As the afternoon classes ended, Ye Chen, Qiyana and others left the classroom together.

""Would you like to go out for a meal together?" Cao Yuanhao suggested.

Ye Chen:"Will you treat me?""

"How is that possible!"

Cao Yuanhao's eyes widened in astonishment and said,"What are you thinking about? You should be the one treating us!"

"That's right, you already have a girlfriend, why don't you treat us godfathers to a meal?" Chen Yu also agreed.

Oh my god, it turns out you want to rip me off.

Ye Chen refused immediately:"What the hell, I have two mouths to feed here, and I don't have much money, how can I afford to treat you guys to a meal, unless you don't mind going to the cafeteria"

"Forget it then."

When they heard about the cafeteria, the three of them shook their heads.

And they also understood the difficulties that Ye Chen was facing, so they did not continue to insist.

The few of them walked to an intersection and then separated.

Cao Yuanhao and the other two went to the dormitory, while Ye Chen and Qiyana continued to walk towards the school gate hand in hand.

Facing the envious eyes all around along the way, Ye Chen enjoyed it very much, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up slightly.

In the past, only others showed off their love in front of him, but today he also wanted to be the one showing off his love!

"It’s still early, why don’t we go somewhere else first?"

"Sure, but do you have money?"

Kiana's question 'Do you have money?' was like a thorn that pierced Ye Chen's heart deeply.

Ye Chen was embarrassed and said,"There is no need to spend money on shopping."

He spent hundreds of dollars on shopping last night. He didn't have much living expenses. If he continued to spend, he would probably have to eat dirt for the next half month.

Kiana smiled and said,"Don't worry, you little money slave. There is no need to be tight on money in the future. I have thought of a way to make money quickly."

"Oh? What method?"

Ye Chen immediately became interested when he heard there was a way to make money quickly.

Kiana replied:"Become a host!"

"Anchor?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, and then refused without thinking.

"No! I won't allow it!"

"Why?" Kiana tilted her head with a puzzled look.

Ye Chen said seriously:"Being a live streamer requires exposure, and it may even be a little embarrassing. I will never allow my girlfriend to flirt in front of others!"

The live streaming industry is not easy to do now, and many cakes have been divided up.

Except for some live streamers who really have real stuff, other live streamers will basically not become popular if they don't sell sex.

After hearing this, it was Kiana's turn to be stunned.

"What are you thinking about! I am a game technology anchor, I don't need to show my face in public."

Kiana certainly knows what the current live broadcast industry environment is like.

She is also very self-disciplined, so she won't act coquettishly for a little traffic.

Ye Chen also suddenly realized:"That's right, your game skills are so good, you will definitely make a name for yourself in the field of game anchors!"

Isn't it easy for a Herrscher of the End to play games?

With this skill, plus the sweet voice of his own Chong Chong, it would be a shame if he didn't become popular!

"Okay, I support you!"

"However, if you want to be a game technology anchor, you must buy some equipment. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can buy any equipment with this little money."

After all, in the end, I still have no money.

"Forget it, if it really doesn't work, I'll just tell my parents and think of it as an advance payment for next month's living expenses."

If possible, Ye Chen really didn't want to ask his parents for money.

After all, his grandmother is still in the hospital, and his sister is in high school, and the daily expenses are very high.

In order to support the two siblings to study, the two elders have been working hard.

Kiana raised her hand and stroked Ye Chen's head and comforted him:"It's okay, we will have money soon, and then let our parents quit their jobs and live at home in their old age!"


Ye Chen buried his head in Kiana's arms, his face against her soft chest, greedily absorbing the milky fragrance from her body.

Although he knew that this guy was taking advantage of her, Kiana was not angry, and a blush appeared on her snow-white face.

"Okay, let go, there are so many people watching."

"Then let me kiss you again."

Ye Chen raised his head and kissed Kiana lightly on the face before leaving with satisfaction.

"Let's go buy a pot, an induction cooker and a rice cooker. We will cook at home from now on, which can save some money."

"Eh? Can you cook?"

"Of course! After all, I learned it from Mei!"

"Although it's not as delicious as Mei, it's still no problem to satisfy your taste buds"

"What are you waiting for! Let's go to the mall we went to yesterday!"

Ye Chen couldn't hold back his excitement when he thought about tasting the food made by Kiana herself.

When the two of them came out of the mall, the pot, induction cooker and rice cooker had already been bought.

Kiana also bought some ingredients for dinner in the mall.

The two of them walked towards the rental house with bags in their hands.


Suddenly, Kiana seemed to have discovered something, stopped and looked across the street.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder and looked over, and then a graceful figure came into view.

"That's... Xuan Yajing? Are you looking at her?"

Xuan Yajing, one of the campus beauties of Jiangcheng University, the dream goddess of many people, and the number one on the campus beauties list.

Of course, that was in the past, and now the number one spot has been taken by my own Chong Chong.

"This woman... is not simple."

Qiana whispered.

Ye Chen was stunned. To be evaluated like this by Qiana, could it be that Xuan Yajing really has some outstanding qualities?

But no matter how he looked at her, he could not figure it out.

"Is there? Except that she is prettier and has a colder personality, there seems to be no difference."

Kiana explained:"There is a special energy in her body, similar to the aura in some novels. It seems that this world is not as simple as we imagined."

Although the aura in Xuan Yajing's body is still very weak, it is enough to show that this world is not ordinary!

"System, do you know what's going on?"

【Replying to the host, the world you are currently in is in the early stages of spiritual energy recovery. Spiritual energy will gradually appear in the bodies of some practitioners in ancient martial arts families. This woman named Xuan Yajing is from a certain ancient martial arts family. 】

Spiritual energy recovery?

The system's answer surprised Kiana.

This is a bit troublesome.

With the recovery of spiritual energy, more and more people will awaken their powers.

In the foreseeable future, the social order will be completely changed by the emergence of awakeners.

By then, the system of the old society may be overthrown, turning it into a society more suitable for the survival of the strong, and the weak will be eliminated!

She is not afraid, but she is worried about whether the people around her will become victims of the new social system.

【Host, don't worry. It will take at least a few years before the awakened appear on a large scale. Shenzhou has already noticed this and has made preparations to deal with it. For at least fifty years, ordinary people will be able to live a normal life. 】

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