Relying on this money, their family is not knowing how nourishing they are now, and even her wife has lost a lot of weight.

It has to be said that in the United States, being thin is a reflection of worth.

After all, people with poor family conditions do not have the right to choose food at all.

Those greasy and high-calorie fried chicken, pizza, and coke are their regular recipes.

When he came to the theater, Vic sat down safely and started watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2, followed by his wife and two children.

Movies start showing soon.

Looking at the screen, keeping the same shots as the first film, Vic knew that these two cutting-edge directors still inherited the skills of Steve Kevin.

As for the story, Vic didn't have to look to know what it was.

Large-scale commercial films in the United States are actually much the same.

The audience may only be Tu Yile, but as a film critic, he is still a famous film critic, and he still has some ability to appreciate.

If it is an ordinary film critic, it is often a critical point of view for this kind of film.

But of course Vic is not an ordinary film critic. He is here to find merits, and it makes sense to boast. This is his principle.

Chapter 171 Pirates of the Caribbean Sequel Big Bang

With this kind of mood, his wife and children are enjoying the top audio-visual experience, but Vic is carefully observing the details of the movie, but he can't enjoy it.

A movie that lasted for more than two hours ended in an instant.

Walking out of the cinema and looking at his wife and children around him, Vic asked directly:

"Do you think the movie is good?"

Vic's wife nodded and said with a smile on her face:

"Our family, it's been a long time since we went out to watch a movie together."

Vic showed an embarrassed smile. Wasn't that money-less before?

"In the future, I'll take you out to watch movies together."


The two children on the side jumped up excitedly.

"Dad, I want to buy a Captain Sparrow suit, is that possible?"

"I want it too, I want it too."

Looking at the expectant eyes of the two children, Vic agreed without thinking.

At the same time, I also came to the conclusion that Pirates of the Caribbean 2 has been successful.

As a family-friendly film for teenagers, the requirements for it must not be the same as those of art blockbusters.

Enough to make the audience happy.

And the reaction of his children is the truest view.

I already want to buy peripherals. Can you say that this movie is not good?

Vic has already started to organize the language in his mind, and is ready to start writing a movie review about Pirates of the Caribbean 2 as soon as he returns.

Of course, it's essential to brag about the credits of the producer, Steve Kevin.

No way, whoever lets the audience eat this set.

Zach Snyder, what else is Mitt, who is that.

who know them.

Without the title of Steve Kevin, this film review will naturally have fewer people watching, and he will get less money.


Vic's idea, of course, is not the only one who thinks so.

Dawn, MGM, and Warner Bros. are the three film companies that pay the most attention to Pirates of the Caribbean.

As investors, Chenxi and MGM naturally hope that the higher the word of mouth and the box office, the better.

And Warner Bros., as a competitor, certainly doesn't want Pirates of the Caribbean's reputation and box office to show good results.

In this way, the three parties are urgently waiting for the result.

Inside Dawn Films.

Dawson was in the office with Mitt and Zach Snyder, waiting for Pirates of the Caribbean's first-day box office and word-of-mouth feedback.

Watching Mitt and Zack Snyder gorging on their burgers, Dawson asked how the rush hour was going.

"How is your new movie going?"

"When are you going to start shooting?"

Schneider raised his head, counted the time, and said:

"Five days later, this is the time arranged by Kevin, and I don't know why."

Dawson thought about it for a moment, and knew that Kevin meant to wait for the policy to change before filming.

This can be less hassle.

After all, Americans look down on people from all other countries at this time, and they are quite defiant.

Thinking of this, Dawson couldn't help but sigh that Kevin was really careful.

Mitt, who was eating by the side, also stopped what he was doing.

Looked up:

"By the way, doesn't Kevin care about the box office of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 at all?"

"Me and Snyder, but we have no confidence."

Mitt was joking.

Having said that, in fact, he and Zack Snyder are not completely unconfident.

As a producer, although Kevin is not always on the set, he occasionally goes to the set to observe their shooting.

In general, Kevin still recognizes the abilities of the two of them.

Except for some bizarre ideas that the two people occasionally came up with, which were reprimanded by Kevin, Kevin still recognized the other shooting scenes, and they all followed the style of the first part.

That is, the light and humorous style of family fun.

Of course, individual shots are somewhat terrifying.

However, on the whole, it still follows the style of family fun and will not cause discomfort to audiences of any age.

Therefore, the rating has also successfully obtained the PG level, which is the level that children can watch without any restrictions when accompanied by their parents.

It's hard to say, but I have high expectations for this box office.

But the two of them are convinced that this movie, which has been made with so many years of study and work experience, is definitely not a bad movie for the audience.

Dawson smiled slightly:

"This shows that Kevin trusts you very much and believes in your abilities. If his vision is wrong, to be honest, I can breathe a sigh of relief."

"After all, in Hollywood, he is the only one who has sold so many movies in a row."

The three laughed at the same time.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The serious-looking male secretary walked in and handed over a document.

"President, this is Pirates of the Caribbean's first-day box office, as well as word-of-mouth surveys, as well as data from other movies in the same period."

Dawson nodded, took the data, and the secretary turned to leave.

Mitt teased:

"Dawson, your wife is so strict that the female secretary won't let it."

Dawson suddenly laughed.

"I just made mistakes that men make, but Kevin has warned me that I won't make those mistakes again."

Mitt and Schneider laughed at the same time.

As a man, I still understand this.

Men cheating is usually physical cheating. Dawson is nothing more than a money-making spend, but in the end, he had no plans to divorce him and marry him.

In terms of American culture, although a mistake was made, it was not a big mistake, and the two of them were understandable.

Sometimes, men can't control their lower body.

After some teasing, the three of them looked at the data.

"Dawson, how was the box office on the first day?"

Mitt said impatiently.

Dawson looked at the data on the document, his face blossomed with joy, and replied:

"At $33.86 million, it ranks first among the films of the same period. At the same time, it also created the highest first-day box office of this year, mainly so far."

Mitt couldn't wait to hold Zack Snyder in a circle, and he kept cheering.

In the office, there was a happy atmosphere.

Dawson couldn't hold back his excitement, he joined the three-man team and jumped up and twisted.


On the other side, inside Warner Bros.

Robinov and several executives were also in the conference room, waiting for the person who sent the materials to arrive.

However, unlike the relaxed atmosphere in Chenxi Film Company, the atmosphere in Warner's conference room was very solemn.

From the gap between the publicity and the premiere, the people at Warner felt a bad breath.

Now, they can only hope that the tornado with high hopes will not fail too badly.

At least, not to lose money.

In terms of the production cost of the tornado, if it is less than 200 million US dollars, it is a huge loss.

Chapter 172 Warner Bros.

The dignified atmosphere made individual executives, even in this air-conditioned conference room, still feel the taste of sweat.

After a period of silence, Robinov's female secretary sent the information into the conference room.

Several executives and Robinoff couldn't wait to look at the data.

"$33.86 million?"

The summary of the box office is to aggregate all the data of the movies released in the same period.

Therefore, the top stats are exactly that of the current issue's top box office earner, Pirates of the Caribbean.

As soon as they saw the first-day box office of Pirates of the Caribbean 2, almost everyone felt a sense of envy in their hearts.

The box office on the first day, if the word of mouth is maintained well, there is a high probability that it will be higher than the box office of the first film.

And this also means that the Pirates of the Caribbean series has become a well-deserved big IP.

The vitality of this series of films is very long.

If you give them Warner Bros., they can eat anything for twenty or thirty years.

Not to mention making billions of dollars.

Just in this series, even if Steve Kevin's new film loses, it will not damage the foundation of Steve Kevin.

Thinking about it, Robinov nodded.

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