"Classmate Qiyana and classmate Ye Chen, are you short of money?"

Xuan Yajing couldn't help asking.

In response, Ye Chen nodded without hiding anything.

"Yes, my family is not as wealthy as yours, and we have been spending a lot recently."

"So that's it."Hearing this, Xuan Yajing and Xuan Guorong nodded.

The latter immediately said to the tuxedo butler beside him:"Old Chen, go get my bank card with 50 million and give it to Mr. Ye Chen and Miss Qiana."

The butler nodded:"Okay, sir."

50 million?

Ye Chen widened his eyes, somewhat unbelievable.

Giving so much money right away, this is too arrogant, it's simply not treating money as money!

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at this family a lot more favorably.

Qiana was also very surprised, but she thought more than Ye Chen.

Although life cannot be measured by money, no matter how rich the family is, it is impossible to give so much money just for saving a life?

The grandfather and grandson invited them here, I'm afraid it's not just to say thank you.

Sure enough, after the butler handed the bank card to Ye Chen, Xuan Guorong spoke again

"Mr. Ye Chen, to be honest, I invited you here to express my gratitude. I also want to ask you for a favor."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Chen was in a good mood after becoming a multi-millionaire in an instant, and the smile on his face was hard to conceal.

Xuan Guorong glanced at Xuan Yajing, who nodded in understanding and then said:"Classmate Ye Chen... No, Senior Ye Chen, actually we want to ask you to save another person!"

"Saving people again? Who?"

"My brother, Xuan Huahong!"

"You have a brother?"

Xuan Yajing nodded gently:"Yes, my brother Xuan Huahong is our senior in the same school, three years older than us. On the day of graduation last year, he was attacked by a villain and was seriously injured. Now he is in a coma and has become a vegetable."

Recalling her brother's current situation, Xuan Yajing couldn't help showing some sadness in her eyes.

Xuan Guorong bowed and said:"Please help Mr. Ye Chen! Whether it succeeds or not, my Xuan family will definitely reward you handsomely!"

The people of their Xuan family are really in trouble. Their mother was nearly killed in a car accident, and their brother was attacked by someone and became a vegetable.

The house of doom?

Ye Chen did not give an immediate answer, but looked at Kiana beside him.

Kiana thought for a moment and nodded to him.

Seeing this, Ye Chen said:"We can try, but please don't hold too much hope."

Hearing this, Xuan Guorong and Xuan Yajing showed joy on their faces.

Xuan Guorong said immediately:"I am very grateful that you are willing to help!"

"Please move and follow me. I will take you to the ward now!"

Xuan Guorong could not wait to take Ye Chen and Qiyana to a luxurious room.

In the room, a long-haired man was lying on the bed, surrounded by advanced medical equipment, and several senior nurses were wiping the man's body.

"This is my grandson, Xuan Huahong."

The man looked thin, pale, and his life force was very weak.

If it weren't for the medical equipment hanging around him, he would have been dead long ago.

After a careful observation, Qiyana glanced at Ye Chen, who immediately understood.

She turned to Xuan Guorong and the others and said,"We can try, but please leave the room first. We will perform the secret method of saving people, so it is not convenient for others to be present."

"I understand."

Xuan Guorong didn't think much about it, nodded and led everyone out of the room.

After everyone left, Ye Chen couldn't help asking,"Can you really cure this person?"

Kiana smiled and said,"Have you forgotten? I am the Herrscher of the End, and I am the Herrscher of the End who possesses all the Herrscher cores, including the Herrscher of Consciousness core."

"Waking up a vegetative person is easy for me!"

Ye Chen asked,"But didn't you say before that we can't use the power of the Herrscher casually?"

"That's true, but if it's just to wake up one person, it doesn't matter, it won't cause collapse."It does n't take much collapse energy to wake up a vegetative person, and this amount of collapse energy is not even as much as the collapse energy in a breakthrough-level collapse beast!

After saying that, Kiana took out a mobile phone from Ye Chen's pocket, and then sat down on a chair.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder:"Aren't you going to save people?" Kiana rolled her eyes at him:"Why are you in such a hurry? Saving people only takes a moment. If the speed is too fast, it will be difficult to explain after you go out. Wait for another two hours before taking action, and then it won't arouse suspicion.""

"That's right, you are still thoughtful."

Ye Chen also came and sat down next to Qiyana, holding her slender and soft waist with one hand, greedily embroidering the charming fragrance of the girl

"Do you want to buy something?"

Ye Chen thought that Qiyana was browsing Bilibili or watching short videos, but she was browsing JD.com.

Qiyana said,"Yes, I am going to buy a mobile phone."

Before, because she had no money, she had always shared a mobile phone with Ye Chen.

Now that she has money, she naturally wants to buy one for herself.

"Which phone are you going to buy? Apple or Huawei?"

"Of course, we support domestic products! And Huawei has recently launched a new folding screen mobile phone, so we might as well buy it."

Kiana directly searched for Huawei mobile phones and found the one she wanted.

The price is 15,000 yuan, and the high-end one is even 19,900 yuan.

Kiana naturally chose the high-end one without hesitation.

Anyway, they are rich now, and a mere 20,000 yuan is like a drop in the bucket for them now.

After placing the order, Kiana exited the APP.

At this time, she noticed that the phone in her hand was a little worn out.

Although the performance is still very good, there are many traces of bumps on the edges and corners.

There is even a small crack on the outer screen in the upper left corner.

Seeing this, Kiana opened the JD Mall APP again.

"Or maybe I can just help you get a new phone."

""Okay, I'll buy the same model as yours, and then we'll spend some money to customize a couple's mobile phone case!" Ye Chen did not refuse.

In fact, he had wanted to change his mobile phone for a long time.

It was just that he had never had the chance to change it due to financial reasons.

In less than two minutes, Kiana spent nearly 40,000 yuan.

After buying the phone, the two watched the video on Bilibili together for a while.

Seeing that two hours had passed, Kiana started to save people.

She shot a red halo at Xuan Huahong who was lying on the bed.

After a while, Xuan Huahong, who was originally unconscious, slowly opened his eyes and looked around blankly.

"I am……"

Qiyana ignored this person and opened the door with Ye Chen and walked out.

Xuan Guorong and others had been waiting outside the door for a while. When they saw the two people come out, they immediately stepped forward and surrounded them.

""Mr. Ye Chen, how is my grandson?" Xuan Guorong asked hurriedly, his wrinkled face showing anxiety and expectation.

Ye Chen replied:"Don't worry, Mr. Xuan Huahong has woken up."

"Really? That's great!"

Xuan Guorong rushed into the room immediately after hearing this. When they saw Xuan Huahong waking up, everyone's faces showed joy.

Xuan Guorong knelt down directly, tears streaming down his face.

"Thank you both for helping me again. My Xuan family will never forget your kindness!"

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