Mu Yaqin couldn't resist and finally agreed to let Qiana help make breakfast.

Half an hour later, a hearty breakfast was ready.

"Nana, go wake Ye Chen up"

""Okay, mom."

Kiana came to her and Ye Chen's room.

At this moment, Ye Chen was still asleep.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile, and it was unknown whether he had a beautiful dream.

Despite this, Kiana still had to wake Ye Chen up from his dream.

"Ye Chen, get up and have breakfast."

Sitting down beside the bed, Kiana raised her slender hands and gently shook Ye Chen's shoulders.

"What time is it now?"

Ye Chen turned over and hugged Qiana's slender waist from behind.

The familiar and fascinating fragrance lingered on his nose.

"It's seven o'clock. Get up quickly."

"After breakfast, I have to go to the hospital to visit my grandma later."

Qiana threw the clothes on the shelf in front of Ye Chen.

"Yes, we still have to go to the hospital!"

Originally, he wanted to sleep for a while, but when he heard that he had to go to the hospital later, Ye Chen woke up instantly.

Seeing this, Qiyana left the room.

"Nana, is Ye Chen up?"

""I'm up and changing clothes." Ye

Yunhua said,"It's great that this brat doesn't sleep in anymore after he got a girlfriend."

Mu Yaqin nodded seriously,"A man should have a woman to take care of him, preferably a virtuous woman like Nana!"

At this point, Mu Yaqin's eyes fell on Kiana.

Kiana smiled awkwardly.

In the past, whenever she had a holiday, she liked to sleep in.

Sometimes she even slept until ten in the morning, skipping breakfast and eating lunch.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, where is Yanxuan?"

"I'm still changing clothes in the room."

"Come on, sit down and eat first. We don't need to wait for the two siblings." Mu Yaqin pulled Qiyana to sit beside her.

She also brought a bowl of wontons to Qiyana.

"Thank you mom"

"Thank you, we are all family."

"That's right, we are all family!" Kiana nodded and thought to herself.

Not long after, Ye Chen and Ye Yanxuan finally changed their clothes and walked out of their respective rooms.

After washing up, the two also joined the dinner.

Ye Yanxuan was about to sit down on the other side of Kiana, but Ye Chen grabbed her by the back of her neck and lifted her up.

""I should be sitting on the other side of Nana, right?" Ye Chen said righteously,"After all, she is my girlfriend."

Ye Yan rolled her eyes at him

"You're getting more and more petty."

"This is not a matter of pettiness, it is a matter of principle"

"Just stingy!"

""Okay, okay, you two siblings are still as quarrelsome as ever."

Ye Yunhua interrupted the quarrel between the two siblings.

"Have breakfast quickly, because we have to go to the hospital to visit your grandma after eating."

The two siblings obeyed their father.

The breakfast ended in a warm atmosphere.

The whole family began to prepare to go out... except for Qiyana and Ye Chen.

"Sister Nana, don’t you need to put on makeup when you go out?"

"Why are you putting on makeup? Don't you see how beautiful your sister Nana is? Putting on makeup will only reduce the beauty of my Nana!"Ye Chen hugged Qiana and gave her a big kiss on the face.

Qiana looked disgusted.

"Eh, so disgusting, all saliva."

Ye Chen didn't take it seriously, and wanted to take another bite, but was pushed away by Qiana.

Ye Yanxuan said with envy:"I envy Sister Nana so much, you are so beautiful even without makeup, I can save you a lot of money in the future."

You know, most girls spend enough money on cosmetics in their lifetime to buy a car!

Some can even buy a house!

Qiana is naturally beautiful and doesn't need to wear makeup at all, which undoubtedly saves Ye Chen a lot of money!

Even if you put aside her appearance, this is definitely the girlfriend that many men dream of!

"By the way, Sister Nana, how do you take care of your skin? Can you teach me?"

"I don’t really take care of my skin, I just wash my face normally, go to bed early and get up early, and never stay up late."

With Kiana’s current strength, even if she doesn’t need to take special care of her skin, her skin will stay in the best condition.


Half an hour later, everyone was finally ready.

Then, under the leadership of Ye Chen, the family came to the parking lot.

""Son, is this the car you bought?"

Seeing his son's big car, Ye Yunhua also showed an excited expression, and felt even more proud in his heart.

The more promising his son is, the more face he will have as a father!

"Wow, isn't this the Yangwang U8 that has been very popular online recently?"Ye Yanxuan recognized the model of this car at a glance.

After all, this car is really popular, even many girls know it.

I heard that it can turn around on the spot!

"Don't just stand there, get in the car!"

Kiana originally wanted to leave the passenger seat for her parents, but her parents tacitly took her sister to the back seat.

In the end, Kiana returned to her familiar throne.

The car started slowly and soon drove out of this old community.

Many people saw this car along the way, and everyone was curious, did someone get rich?

Or someone's daughter married a rich man?

After all, most of the people living in this community belong to civilian families.

Almost no one can afford to buy a car for more than one million.

It's no wonder they think so.

"Mom and Dad, I want to buy a car after I get my driver's license."

"It doesn’t need to be too expensive, a few hundred thousand will do.

This is the most expensive request Ye Yanxuan has made to her parents in her life.

In the past, she would never even think of such a request.

It was thanks to her brother and sister Nana that the family had money.

"No problem, but you have to get into the same university as your brother, otherwise forget it."Ye Yunhua answered like a Shenzhou parent as soon as he opened his mouth.

This is also one of the ways many Shenzhou parents educate their children.

Want a gift? Okay, no problem, but you have to get good grades!

""Okay! That's what you said!" Ye Yanxuan said confidently,"Mom, you can vouch for me!"

Although her academic performance is not as good as her brother's, she is still an excellent student. As long as she works harder, it will be no problem to get into a 985 university.

She even filled in Jiangda as her preferred school! Just to be with her brother!

Not long after, the vehicle arrived at the People's Hospital.

After finding a parking space, everyone, led by Ye Yunhua, came to the ward where grandma was.

""Mom, I brought Ye Chen to see you, as well as Ye Chen's girlfriend Nana."

An elderly woman was lying on the bed watching TV.

When she heard the call from the door, she realized that it was her children and grandchildren who came to visit her.

"Xiaochen? Oh, my dear grandson, come here and let grandma take a look."

"Well, not bad, you haven't lost weight in a few months."

Grandma Ye held Ye Chen's hand tightly, her eyes full of longing.

This is her precious grandson who grew up in her eyes!

Ye Chen patted his grandmother's old hand and said,"Grandma, you don't have to worry about me, I'm doing well in college, but you, you must take care of your health."

"Yes, yes! By the way, this is your girlfriend, right? She is so beautiful."

Grandma Ye's eyes then fell on Qiana.

"Thank you, grandma."

Qiana came to sit next to Ye Chen, and one hand fell on grandma.

A faint light lit up in the palm of her hand.

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