Su Feng: @Ye Chen, you must come to the class reunion tonight.

Why? Are you pretending to be cool?

Qiana had just typed and was about to send a message to decline.

But Su Feng sent another message.

Su Feng: After all, today is Zi Jin's birthday. As a former friend of Zi Jin, you should not be absent, right?

Zi Jin?

I remember, Xia Zi Jin!

This is the school beauty and class monitor in high school.

No wonder this guy organized a class reunion. It turns out that in addition to pretending to be cool, he also wants to please his goddess.

But then again, why would Xia Zi Jin agree to Su Feng to hold a birthday party for her?

Hasn't she always been honest with Su Feng?

Could it be that she couldn't resist the temptation of money after all?

Although she was very confused, this matter had nothing to do with her and Ye Chen.

But since it was Xia Zi Jin's birthday party, it was indeed difficult for Ye Chen to refuse.

After all, as Su Feng said, Ye Chen and Xia Zi Jin were once friends, and in high school, Xia Zi Jin used her position as class monitor to help him a lot.

Kiana had no choice but to delete the typed words and re-enter them.

Ye Chen: I see, I will go in the evening, time and place?

Su Feng: Tonight at 7:30, the location is Box 47 of Phoenix Building!

Phoenix Building?

Su Feng is really generous, in order to hold a birthday party for his goddess, he even spent a lot of money to eat at Phoenix Building.

The consumption inside is no less than Yumanlou in Jiangcheng!

Su Feng: Don't be late then.

Ye Chen: Don't worry, I will be there on time.

After sending the last message, Kiana left the chat group.

Just as she was about to tell Ye Chen about this, she suddenly found that Ye Chen had fallen asleep with his head on her thigh!

No wonder it was so quiet just now

"This guy……"

The breath blowing gently on her belly made her heart agitated. She shook her head to get rid of the distracting thoughts in her mind.

Kiana was about to put down her phone when she received a new message on WeChat.

She thought it was sent from the group again, but when she clicked it, it turned out to be the fat Cao Yuanhao.

Cao Yuanhao: Ye Chen, didn’t you say you wouldn’t go?

I almost forgot about this guy.

He is also in the group.

Kiana tapped the screen with her slender fingers to input the fonts.

Ye Chen: After all, it’s the class monitor’s birthday party, I can’t refuse.

Ye Chen: By the way, why didn’t you tell me that this class reunion is also the class monitor’s birthday party?

Cao Yuanhao: I just found out about it!╮(╯▽╰)╭

Ye Chen: OK, do you want to come along?

Cao Yuanhao: Of course! Since you're going, I'll go too.

Cao Yuanhao: By the way, are you going to bring your sister-in-law?

Are you going?

Kiana was silent for a moment and asked instead of answering.

Ye Chen: Can I bring someone?

Cao Yuanhao: Of course! After all, it's a birthday party plus a show-off event, and many people plan to bring their girlfriends to participate.

Ye Chen: Forget it, your sister-in-law doesn't want to go.

Kiana thought about it and decided not to go.

Anyway, she's not interested in this kind of show-off event.

Cao Yuanhao: OK, see you in the evening.

Ye Chen: See you there.

Kiana put down her phone, held Ye Chen's head with both hands, covered his ears and watched TV quietly.

Time soon came to eleven o'clock.

His parents still hadn't come back, and Ye Chen showed no signs of waking up.

Kiana had no choice but to tiptoe and gently put him on the sofa, and went to the kitchen alone to prepare dinner.

When the time came to half past eleven, his parents finally came back.

They were holding various fruits in their hands, and it seemed that they had been to the street again.

"Nana? You've worked hard. Let me do it next."

Seeing Qiana busy in the kitchen, her mother Mu Yaqin wanted to take the spatula from her hand, but was rejected by Qiana.

"No, it will be ready soon. You and dad can sit on the sofa and rest."

"I am really sorry to bother you. It is all our fault that we two old men did not pay attention to the time when we were shopping."

Mu Yaqin's face was full of apology, and her eyes were as gentle as a pool of spring water. In her eyes, the graceful figure of Qiyana was reflected, like the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror.

"I heard that you often cook for Ye Chen in Jiangcheng. Is he a picky eater?"

"No, he likes all the dishes I cook."

Of course, it's mainly because Qiyana knows what Ye Chen likes and doesn't like to eat.

"Okay, Mom, just go sit outside and have a rest."

""Okay, okay, mom won't bother you here anymore."

Mu Yaqin left the kitchen with a smile on her face.

But not long after, another person came into the kitchen.

"Ye Chen? Aren't you sleeping? Why are you here?"

Ye Chen scratched his cheek and said awkwardly:"Ahem, it was my mother who sent me here to help you."

My mother found out that I was sleeping in while my daughter-in-law was busy in the kitchen. She couldn't stand it so she sent him into the kitchen.

Kiana couldn't help but smile when she heard this.

"Then can you help me wash those shrimps and remove the shrimp threads?"

"No problem!"

Ye Chen rolled up his sleeves and started working.

Taking this opportunity, Kiana also told him that she had agreed to go to the class reunion.

After hearing this, Ye Chen certainly did not refuse.

As Kiana said, he and Xia Zijin were friends after all. Of course, he could not refuse a friend's birthday party.

Time soon came to twelve o'clock.

With Ye Chen's help, Kiana finally prepared lunch at this time.

A charming aroma filled the entire living room.

"Wow! Sister Nana, the food you cook smells so good! I can smell it through the door!"

Ye Yanxuan walked out of the room smelling the smell and was about to grab a shrimp tail when her father stopped her.

"Go wash your hands, you can’t eat without washing your hands!"

"I didn't expect Nana to be such a good cook, even better than me! It seems that my Ye Chen will be blessed in the future."

Mu Yaqin tasted the sweet and sour pork ribs, her eyes lit up, and she felt a sense of frustration at the same time.

I didn't expect that after so many years of cooking, I couldn't compare to my own daughter-in-law!

Ye Yunhua also nodded:"Yes, the color, aroma and taste are all good, it's even better than those made by the chefs in the hotels outside!"

"As long as you like it."

Kiana had a smile on her face, and she felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

It was an honor for her to have her cooking skills recognized by her mother.

Ye Chen picked up a piece of braised pork with mostly lean meat and put it in Kiana's bowl:"Don't just watch us eat, eat too."

"I'm back!"

Ye Yanxuan, who had washed her hands, also joined the table.

The lunch ended with laughter.

Qiyana wanted to clean up the mess, but Ye Chen pressed her down on the chair.

"Leave the dishes to me, you've been busy for quite a while."

Ye Yunhua crossed his arms and nodded,"Not bad, not bad, you are worthy of being my son, I should love my wife like this!"

Mu Yaqin rolled her eyes at him,"Tsk, you say that, but I don't see you love me."

"I prepare all three meals at home, and I've never seen you wash the dishes."

Ye Yunhua was embarrassed:"Ahem, the child is here, can't you give me some face?"

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