Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 580 Rescue Snake Man (iii)

    Magical main tower, underground level 4 of the magical Chamber of Secrets.

    "AIDS ~ ~ ~ ~" As the current breakdown of the air in general the fine finely exploding frequent, the air is filled with a lot of light purple magic runes, which are arranged in a circle around a specific pattern, and then, like the soldier in charge, are constantly rushing toward a dark red cocoon in the middle.

    At the edge of the Chamber of Secrets, there are three big-headed crystals suspended in a equilateral position around a dark red cocoon, which is the source of magical runes in the air.

    On the outside, there stood two magicians, precisely Enoli and Wayans, who closely monitored the state of the energy flow of the input crystals, and immediately adjusted them when anomalies occurred.

    "How's the situation?" ”Link asks, he comes over to check the progress of control Katyusha.

    "It's basically normal and there's no change beyond control, but it's odd," he said. ”Wayans's face showed a hint of confusion.

    "Tell me."

    Wayans pointed to the pure white energy flowing out of the Magic Tower, said: "The anomaly occurred last night, originally these energy flow is very smooth, basically do not appear turbulence imagination, but last night one o'clock in the morning to now, it appeared in a row three times light magic turbulence, seems to have something disturbed it." Strangely enough, Enoli and I examined the magic pipe around, but everything was fine and there was no sign of intrusion. ”

    Yizheng, his first thought was that Bryant was up to something!

    The energy flow used to break the Katyusha defense comes from the magical core of the Magic Tower, which is the core of his own debugging, very stable, he will carefully check the operation every one weeks, the most recent check was two days ago, when it was all intact state.

    Moreover, if it is the strength of the Magic Tower's energy flow within 100 kilometers of the magical tower, then he cannot be without feeling, but in fact, he feels all right during this time.

    "I went to check the Magic network of the main tower. ”

    There was some apprehension in his mind that Bryant had been staying in the scorched ridge for some time, and Celine reported that the old man was not very honest these days, and I'm afraid he had found some kind of intrusion.

    He said dry, began to examine the magic of the main tower in detail, from the Chamber of Secrets began to check, all the way down the tube to see the main tower of the magic core, the result is nothing.

    All is normal, and there is no alien strength invasion, that is to say, this disturbance is not human disturbance.

    The link also doesn't understand: "It's strange, does Bryant have some kind of means I don't know?" But if so, what is he dawdling about? ”

    For the time being, there was a need for more data support, so link began to monitor the energy flow of the Magic Tower, at the same time to set up a memory crystal to record the specific turbulent phenomena.

    Coincidentally, he just calm down to monitor, but half an hour, a new round of magic turbulence again appeared.

    This time, Lin saw the unusual disturbances of the magic Energy stream, and at first, the smooth flow of energy is the emergence of some unusual vibration, the vibration is the outward, the overall vibration, to link the feeling is that his magic tower is like a bottle full of water, and the vibration of the emergence of a giant is shaking this bottle.

    After the shock arose, as the demon could have been flowing, soon there was a fine vortex without rule distribution, and for the average low-level magic, these little eddies didn't matter, but for the legendary mystical magic in the Chamber of Secrets against Katyusha, these swirls were deadly, and these anomalies were enough to invalidate the Super fine magic!

    Link immediately calmed the abnormal disturbances in the magic pipe, and when he did these things he sensed that Wayans and Enoli were doing the same thing.

    After about four seconds, the abnormal fluctuations in the magic pipe are smoothed and restored to normal operation again.

    Link stops, he looks at the side of the memory crystal, the super high quality of the crystal will be the entire turbulent flow of the process to record a trace.

    After opening the memory crystal, link looked at the process of the magic crystal on the sidelines and watched it again, and each time he looked at it, Link would perform various calculations based on the recorded data.

    When he had seen it 12 times, he had completed the entire analysis process, looks at the magic notes on the magic equation and the final plot of a vibration intensity curve, he was worried about the increase.

    All indications are that this disturbance must be global in the hope that the Magic Tower's magical system will vibrate.

    In other words, this disturbance must be through the whole plane, otherwise it is impossible to show what kind of phenomenon.

    "What kind of strength do you want to do this?" Is there another artifact in the world? ”Linke frowned.

    The last time, the dark snake came to the strength, link is only six level, his strength is too low, he naturally feel no world anomalies, so there is no similar experience.

    But he did not, does not represent others did not.

    Think for a moment, the idea of a move, Chattaling Lily sent a message, a moment later, Ling Lily will this message to Evelyn, Eron, Milos three high elves.

    The darkness of the Snake in the world, Dawn Island must have recorded the changes.

    After about five minutes, three legendary elven destroyers enter went to the magical main hall where link was located, and Evelyn was the great magician of field, and she walked at the front, behind followed Eron and Milos.

    "Lord, what's the matter?" ”Evelyn asked, behind both of them looks at Lin.

    Linkergan to explain, he suddenly stopped, pricked up a finger softly way: "Hush ~ You feel the magical tower of Magic can flow." ”

    A new disturbance occurred, this time more intense than the previous one, even the ceiling of the magic light on the brightness of the slightest slight fluctuations.

    Of course, ordinary person does not see these changes, but in the legendary expert eye, this is already very obvious.

    After the vortex turbulence, such as magic can immediately intervene in control, slowly quell the restlessness, and so the demon can completely calm down, he looked to the crowd, said: "Feel it?" ”

    Three high Elves all nodded.

    Evelyn said: "This perturbation is very strange, I also appear in the pool of elements, I would like to report to you." They give me the feeling that someone is releasing more than 10 attack legendary magic over a 100-kilometer-long sea. ”

    Link nods, he looks to Eron and Milos: "What do you think?" ”

    Eron said: "I agree with Evelyn, but in the direction, it seems to come from Dawn Island." ”

    Milos want to talk, but the words.

    "If you have anything to say, just be frank. This is a quest, and if you provide valuable information, it can be converted into magic dots. ”Link immediately.

    Milos look a vibration, said: "Is this, when the artifact of the dark snake of the world, I was in the morning of the watch station." In the watch platform, we monitor the entire Ferroman plane through the natural magic net strength fluctuations, and just the movement, in my opinion, than the advent of the artifacts appear when the abnormal fluctuations seem to be more far-reaching. ”

    "Oh?""I also feel that the strength fluctuations from the northeast side, that is, the Dawn Island direction, what do you think," he said in a startled mind. ”

    "My view is in line with yours. ”

    "And what about you?" Is there anything else you want to add? ”Link looks at Eron and Evelyn again.

    Eron thought and said, "If Milos feels right, then my opinion is that Dawn Island is using the strength of the world Tree." In history, such things have happened two times in total. The first time is 2,300 years ago, the evil dragon Wang Ail invaded Dawn Island, the High Elves opened the World Tree, forced to step into the realm of the Magic Dragon King imprisoned in the eternal time boundary. The second was 800 years ago, when the killing God Talas tried to come to Ferroman, his behavior failed, but he tore a huge fissure in his face, and the elves used the World Tree roots to bridge the rift. The two-time use of the World Tree strength, has caused a great change in the whole landscape environment, its influence still exists today …If this time the Dawn Island also uses the World Tree, ten to one is against field …Lord, we must be ready as soon as possible! ”

    Link listen to the startled, he knew the World Tree strength Earth-shaking, now look at the World Tree opponents, Dragon Wang Ail, kill God Talas, are involved in the terrifying existence of God domain.

    This gives link a deeper understanding of the world tree's strength.

    This World tree is probably the entire Ferroman face the most peak of strength, in the morning, Elven destroyers enter may take him out of the way, but if in the vicinity of dawn, as long as he dared to go, it is absolutely shattered, the end of the wits.

    Thinking about it, Link asks, "So we can only looks at the side and we can't get in?" ”

    "That is not necessarily true." ”Milos start to talk road.

    Link listens to the heart a move: "You say to look." ”

    "The World Tree strength, although he is peak, but his strength is too large, so not be controlled by any mortal, even elven destroyers enter Queen." For thousands of years, the World Tree has its own rule, its biggest rule is that it will never attack the natural magic of life, even if this life to attack the world Tree, it will only defense, and this life expelled from the Dawn Island. ”

    One side of the Eron added: "The World Tree rule is not complicated, in addition to not active attack people, with the High Elves Royal Family bloodline members, as long as the World tree, will be sheltered by the world Tree." Under its aegis, the members of the royal bloodline will not be subject to any foreign attack or attack with each other. ”

    Hear here, link look to Evelyn, she is elven destroyers enter Princess, although the blood does not exist, but within the body is Royal Family blood.

    Evelyn Booth threw: "Basically this, but Eron is not entirely right." In fact, Royal Family can be mutually attack, but in order to do this, the elves will have to pass the resolution collectively, and then the ruling magic, the World Tree recognition, the elders can deprive a high elf Royal Family of the natural magic, then can be executed. ”

    On hearing this, link sank into deep thought, and about half a minute later he said, "Evey Lina, I need to study your blood strength." ”

    Elven destroyers Enter's move gave him a sense of desperation, and he decided to go to the Dawn Island to see what was going on.

    "Willing to work for you …"Evelyn saluted Link, but she said only half a word, and was interrupted by a loud noise.

    ' Boom ~ ' an earth-shattering sound, from the North direction of field, the voice is so great, so that they are in the Magic Tower feel a burst of unusually strong tremor.

    Room Four people are surprised, all rushed to the window, and saw in the north of field, a diameter of more than 20 meters of the incandescent light group is slowly rising from a slope.

    Took a look, Evelyn startled channel: "God, this is the 9-level fierce Yang Zhen burst!" ”

    Liayang is the most amazing Fire elemental magic in Mortal magic, and if it explodes in a city center, it can basically erase the city from the map.

    This could not have happened in field, as strength Lily was constantly monitoring the changes in the whole city.

    But even if this fierce Yang Zhen explosion is erupting in the suburbs, its eruption strength has plunged the entire suburbs into an endless sea of Fire, because this magical dead person at least 1000!

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