"Wife, you stay in the car, I'll be back soon."

Looking through the rearview mirror, Ye Chen was speechless when he saw five or six people coming out of the car behind him.

How dare these few losers come to trouble them? I really don't know what they are thinking.

Qiana nodded and said,"Quickly decide the battle, don't waste too much time, if you go back too late, your parents will worry.""

"Don't worry, it will be done in a minute!"

Ye Chen smiled confidently, unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

When Hongmao and the others saw that there was only one man getting out of the car, they immediately became nervous and looked ready for battle.

Although the other party was only one person, they had heard that this person was extremely strong and could knock people down with just a few punches.

Although they thought this might be a bit exaggerated, they still did not dare to be careless.

""Who sent you here?" Ye Chen asked coldly, his sharp eyes revealing a murderous aura that made people shudder. A cold sweat dripped down the red-haired man's forehead.

This murderous aura didn't seem fake. Could it be that this man had really killed someone?

However, when he thought about the reinforcements from the gang coming soon, he immediately became tough again.

"You don't care who sent us, you just need to know that you will not be able to escape from here today!"

The younger brother beside him also shouted:"That's right! And the beautiful woman next to you, we will also capture her and……"


Ye Chen took action before he finished speaking.

The ground beneath his feet cracked instantly, like a spider silk, and he turned into a cannonball and rushed towards Hongmao and others.

The person who just shouted had not reacted yet, and was blown away by a punch.

Finally, he fell on the sand more than ten meters away, spurting blood from his mouth, and his life or death was unknown!

Ye Chen shook the blood on his fist, turned his head and looked at the remaining Hongmao and others and said coldly:"If you dare to hit her, you will all die!" It took a long time for Hongmao and others to finally react, and their faces were full of fear.

A punch sent a person flying more than ten meters! A foot crushed the asphalt road on the ground!

Is this still a human? This is simply a monster!

This person's strength is even more terrifying than what Brother A Biao and others described that day!

They actually took the initiative to provoke a weirdo!


Just as the red-haired man was about to say something, Ye Chen flashed to his side and quickly kicked him hard in the abdomen with a kick.

The red-haired man spat out blood and flew out, turning into a human bowling ball and crashing into several other people.

In less than ten seconds, only Ye Chen and another thin, young-looking man were left standing on the field.


""I'm sorry, big brother! I was wrong. We were blind and offended you. Please forgive me! Just treat me as a fart!"

The man knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Chen, tears streaming down his face.

"Tell me, who sent you? And who are you?"

"I said! I said!"

"We are from the Black Tiger Gang. The reason we are looking for trouble with you is that you beat several of our brothers into the hospital a few days ago."

The man did not dare to hide anything and told the truth like pouring out beans.

Black Tiger Gang?

Never heard of it.

Beat their brothers into the hospital a few days ago?

Several unfamiliar figures flashed through Ye Chen's mind.

Could it be that you are talking about the gangsters who caused trouble in Aunt Liu's store that night?

It seems necessary to take some time to go to the Black Tiger Gang.

He doesn't want to be harassed by this gang in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen asked,"Where is the headquarters of your Black Tiger Gang?"

"At the Black Tiger Nightclub at No. 05, XX Street, that is our headquarters.

The man answered hastily, fearing that he would be beaten if he was a second late.

"Last question, how old are you?"

"Ten, seventeen years old……"

Ye Chen grabbed the man by the collar and lifted him up, then slapped him twice.

Snap! Snap!

The crisp sound was particularly loud in the silent night.

"It's fun to be a bad student at such a young age and go out to mess around in society, bullying the weak, right?"

"I'm sorry, big brother. I was wrong. I will go home right now and never associate with the Black Tiger Gang again."

Pa! Pa!

Two more slaps hit the man's face, and his face instantly swelled up like a pig's head.

""Get lost! If I see you again, I'll kill you!"

After saying that, Ye Chen threw the man out.

The man rolled and crawled out of the construction site, not even daring to turn his head back.

"I thought you would destroy him too."

Kiana appeared beside Ye Chen without knowing when and looked at him with a smile.

Ye Chen shrugged and said,"He is still young. If he were one or two years older, the result would not be like this."

"And among these people, he was the only one with a confused look in his eyes. It should be that he had just joined the gang and it was not too late for him to be a good person again."

"Let's go, it's time to go home."

Ye Chen dusted off his hands and turned to walk towards the car, but was stopped by Qiyana.

"No, I can't go back yet."


"Because someone else is coming." As soon as

Kiana finished speaking, she saw several vans coming from a distance.

Then, dozens of people holding iron bars, baseball bats, machetes and other fighting tools filed out of the vans.

"Tsk, they are really as annoying as flies."Ye Chen snapped his fingers, making a crackling sound like frying beans.

"Do you want my help?" Kiana asked

"No, I can handle this gang by myself."

"Then I'll wait for you in the car."

"Well, go ahead."

The scarred man in the lead saw several brothers lying on the ground, their lives unknown, and then looked at Ye Chen, the only one still standing. A gloomy expression suddenly appeared on his already ferocious face.

"Did you do it?"

Ye Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense and rushed over directly.

"That's right, I did it! Inch force·rock breaking!"

Boom boom boom...

In the dark night, this deserted path was filled with deafening sounds.

The wild cat sleeping nearby was awakened by the noise and ran away.

A few minutes later, the road, which was still under construction, became even worse.

Thirty or forty people were lying on the ground, wailing constantly.

The scarred man who was leading the group was hung on the arm of a crane. His originally ferocious face was now full of fear and pain.

Ye Chen clapped his hands and nodded with satisfaction at his masterpiece, as if he was appreciating a fine work of art.

"You'd better avoid me when you see me next time, otherwise... I'll beat you up every time I see you!" After saying that, Ye Chen turned around and returned to the car.

The car started slowly and disappeared into the night.


When he got home, it was already eleven o'clock. His parents and sister had already fallen asleep.

After taking a shower, Ye Chen returned to his room.

Qiyana had already changed into pajamas and was lying on the bed playing with her phone.

"I thought you were asleep."

Kiana put down her phone:"I'm waiting for you."

Ye Chen pounced and hugged Kiana in his arms, his face pressed tightly against her chest, greedily sniffing her unique fragrance

"Ah, my sweet wife, I am the happiest man in the world right now."

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