Dragons have reverse scales, and touching them will lead to death!

Ye Chen's reverse scales are his family and Kiana.

Obviously, this yellow-haired man has touched Ye Chen's reverse scale! As soon as the voice fell, a sandbag-sized iron fist hit the yellow-haired man's face!


With a muffled sound, the yellow-haired man's body weighing more than 100 pounds flew out and finally landed at the door of the store.

The sudden scene stunned the gangsters and the boss lady Aunt Liu.

It was not until the tragic wail of the yellow-haired man reached their ears that everyone came back to their senses.

"Damn it! How dare you hit me! Go! Destroy this guy for me!"

After such a heavy punch, the yellow-haired man only had a few teeth broken.

It must be said that this guy's physique is really tough.

Following the yellow-haired man's order, the remaining gangsters picked up the benches and bottles beside them and rushed towards Ye Chen.

Aunt Liu's face turned pale when she saw this.

"" Xiaochen, be careful!"

She even wanted to step forward and use her slightly old body to block the attack for Ye Chen.

But as soon as she raised her foot, she was stopped by Kiana.

Aunt Liu was so anxious, but she saw Kiana calmly said:"Don't worry, Ye Chen will be fine."

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, these thugs who picked up weapons approached Ye Chen and were knocked down by lightning-fast iron fists.

In an instant, six or seven figures flew out of the store like cannonballs and hit the yellow-haired man who had just climbed up from the ground. The yellow-haired man, who was already dizzy, was knocked unconscious in an instant.

The remaining thugs rolled on the ground in pain.


Aunt Liu's face was filled with shock.

Is this still the Xiaochen she knew?

How could he suddenly become so strong?

"I don't care who you are. If you dare to harass Aunt Liu again, it won't be as simple as a punch!"

Ye Chen came to the door and looked coldly at the gangsters on the ground.

""Get out of here in one minute! Get lost!"

The gangsters endured the pain in their bodies, carrying the unconscious yellow-haired man on their backs, limping and supporting each other as they left. Ye Chen did not return to the store until these people disappeared from his sight.

"Aunt Liu, it's okay, these people have been dealt with"

"Xiaochen, are you okay? Aunt Liu looked at him with concern.

"I'm fine, they didn't even touch my clothes"

"That's good, that's good." Aunt Liu was relieved.

"Thank you for your help this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep my store today."

After saying that, Aunt Liu sighed deeply.

Hearing this, Qiyana couldn't help but ask curiously:"Aunt Liu, who are they? Why do they come to trouble you?"

Ye Chen also cast a curious look

"They are loan sharks. I borrowed money from them before, but I couldn't pay it back, so they got me into trouble."

Hearing this, Qiyana and Ye Chen became even more confused.

"Aunt Liu, why would you borrow money from that kind of person?"

In Ye Chen's impression, Aunt Liu's family doesn't seem to be short of money.

After all, her family not only has this store, but her husband also has a car.

"I really have no other choice." Aunt Liu said with a sad face:"Two months ago, my husband was driving our daughter to school when he had a car accident."

"The husband was not saved after a lot of rescue efforts. Although the daughter was temporarily saved, she was sent to the ICU, and the daily hospitalization fee was several thousand."

"In order to save my daughter's life, I sold everything I could sell at home and borrowed a lot of money from banks and several formal platforms, but the money was still not enough."

"I really have no choice but to borrow money from these people."

At the end of the speech, Aunt Liu left a line of tears on her face.

"I have already lost my husband, I absolutely cannot lose my daughter again!"

Is that so?

After listening to Aunt Liu's explanation, Ye Chen and Qiyana couldn't help but feel sad for her.

Fate really likes to play jokes on people.

This was a happy family, but it was broken into this state in an instant.

"Aunt Liu, how much money do you owe those people?

Seeing Aunt Liu so pitiful, Ye Chen felt compassion.

Hearing this, Qiana naturally understood what Ye Chen wanted to do, but she did not stop him. Instead, she supported him in her heart.

Although Aunt Liu did not know why Ye Chen asked these questions, she still gave an answer.

"Including interest, the total is about 450,000 yuan.

450,000 yuan was something they could afford before.

But saving their daughter and husband has almost used up all their savings.

"How about this, Aunt Liu, I will lend you 500,000 yuan, and you can go and pay back these high-interest loans.

Aunt Liu was stunned when she heard this, and looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

"Xiaochen, how do you have so much money? You wouldn't... Xiaochen, please don't do anything illegal!"

Qiana's mouth twitched wildly.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly:"Don't worry, I got my money through legal channels, and I didn't do anything illegal."

"That's good." Aunt Liu breathed a sigh of relief, but then said discouragedly:"Even if you lend it to me, it will be difficult for me to pay you back."

"It's okay, you can pay me one dollar a day, I don't need your interest."

Aunt Liu took care of me for a while before, so I'll help her if I can, and Ye Chen doesn't care about this little money.

"Really? Thank you! Really, Auntie thanks you here!"

Auntie Liu knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Chen and Qiyana.

Seeing this, the two hurried forward to help her up.

"Aunt Liu, what are you doing? Get up!"

"You are my savior, I will remember this kindness all my life!"

Aunt Liu's eyes were filled with tears, but this time they were tears of joy.

She, who had been at the end of her rope, saw hope again!

Afterwards, the two transferred 500,000 yuan to Aunt Liu and left the restaurant.

When they left, they also paid for the meal.

Although Aunt Liu tried her best to stop them, saying that the meal was free, the two insisted on paying, and Aunt Liu finally accepted it.

Kiana took Ye Chen's arm and walked in the direction they came from.

They returned to the car, took some gifts bought specifically for their parents and sister, and then walked towards the building where their home was.

Soon they arrived at the floor where their old home was located.

Ye Chen knocked gently on the door, then turned and looked at Kiana behind him.

She stared at the closed door, her eyes revealing an expectation and nervousness that could not be concealed.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but ask,"Is your expectation because you haven't seen your parents for many years?"

"Are you nervous because you have to meet the man's parents from the perspective of a girlfriend?"

Qiana threw a coquettish look at Ye Chen:"You ask even though you know the answer."

Soon, the door was opened, and a middle-aged woman with a charming demeanor came into view.

The moment she saw this middle-aged woman, a surge of longing surged in Qiyana's heart, and her eyes could not help but turn red.

This was her and Ye Chen's mother, Mu Yaqin!

"Mom, I'm back." Kiana said silently in her heart.

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