
Just as Qiyana and Ye Chen were enjoying their meal, a delicate and soft voice came from beside them.

"Excuse me, can we share a table with you?"

Looking up, I saw two women in Hanfu.

One was tall and the other was short. The former had a sweet look, with a plump figure wrapped in a green shirt, which was quite mature.

The latter had a pure look, wearing a pink and white Liuxian skirt, holding a fan, exuding a noble and elegant temperament, like a blooming white lotus.

If Ye Chen were to rate the appearance of these two women, there is no doubt that they would both be above 90 points.

But in the face of the request of such a beautiful woman, Ye Chen's heart was calm, and he turned to look at Kiana.

The meaning was self-evident.

The two women seemed to understand what Ye Chen meant. The tall beauty said to Kiana:"There are no empty seats around. We want to share a table with you."

"Of course, if the young lady finds it inconvenient, then we won't bother you two."

Kiana looked around and found that there were indeed no empty seats in the restaurant, so she nodded.

"Sit down."

If it was a man, Kiana would refuse without hesitation.

It was another matter for a beautiful woman.

Ye Chen immediately stood up and sat down next to Kiana from the seat opposite her.

He also moved the dishes they ordered a little further to make room for the two of them.

"Thank you."

The tall beauty took her companion and sat down.

"Miss, you speak Chinese really well. I was afraid that you couldn't understand what we were saying before.

The short beauty seemed to be the kind of person who was very friendly. She started talking as soon as she sat down.

"Are the young lady and the young man in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?"

"Xiaoyao, please don't disturb the two of you while you are eating."

The tall beauty quickly stopped her companion from jumping

"Sorry, Xiaoyao is sometimes noisy, please don't mind."

Kiana shook her head gently and said,"It's okay."

For such a lively and cute girl, Kiana couldn't hate her.

"Actually, I am originally from Shenzhou, so I can speak Shenzhou dialect naturally."

"As for him and I, we are of course boyfriend and girlfriend."

""Eh? Miss, are you from Shenzhou?"

The two beauties showed surprised expressions.

Although Kiana's face conforms to the aesthetics of Shenzhou people, her white hair doesn't look dyed, and her sky blue eyes don't look like cosmetic contact lenses. How could a Shenzhou person have white hair and blue pupils?

Kiana explained:"I am mixed-blood."


That's why."

"Let me introduce myself. My last name is Li, my name is Mengyao, and this is my sister Li Shuyao. What's your name, little sister?"

Mengyao and Shuyao? Quite poetic names, which are quite consistent with their temperaments.

"My name is Kiana Kaslana, and my boyfriend is Ye Chen"


Ye Chen greeted them and continued to eat the food in front of him.

As mentioned before, he has no interest in three-dimensional women. No matter how beautiful they are, they are nothing in his eyes.

Compared with beautiful women, Ye Chen cares more about the Hanfu they wear.

It is worthy of the traditional costumes of our great Shenzhou. It is really beautiful. When the time comes, I will have the opportunity to buy a few sets for Kiana and let her change them every day to show me!

I am a little excited just thinking about it!

After a brief exchange, Kiana had a very good impression of the two sisters. They were elegant in conversation, well-mannered, and extraordinary in temperament.

At first glance, you can tell that they are rich young ladies who have received a strict education.

At this time, the waiter also brought up the meals ordered by the two sisters.

Compared with what Kiana and Ye Chen had in front of them, the food of the two sisters seemed relatively monotonous.

It was just two simple bowls of spicy Hongdu noodles.

"Is this all you guys are going to eat? Do you want to eat together?"

Faced with Kiana's enthusiastic invitation, the two sisters shook their heads and refused.

Li Shuyao said:"No, we two sisters can't eat anything too spicy."

Li Mengyao also said:"And we are not too hungry."

"Is that so?"

Kiana nodded and said no more.

A few minutes later, the two sisters finished their bowls of noodles.

"Goodbye Miss Kiana (sister)!"

"Well, bye."

Both parties waved goodbye.

"I don't know if the Hanfu they are wearing is expensive. If not, I'll buy you two sets."Ye Chen suddenly spoke up and said what he was thinking. Kiana shook her head slightly:"Don't think about it. Just looking at the workmanship, we can tell that it is not something we can afford for the time being."

Although she didn't know much about clothes, she knew that the Hanfu was not cheap just by looking at the exquisite design.

Not long after, Kiana and Ye Chen were full and satisfied.

After a short rest, they went to the counter to pay the bill.

"Dear guests, your bill has already been paid."

"Paid?!"Kiana and Ye Chen were both surprised.

Who was so kind?

Wait... could it be the sisters just now?

At this moment, Kiana and Ye Chen thought of the sisters before.

"As expected of a rich lady, she is really generous."Ye Chen said with emotion.

Although the two of them didn't eat much, it was still two or three hundred yuan.

They were just kind enough to let them share a table, and the other party helped them pay the two or three hundred yuan bill.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would just say thank you and that was it.

It was also a good thing to save two or three hundred yuan, and Ye Chen felt happy.

From this, we can also understand a truth, it won't hurt to do more good deeds when you go out in the future.

After leaving the restaurant, Ye Chen rubbed his stomach and burped loudly.

"Next, we went to the amusement park, but we had to take the bus to get there. The amusement park was a bit far from where they were now. Although flying there would save time and effort, it would be very troublesome to find a deserted place to take off and land.

So taking the bus became the best option.

"Let's go, there is a bus stop nearby."

Ye Chen took Kiana's hand and walked towards the bus stop.

The two were very lucky. As soon as they arrived at the platform, a bus came towards them, and it was exactly the one they wanted to take.

However, their good luck seemed to end here. After boarding the bus, Kiana found that although there were still many empty seats on the bus, there were no two adjacent seats.

And those empty seats were all occupied by men. When the men with empty seats next to them saw such a beautiful woman coming up, they were immediately excited. They all straightened their backs and looked forward.

, he put on a self-proclaimed handsome and gentlemanly look, but in his heart he kept praying, hoping that this beautiful woman could sit next to him.

And those men who had no empty seats beside them had a flash of regret in their eyes.

Damn, why is there no empty seat next to me?

After Ye Chen swiped his card, he found Kiana standing there and couldn't help wondering.

But when he saw the situation inside the car clearly, he immediately understood what Kiana meant.

Then, Ye Chen showed a faint smile, and stood by the pillar with Kiana in his arms.

Seeing this, the men in the car showed lonely expressions.

Damn, it turns out that the beauty has someone!

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