Under the power of the Kunlun mirror, the most precious treasure in the door, the world where the destined person is opened is opened, and then the eldest disciple who made a big mistake is entrusted to find the destined person.

The first stage is over.

The picture turned and came to modern America.

The teenager played by the real hero Toby Maguire is being bullied by a group of gangsters.

Chapter 223 The premiere is over

Tobey Maguire himself has a nerdy temperament, and this kind of person is often the target of bullying in school.

In the picture, as soon as Tobey Maguire appeared, through the lens language, various close-ups.

Immediately let the audience's eyes lock on him, this is the protagonist.

And Tobey Maguire's temperament is not extraordinary enough, but has the temperament of a friend next door.

This kind of temperament, to put it simply, is very immersive.

In reality, there are so many great people, not all beings.

Ordinary little people start with the most sense of substitution.

What follows is a plot where the protagonist is bullied at school.

When he was bullied, the one who stood out for him was a female classmate in the school, who was still the object of his crush.

Yes, it's vulgar, but it's a commercial plot.

Immediately afterwards, the real world changed, and countless Gorefiends appeared, slaughtered the real world, and hunted down Toby.

Then, the protagonist's grandfather, the grandfather who adopted him, turned out to be the eldest disciple of the Shushan faction.

It has been 20 years since the Gorefiend got out of trouble. Over the years, the protagonist's grandfather has not been able to find someone who is destined for him until the Gorefiend invaded reality. And sent his men to hunt down Toby.

It was only then that he knew that the destined person was the child he adopted.

The other one was actually Toby's female classmate, the object of his crush.

Then there is the plot of obtaining the Divine Sword, destroying the real world, and the subordinates of the Gorefiend.

Then the senior brother told them that the two Gorefiends were the source of the disaster. If the Gorefiends were not eliminated, the world would eventually be destroyed.

In order to save the world, the two and their senior brother stepped into the world of Shushan together and started the journey to eliminate the big devil.

The various pursuits in the middle will not stop for a while. In the end, in order to completely eliminate the Gorefiend, the senior brother sacrificed himself and passed all his skills to Toby.

The two work together to destroy the Gorefiend.


Tsui Hark looked at his work with a satisfied smile on his face.

Although the plot is a bit patterned, both the construction of the Shushan world and the plot of the real world are full of his style.

The various shapes and weapon designs among them exhausted all his inspirations.

It can be said that it is his pinnacle so far.

I just don't know if these plots can impress these Americans.

Tsui Hark turned his head and looked at the reactions of the audience behind him.

I saw that these audiences were whispering about the plot, and the focus was on the various magical weapons.

And the demeanor of the hero and heroine Yujian flying.

More young people are discussing the costumes, including clothes, ornaments and so on.

"I seem to see a sword-shaped skateboard outside?"

"Really, then I will definitely buy one and experience the feeling of flying with the sword!"


Men focus on the magic toys, and women look at the exquisite ornaments and costumes in the play, and these have been patented by Kevin early.

The reason why Hollywood movies can develop to this point is that the off-site profits are indispensable.

If it all depends on the box office, the risk factor of a movie's profit is very high.

However, with the addition of off-site factors, the probability of loss is greatly reduced, allowing more people to invest in the film industry and making the industry more prosperous.

Kevin looked at Tsui Hark who raised his ears to eavesdrop on the audience's conversation, patted it and said:

"Go thank you and leave."

Only then did Tsui Hark stand up and come to the stage to thank them all.

Soon, the premiere ended, and Kevin took Tsui Hark outside the theater to observe the movements of these audiences.

A group of spectators gathered around the surrounding stores of the studio, and men were snapping up the skateboards of Ziqing Shuangjian and other moulded plastic guns.

Women buy some exquisite ornaments and place orders to buy clothes, but many of the clothes here have to be made to order, so basically they are registering information.

Just seeing these situations, Kevin knew that Shushan was destined to make a fortune.

Tsui Hark on the side couldn't help but ask:

"Director Kevin, how much income can these peripherals generate, and if they fail at the box office, can they use the peripherals to make a return?"

At present, the most powerful development of movie peripherals in the world is Hollywood.

Tsui Hark, who is accustomed to relying on the box office to make money, although he knows that Americans are very good at the development of the surrounding area, he does not have an exact concept.

"If it is a movie with a box office of hundreds of millions of dollars, generally speaking, the peripheral income can be tens of millions of dollars, and this income is continuous."

Kevin is very optimistic about the sales of sword-shaped skateboards.

I have to say that the movie Shushan is actually very maneuverable outside of the movie.

The trend to drive tourism to Mount Emei, as well as these peripheral incomes, etc., are very promising.

"Director Tsui Hark, as a designer, you can get 2% of the net profit from the sales of these peripheral products within 50 years."

Xu Ke was very surprised.

Kevin had never mentioned this to him before.

Two percent of the tens of millions is millions of dollars, and after 50 years, the income of these peripherals may be more than tens of millions.

This is a huge asset.

Only at this time did Tsui Hark understand the true strength of Hollywood's film industry.

Just in these respects.

The value of a movie, Hollywood squeezed it clean.

From the movie itself to the content inside, and even some props, it can be fully utilized.

"Hollywood's film industry is so powerful!"

Tsui Hark sighed and was speechless for a while.

At the same time, looking at the scene in front of him, his confidence in Shushan also rose.

The surrounding of the movie can be bought by the audience. Does this mean that the movie Shushan is actually quite attractive?

If you don't like movies, who will buy its peripherals.

"It took Hollywood decades to cultivate it, and it's nothing compared to normal, as long as you're on the right path."

"Your film industry may not be as good as the United States in the future."

Kevin wanted to talk about Hong Kong, but unfortunately, it is impossible for people in Hong Kong to cultivate a film market comparable to Hollywood.

In the whole world, only India and the mainland have this qualification.

The United States relies on the economy, while the other two countries rely on the population.

Population is a country's most valuable asset.

Of course, having said that, before Kevin crossed over, the mainland movie circle really had a tendency to be rotten.

A certain youth, I don't know what kind of forces are behind it, it is obviously a piece of garbage, but there are so many people advocating it.

The movie is a big loss. It is said that the stock of the film company behind it has gone crazy.

In the end, it is the shareholders who suffer the most.

I don't know if I can see the mainland film market surpass Hollywood in the United States before Kevin's life is cold.

Chapter 224 The Hot Periphery

After appeasing Tsui Hark, Kevin went home directly.

In the follow-up, with the assistance of MGM and Warner, he basically does not need to worry about anything.

On the contrary, it was Spider-Man, who was about to get busy.

Tobey Maguire stopped publicity after the movie was released, and was temporarily on a break. Kevin has arranged for an assistant to inform him that he will go to the morning movie for an interview tomorrow.

This time, what Kevin wants is that Tobey Maguire is not too inflated under the premise of Shushan's box office explosion.

In fact, he can sign Toby Maguire at a low price in advance, but Marvel is a long story.

Not a two-movie thing.

Even if the contract is signed, if the salary is too low, the liquidated damages cannot be too much.

Then he can break the contract at any time.

Instead of that, it is better to give a suitable price in advance and sign a long-term contract.

If he dares to be too greedy in the follow-up, then it is reasonable for Kevin to block him.


the next day.

Dawn Film Company.

Tobey Maguire came to Dawn Films early in the morning, but his appointment with Kevin was eleven o'clock.

So he just found a place near the building and had some Chinese food.

A few fritters, with a cup of sweet soy milk.

I have to say, it made him eat comfortably.

No worse than milk with bread.

Actors are not as strict as actresses in this regard, and they don't need to control their weight too much.

After dawdling until half past ten, Tobey Maguire cheered himself up in his heart.

This time, I don't know what Steve Kevin asked him to do.

But he had a feeling it might be a good thing.


"Go on, Kevin has arrived."

Dawson passed by the first floor, looked at Tobey Maguire, and said directly.

He knew that Kevin took a fancy to Tobey Maguire to play Spider-Man, so his attitude towards this little actor was not bad.

"Thank you, I'll go up right now."

Tobey Maguire said politely.

I felt a sense of flattery in my heart.

Dawson, as the president of Dawn Films, along with Steve Kevin's rise in the film industry, his status in the circle has also risen.

It has become the object that countless actors want to flatter.

Everyone wants to get Steve Kevin's movie resources from Dawson's hands.

Everyone knows that playing Steve Kevin's movie is a shortcut to fame, and it's somewhat flattering that such a big man treats him so politely.

After all, Tobey Maguire quickly walked towards Kevin's office upstairs.

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