"There is no cap on the amount!"

Yamauchi Pu also felt in his heart that Steve Kevin could not use his golden signboard to joke with them.

To know that a director who never fails, his reputation is also a huge asset.

At least Yamauchi's Steve Kevin's reputation is worth more than their entire Nintendo, and he can't use his reputation to frame Nintendo.


Iwata Satoru agreed immediately.


the other side.

Under the leadership of Ryoko Hirosue, Kevin briefly toured the various landscapes of Japan.

In the morning, after visiting several sights in Tokyo, Kevin returned to the high-end hotel where they had come from.

This is a high-end hotel that integrates restaurants, accommodation, and hot springs.

The cost of a night can be as high as thousands of dollars, which is a lot of money.

Of course, for Kevin, that was just a drizzle.

And Nintendo has covered his expenses here.

After all, it is such a big company, to receive such a big man like him, this treatment still has to be given.

After reaching the door of the room, Kevin said:

"Liangzi, go to another place to rest and come back at night."


Hirosue Ryoko left respectfully.

Kevin couldn't help sighing that it was Japanese women's appetite for him.

Turning around and pushing the door, he saw a man in a suit, full of energy, kneeling on the tatami.

"Mr. Sato, hello!"

Kevin stepped forward to shake his hand and said hello.

"Director Kevin, hello."

After a simple greeting, Kevin also sat down with his knees crossed.

This begins:

"Mr. Sato, what happened to what I ordered?"

Sato Ken took out a piece of data from the briefcase, and then responded:

"At present, more than ten IPs that Director Kevin needs have been collected."


Kevin asked directly.

Sato Ken is a professional he specially hired to help him collect IP.

In terms of the intermediary, he can also earn a fee for running errands, so that Kevin does not have to run one by one.

Takeshi Sato glanced at the data and said:

"At present, there are One Piece and Prince of Tennis who have purchased the copyright of movies and TV series..."

Sato Ken read out more than a dozen cartoons that Kevin had a little impression of.

However, the most valuable of them are One Piece and The Prince of Tennis. It is not difficult to win the film and television rights of these two comics.

In the island country, a country with a high concentration of secondary elements.

Animation is the most influential entertainment industry.

These comic book publishers pay far less attention to the copyright of movies and TV series than the copyright of animation.

And these two comics, although the response is very good, but without the blessing of animation, the overall popularity has not reached its peak.

Kevin directly bought out the 20-year copyright of One Piece's movie and TV series with only 200,000 US dollars. At the same time, he can also renew the copyright for 20 years at a price of 1 million US dollars.

Of course, these are overseas copyrights, and in Japan, they can shoot their own movie and TV versions of One Piece.

That's why they sell so well.

Overseas version, isn't this free money?

None of them could have imagined how popular the copyright that Kevin took a fancy to would become popular in the future.

Of course, Kevin bought the copyright of One Piece, not all for the movie.

For example, One Piece is obviously suitable for TV dramas and movies, but it is far from being able to make the plot.

These copyrights are all prepared by Kevin for the future Netflix.

Anyway, the price is very cheap. If you hold it in your hand, as long as one explodes in the future, it will be a big profit.

Chapter 272 Win the Pokemon Movie Copyright

"Mr. Sato is very reliable. Next, I will leave my business in Japan to you. This is a long-term business."


Takeshi Sato's expression brightened, and the treatment Steve Kevin gave him was actually normal, but for a smart person like him.

He knew that the best thing about doing it was not making money off Steve Kevin.

Rather, he has a channel through which Steve Kevin can get in touch. This kind of personal connection is simply worth a thousand dollars.

Using this network, even a little bit, is enough for him to start a powerful intermediary company.

This is how this society is. People are much stronger than what they actually do.

When you go out of the society, you will find that people with connections can make money lying down. For example, a person has a relationship in the municipality, can win a project, and is not afraid of the difficulty of asking for an account.

Resale contracting is huge profits, and all risks are borne by the contractor.

There is no guarantee that the account will be collected or not.

That's it, I don't know how many people climbed on the pole.

This is the real face of society.

Next, Kevin briefly chatted with him about the next business development, and then sent him out of here.

So far, apart from Pokemon, Kevin has nothing else to do in Japan.

Before he came, he also thought about whether to hang out more in the Japanese entertainment industry and get to know a few more Japanese actresses, but when he really came, Kevin lost his interest.

One Hirosue Ryoko is enough.

Too many women are also a problem, especially women in the entertainment industry.

The few women Kevin first stepped into Hollywood had less and less contact with him.

And Kevin didn't care so much about them anymore. To put it a bit harsher, they had expired.

European and American women, the most beautiful time period is between thirteen and twenty-five years old, this is the conclusion that Kevin came to based on his own experience.

European and American women mature earlier. They are in their teens, which is the peak period. After reaching the age of twenty-five, they become more and more ugly like flowers wither.

No wonder there are so many copper smelting addictions in Europe and America. This is a factor determined by race.

In the room, after soaking in the hot spring again, Kevin came to the room comfortably and turned on the air conditioner. I have to say that in the summer, the hot spring has a different taste, which is similar to the sauna.

"Iwata Satoshi is here."

"Let him in."

The bodyguards who were in charge of security outside let Iwata Satoshi and the lawyer he brought over.

Once in the room, Kevin motioned for him to sit down.

Iwata Satoshi and the lawyer he was carrying kneeled respectfully opposite Kevin.

In Kevin's identity, sitting cross-legged on the ground is not rude. The two sides are not at the same height.

"How's the negotiation going? What's your opinion on the sale of Pokémon's movie and TV rights from Nintendo?"

Kevin got straight to the point.

With his status, coming to Japan is a dimensionality reduction blow. As the younger brother of the United States, the Japanese naturally bow their heads to the Americans.

Not to mention he is a billionaire even in America.

Iwata Satoshi had a respectful look on his face, and said in a reasonable manner:

"After our company's discussion, we agreed to sell you the overseas movie and TV rights of Pokémon."

"Only a million dollar price!"

Kevin frowned.

It's not too expensive, it's too cheap.

One Piece has just been serialized for a year, and the animation has not even started. Even so, Kevin paid a price of two hundred thousand dollars.

And Pokémon, as a big game IP that has been animated and comic, how can a mere one million dollars match its identity.

Nintendo can't be so ignorant.

Kevin raised his head and glanced at Iwata Satoshi, silently waiting for him to mention the following conditions.

Sure enough, seeing that Kevin did not speak, Iwata Satoshi couldn't sit still, and continued:

"However, we have a condition."

"What conditions."

Kevin let Iwata continue to speak indifferently, his face was expressionless, and he could not see his inner emotions.

This is the basic chengfu.

In a business negotiation, if you let the other party see through your emotions, then you have already lost.

Iwata Satoshi, who couldn't see how much Kevin valued Pokémon, could only tentatively put forward his own conditions.

"We, Nintendo, hope to be an investor in Pokémon-based films, with an investment ratio of no less than 50%."

Although it sells TV series and movie copyrights, the money made by TV series is much less than that of movies.

In fact, they don't pay much attention to the copyright of TV series, and they have no idea of ​​investing.

"I can accept 50% of the investment, but there will be no copyright and peripheral income in the later stage, and all you can get is the box office share."

Kevin said lightly.

Investing in his films is making money, everyone knows that.

But Kevin never let others invest easily. The previous films that were invested by other film companies were all in exchange for benefits.

For example, Fox used the copyrights of Spider-Man and the X-Men to make deals with Kevin, and then obtained the investment rights of the Matrix.

Of course, after learning about Kevin's plans for the Marvel Universe, their regrets turned green.

From the movie universe, they can see how important Spider-Man is, and it would be a loss to sell the copyright to Kevin like this.

But this is the end, and there is nothing to do.

Who knew Spider-Man's copyright was so important.

Of course, what they regret even more is that they handed over part of the Titanic's investment share to Paramount, which is what they regret the most.

The president of Paramount, with a crooked smile on his face after the Titanic went offline, chases James Cameron every day to invest in his next movie.

Forcing Fox to send people behind him, he was afraid that James Cameron would suddenly come up with an idea and be intercepted by Paramount.

Of course, in the future, the investor of Avatar is still Fox.

And this time Fox has learned the lesson. Even if the investment in Avatar is big, Fox chooses to invest by himself. In the end, Cameron has brought them enough returns.

"I'm taking the liberty to ask, Pokémon, how many movies are you going to make?"

Iwata Satoshi probed.

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