With the title of Kevin's most loyal dog-legged film critic, although he is notorious in film critic circles, few film critics want to deal with him.

But the invitation from the film company, as well as the draft from the newspaper, he did not take less.

In the past few years, I have earned a net worth of several hundred thousand, and I have changed my car and house, and even my children's school. It can be said that I have reached the peak of my life.

Chapter 244 Global Release

Driven by countless forces, Spider-Man's box office fell only slightly in the next four days after three days, gaining another $140 million at the box office.

Within a week of its release, Spider-Man earned an astonishing 290 million at the box office. According to the normal commercial cycle, Kevin can still make three weeks of box office money.

No way, in the summer season this time is a special time for money, even if Spider-Man is released for a month, it will be awesome.

On the eighth day, the box office began to show a significant decline.

The single-day box office fell below 30 million, and only received 29.6 million.

The cinema side began to reduce the number of films, and at the same time adjusted the proportion of accounts.

Spider-Man's publicity has also begun to slow down.

Next, we can only rely on previous publicity, as well as various word-of-mouth from audiences and film critics, to slowly exert force.

However, Chen Xi Movie, when the cost has been recovered, can smile and watch the next box office data.

At the same time, they also began to communicate with overseas channels. As a big-selling movie, different from ordinary movies, it may be released at night for a month or two.

Time is money, and the sooner it comes out, the better.

With this North American data, Chenxi communicated with various channels of MGM, and tried to release it worldwide as soon as possible.

Of course, the channel fee will also be distributed to MGM as normal.

As a listed company, MGM is subject to supervision and cannot do whatever it wants, but overall, for Kevin, most of the funds are left-handed and right-handed, and it doesn't make any difference.

While the company was running, Kevin also started his own vacation again.

At present, all the business of the company can operate normally, and Kevin only needs to grasp the general direction.

Spider-Man is making efforts in overseas markets, and Marvel is also stepping up its progress. Taking advantage of this wave of popularity, it is pushing other IPs of Marvel to spread its influence.

At the same time, MGM's promotion of Harry Potter has not stopped.

From the beginning of IP creation to casting, the overall hype has been hyped for a full year, and it has also pushed Harry Potter, a little magician, to the front of people all over the world.

Outside of English-speaking countries, you may not know Harry Potter very well, but you have heard about this project from various media reports.

And in English-speaking countries, Harry Potter is known for making a fuss because of casting activities.

Indirectly, the reputation of the IP of Harry Potter was played out, and at least 20 to 30 million US dollars of marketing expenses were spent in the middle.

For the Harry Potter project, both MGM and Dawn movies have done their best.

As a listed company, MGM has been questioned by some shareholders.

President Reiter was put on the shelf.

If the Harry Potter project fails, there is a high probability that he will be blamed.

However, as a project promoted by Steve Kevin, Leiter is still full of optimistic thoughts.

Kevin greeted Reiter, and two months later, Harry Potter began filming, and this was the beginning of his own retreat.

As for why not start shooting right away, rush to the Christmas stall.

In addition to the time is too tight, it is easy to affect the quality.

It's also important that the Titanic's schedule is on Christmas Day.

This Christmas stall is destined to have only one king, and everyone else will be its cannon fodder. Kevin has no idea of ​​joining in the fun.

And the results of the Titanic, only he knows.

At present, including investors, are not optimistic about the Titanic movie.

No way, romance movies are indeed easy to make classics, but it is very difficult to think that the box office will explode.

Even those classic romance films are far from the box office compared to real commercial masterpieces.

Speaking of which, I have to say James Cameron's chicken thief.

First, use a moderate cost to attract investors.

When the filming starts, the money is running out, sorry, let’s invest more.

If you don’t add it, it means that all the previous investments will be scrapped. In desperation, the investor has to bring other people to invest together to share the risk.

Only a great director can do this kind of thing.

No way, little director, the producer will take care of you, and there will be no chance of exceeding the budget at all.

A great director is a privilege.

But even so, James Cameron's behavior is too outrageous.

It can be expected that once the box office of the Titanic fails, James Cameron will inevitably be blacklisted by these big film companies.

To know Titanic, the investors at this time are Fox and Paramount, the two giant film companies.

Among them, Fox chose to let Paramount invest because he was not optimistic about the Titanic.

share the risk.

Of course, in the future, how much Fox regrets it is another matter.

But in a word, although the Titanic has already started the publicity in advance, but in view of the general situation that the love movie is not well received.

Other studios are not afraid of it.

And the Christmas schedule lacks their most feared enemy, the movies of Steve Kevin.

If you don't take advantage of this Christmas break, you'll have to wait until next year's summer break to be ravaged by Steve Kevin's new movie again.

Just thinking about it, these film companies have numb scalps, and they are all ready to put their company's important works in the Christmas file, so as to make up for the various losses caused by Spider-Man's **** of the summer file.


Kevin's vacation does not affect the popularity of Spider-Man.

After being released in the United States for half a month, Spider-Man began to land around the world one after another.

The first is the basic plan of Hollywood, Britain, France, Germany and Italy, as well as a series of EU countries, and the release of Spider-Man is very smooth.

These countries, which have been eroded by Hollywood movies, have long been distorted from their original appearance and become the shape of Hollywood.

Basically, movies that sell well in Hollywood can also achieve good box office results in these regions, especially movies that are commercial blockbusters.

The second is the box office granaries of Japan, South Korea and Singapore.

Although these countries are small in overall size, their economies are booming rapidly. With a small market, they can break out the box office results no less than that of big countries, which is a must for Hollywood.

Of course, with the development of MGM over the years, these channels have long been opened up.

This is the biggest reason why Kevin bought MGM.

For overseas channels.

Without these channels, even if Spider-Man can achieve box office results of more than one billion dollars, most of the profits will be divided by the theater and channels.

And now, go through your own channels.

If it can make a billion dollars at the box office, Kevin can get half of the profits, which is actually an exaggeration, and the cost is reduced to the lowest level.

Chapter 245 Picking Up and Superman's Release

Last but not least, the mainland.

Coinciding with the summer season, although the concept of schedule has not yet been cultivated on the mainland, some filmmakers also instinctively choose to send their films to theaters during this period.

During this period, when Hollywood films entered the mainland, they were subject to strict censorship.

As far as the concepts expressed in most American films are concerned, it is actually difficult to pass the censorship. The elements that Americans show in the films are too out of place in the mainland.

However, Kevin's Spider-Man, once sent for review, passed the fastest.

In addition to confirming that there are no elements that are not suitable for children, as well as some private goods, Spider-Man entered the mainland directly in just three days.

This inevitably surprised many filmmakers, wondering if there was any special treatment for Kevin.

With this special preferential treatment, although the person in charge of communication did not know what happened, they also grabbed 50% of the film volume in the current theater chain.

This amount of films will be adjusted in the later stage according to the specific movie attendance rate, word of mouth, etc.

But obviously, with this amount of films, Spider-Man is destined to dominate this summer season in the mainland.

This is exactly what the mainland gave back to Kevin.

The mainland can be regarded as a lot of money to buy horse bones. By giving away profits, more American directors can know that they can make more US dollars by pleasing to the mainland.

It is also one of the strategies of external publicity.

After entering the mainland market, it means that Spider-Man has begun to be released worldwide.

Chenxi Film Company is also constantly collecting all the data.

The situation is very gratifying.

With the confidence of being a big seller in the United States, Spider-Man's box office can be said to have swept the world, occupying the current box office champion in every place.

Chenxi Film Company, it can be said that the hand cramps are about to count the money.


a few days later.

Inside Warner Bros.

Robinov held the meeting as usual.

The theme is, how to take advantage of the popularity of Spider-Man in the movie Superman Rebirth.

Spider-Man's astonishing box office once again made Warners drool insane.

If it was another film company, I would be envious. If I want to remake it, I don't have that condition.

Only Warner is different.

You must know that Spider-Man is very famous in the United States, but it is no bigger than Batman and Superman.

Compared with Batman and Superman, Spiderman is a little brother.

Watching Spider-Man sweep all the movies in the summer.

Looking at Superman who had already finished shooting, they couldn't hold it any longer.

"Everyone, the promotion of Superman is about to start."

"Spider-Man will be released in a week. With the popularity of Spider-Man, it is also a superhero movie, and the theaters are very interested in it. They are ready to wait for Spider-Man to be released, and it will be empty. , most of them are left to us."

The executives responsible for communicating with the theater line were full of joy.

Although Superman is also a big IP, he has disappeared from the market for nine years. Except for comics, TV series and movies have not had his shadow for a long time.

In addition, although the director is also well-known, he has directed several movies with good box office, but it is obviously not comparable to Steve Kevin.

They were originally prepared, and it would be very good to be able to release the film with 30% of the film.

Unexpectedly, the big sale of Spider-Man made the theater party very optimistic about Superman, and planned to let Superman directly inherit most of the films that Spider-Man retired.

Coupled with a theater chain owned by Warner Bros. itself, the total number of films easily rose to 60%.

Judging from this amount of film, a superman with a $100 million investment.

As long as he can achieve half of Spider-Man's box office results, he can make a lot of money. At this time, no matter which executive of Warners is, he is very optimistic about whether Superman can succeed.

Before this time, they were not idle.

Carefully analyze all the elements of Batman Dark Knight that can be successful, and then reproduce these elements into Superman.

Together, the two Batman films have grossed over a billion dollars.

Their requirements are not high, half of Spider-Man's, and the global box office of 500 million US dollars is enough, which is slightly lower than the box office performance of a single Batman movie, even if it is successful.

With good expectations, the publicity before the release of Superman has once again intensified.

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