Okay, now that everyone has successfully formed a team, I announce that Summer Flowers: Daily Life of an Art Student has officially begun!

The nine guests can choose the rooms they want to stay in. We have arranged enough facilities in the entire villa so that you can explore on your own when you have time.

Viewers of the live broadcast room, if you have a favorite guest, you can go to the corresponding exclusive live broadcast room to watch the other party's live broadcast. Just search for the corresponding Summer Flower + the corresponding person's name on the Daxia Live Broadcasting Platform, or you can also use the main Go directly to the corresponding exclusive live broadcast room from the live broadcast room homepage.

The next time we gather in the main live broadcast room again will be a week later. At that time, we will choose to keep three people and eliminate six people. As for how to choose, viewers can check the homepage description. I can say this, who Who stays or goes is in the hands of all viewers!”

After Wang Xiaolin finished speaking, he glanced at everyone, smiled and left the villa with a group of staff.

Only nine guests were left, looking at each other in shock.

Leave now?

Although cameras are installed in the villa except for relatively private areas, it would be a bit childish not to leave one staff member.

In fact, not only did the nine people not understand, the audience in the live broadcast room even called I have learned a lot.

But I have to say that this non-interference attitude really made many viewers’ eyes light up.

Immediately, they began to check various exclusive live broadcast rooms to spy on their favorite guests.

Of course, it is impossible for hundreds of thousands of people to like this format. Most people will directly exit the live broadcast room and wait for the next weekend to see the finished product.

There were only about 100,000 people left scattered into various live broadcast rooms.

Among them, except for two girls who took away 80% of the traffic, the number of people in the live broadcast room of Chen Shuren and Kong Yuling was a little larger, reaching 5,000 people.

This is also the reason why everyone wants to win over the only two girls in this show, not only because they are beautiful, but more importantly because of their traffic.

Let's go find a room.

Chen Shuren glanced at Qin Baobao and felt that if he didn't say anything, the other party might keep eating.

Qin Baobao nodded indifferently.

Finally, Chen Shuren found two adjacent rooms on the fifth floor, the highest floor of the villa.

In fact, except for the third floor and above, there are no bedrooms on the first and second floors at all. I don’t know whether it was originally designed like this or the program team changed the layout.

After putting his things in the room, Chen Shuren finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After looking around, fortunately, there were no cameras in the room.

While he was safe, he still opened the Daxia live broadcast platform, searched for his live broadcast room and took a look.

After seeing that his live broadcast screen had stopped on the door, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, precisely because he did not appear on the scene, there were only a few hundred people left in the live broadcast room at this time.

Chen Shuren didn't know whether these people were hanging up or expecting something. Everyone was gone, but they were still watching?

After glancing at the barrage, I realized why someone was there.

That Erhu guy! Come out and live broadcast! How will I see Qin Baobao if you don't come out!

Come out, please, I can't sleep without watching Qin Baobao.

Let's go, let's go see classmate Pei, she's still busy there!

Chen Shuren was speechless. It turned out that this group of people stayed in his live broadcast room just to watch Qin Baobao.

But he had no intention of satisfying these people. He swiped and took a look at the live broadcast rooms of several other people. Except for him and Qin Baobao, almost all the owners of the live broadcast rooms were still in business.

Even Pei Shiting was chatting with her companions about future plans.

I took a look at Pei Shiting's live broadcast room and saw 70,000 people!

If this is a horse race in her live broadcast room, wouldn't it take off?

When he thought of horse racing, Chen Shuren remembered that his erhu had been confiscated.

But this only made him sigh. After all, he is a talented person with several master skills. Although the erhu is gone, he still has the harmonica, piano, and ventriloquism!

Huh? Ventriloquism!

Thinking of ventriloquism, Chen Shuren suddenly remembered that he had obtained master-level broadcasting skills with ventriloquist and Ghost Blowing the Lamp.

He had already written ten chapters of Ghost Blowing the Lamp and posted them on Yangfan Literature Network, but unfortunately he had not received any news from the editor of the website.

Qingzhou is not a big literary state. In terms of novels and other literary works, it is not as good as Yangzhou, a big name in the field of literature. However, it can be regarded as an upper-middle level among the thirteen states of Daxia. There are several phenomenal works every year. After the work is published, I can even go to Yangzhou to compete with the great writers there.

Even if the results of the final PK are mostly unsatisfactory, it is still a rare event for everyone in Qingzhou who pays attention to this situation.

Chen Shuren originally thought that with the level of Ghost Blowing the Lamp, even if he couldn't make it to Yangzhou, he could still make waves in Qingzhou, right?

But who would have thought that there would be no waves at all.

This made Chen Shuren a little confused.

Originally, he wanted to ask the eldest sister in his family who was an editor, but when he remembered the eldest sister's love for him and ignored him, he gave up the idea.

“Since the novel didn’t make waves, what about the audiobook?”

When Chen Shuren was going upstairs just now, he saw the schematic diagram hung by the director at the staircase on the first floor.

The entire villa actually has more than five floors.

There are two floors of space below the ground. On the second floor, there are two recording studios, one large and one small.

Thinking of this, Chen Shuren got up and walked towards the elevator. This was also the first time Chen Shuren saw an elevator indoors. Although it was not as big as outside and could only accommodate two people, it was still quite novel.

Not to mention, without an elevator, going up to the fifth floor would be a bit difficult.

All the way to the second floor, when the elevator door opened, Chen Shuren was startled before he had even taken two steps.

Who designed it? There are voice-activated lights on the second floor below!

I was walking fine, but unexpectedly the lights went out.

After looking around, Chen Shuren found the switch in the corridor on the second floor. Chen Shuren walked over and turned it on.

After checking the situation on the second floor, Chen Shuren breathed a sigh of relief.

On the entire second floor, except for a small living room, there are two recording studios.

Whether it is a large recording studio or a small recording studio, the equipment inside is very complete, which is much better than the small room in the school's live broadcast building.

But just because it was much better than the school's live broadcast room, Chen Shuren was a little numb.

How to use these things...

That's right, the equipment is different, and Chen Shuren doesn't know how to use it.

The director didn't know how to arrange an instruction manual!

Chen Shuren muttered, and immediately began to take out his mobile phone to search for relevant instructions, preparing to find out the situation in the recording studio tonight, and then start recording Ghost Blowing Lantern tomorrow!

At this time, in the Summer Flower live broadcast room and Chen Shuren's exclusive live broadcast room, people who wandered over were stunned when they saw the scene in the recording studio.

What is this for?

Maybe recording?

No, he doesn't know how to use it and is checking it on his mobile phone!

Hahaha, it turns out that the students at Jinghong Academy don't know how to use the recording studio equipment. I thought they did.

It sounds like anyone who studies computers can repair computers...

Stop arguing, look at what's posted on the back of the recording studio door?

Haha, isn't this the instruction manual? Didn't this kid see it?

The farthest distance in the world, I am behind you, but you are looking for me on your mobile phone!

The happy Chen Shuren in the live broadcast room didn't know that he was carefully comparing the instructions found on the Internet and experimenting one by one!

It wasn't until two hours later that he figured out the situation.

Young man, I still don't understand you!

After wiping the sweat from his head, Chen Shuren looked at the console proudly and said.

Feeling a little thirsty, he turned around to get a glass of water.

But before he took two steps, he looked straight at the instruction manual on the back of the recording studio door, and was stunned for half a minute.

The few viewers in the live broadcast room burst out laughing when they saw this scene.

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