Chen Ning and Qin Sheng ignored him very tacitly.

It was boring, and Lan Xing didn't mind, so he continued to himself: "It turned out to be a strong case, but unfortunately it seems to be an attempt...... Of course, the more bizarre ones are yet to come.

Lan Xing said with excitement on his face.

I thought that when it came to this kind of hanging appetite, the two of them would be curious, but the result was exactly the same as just now, and the two of them still did what they had to do.

"You're so boring, even if you're not curious, cooperate with it!" Lan

Xing felt extremely frustrated, and he didn't even have any interest in continuing.


If you want to say it, just say it yourself, let's listen, we have to find a singing song for you?"

Chen Ning slapped Lan Xing's head back.

"Hehe, this is okay, it's a bit of a reaction!" Lan

Xing was slapped in the face, not angry at all, but with a happy smile on his face.

Chen Ning and Qin Sheng were speechless.

This kid is a cheap skin!

Jin Yu has finished cleaning up the front hall at this time, and the guests just now have finished eating and left, and when he heard the shouting of Lan Xing, he also lay down at the mouth of the dish and looked lively.

Lan Xing saw that there were many of them, and he suddenly became even more energetic.

began to continue vividly: "I inquired clearly, there is a kid who is the manager of Shenhao Hotel, and after their hotel dinner last night, he wanted to go to 'deal with a waiter', but he didn't return with the hotel safe key for one night, and he got up early and couldn't be contacted, so the hotel called the police......"

As a result, I found out that he was here, and what was even more bizarre was that when the city guard arrived, the girl was awakened and found that she had not been violated, but according to herself, she had been pressed down by the manager at that time, and then she didn't know anything, and the manager who was going to deal with her disappeared like this!"

"It may be that the conscience found out that the girl was spared, and then he was afraid that the girl would report the crime and be arrested, so he simply ran away. Jin Yu interjected at the door and analyzed.

"It's impossible, the city guards checked the surveillance here just before they came, and that kid hasn't gone out since he came here.

Lanxing directly dismissed Jin Yu's speculation.

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