The reason why Immortal Grave is set up like this must have his reasons. As for what the old Master thinks, Gu Changan cant understand it. After all, for Gu As far as Changan is concerned, none of this has anything to do with him. He only needs the inheritance in Immortal Grave.

Moreover, the Martial Arts learned by the sword intent soul must be related to the Immortal Grave in front of you. If you can learn Myriad Sword Returning to Origin, I am afraid that there will be no problem, and at this time Gu Changan His eyes stared at the sword intent soul in front of him, the sword intent soul moved, and Gu Changan moved at the same time.

The sword intent spirits are not on the same time at the same time, but a different method is adopted. Naturally, it is a front and back attack. Gu Changan never thought that the sword intent spirits would actually use this method, but he was early He was ready, and the Sky Lei Curse fell to the ground by accident.

In fact, he did it intentionally, and the sword intent behind him used his Broken Sword moved towards Sky Lei Curse to chop it over. He was going to chop the Sky Lei Curse into pieces, but didn’t What expects is that the sky thunder curse actually took effect at this time, and the lightning acted on the Broken Sword, and then the thunder and lightning began to sweep the sword intent in front of them.

Gu Changans method is still very practical. After all, his own charms can only be used by himself. If other people touch them at will, or want to destroy them, they have to endure it. The damage caused by the spell, and the encounter with the sword intent soul behind him is enough to explain the truth.

And he can just deal with the sword intent soul in front of him. Even if there is one sword intent soul, it is not so easy to deal with. It is the sword intent soul that Gu Changan is dealing with, his weapon is actually still Attached to the other Broken Sword Remnant Soul, which means that he slashed past with a single sword, Gu Changan was almost hit by two soul bodies.

If it werent for Gu Changans very quick response, he would use Shi Zhongs blade to deal with the Broken Sword in front of him. Im afraid he will suffer. Shi Zhong blade can deal with the soul who is still a soul body. The ability to chop the illusion into a solid, perhaps this is the important role of Shi Zhong blade in front of him.

And Gu Changan put out a long breath. Fortunately, there was Shi Zhong blade just now. If Shi Zhong blade really flew to other places, then he would bode ill rather than well. For Shi Zhong Blade, he still has a little appreciation, but appreciation belongs to appreciation. At this time, the sword intent spirit has stepped on the Azure Lotus Sword Song.

Azure Lotus Sword Song is actually part of Azure Lotus Sword Art, but Broken Sword Remnant Soul did not learn the essence in it, and even the sword intent soul did not learn the essence part, and even So the Azure Lotus Sword Song, which is performed by Broken Sword Remnant Soul and sword intent, is full of loopholes.

Gu Changan immediately saw the loopholes. Azure Lotus Sword Song in the hands of sword intent souls is indeed stronger than Broken Sword Remnant Soul, but the power is only relatively speaking. For Gu Changan, it is very weak.


Still too weak!

The Shi Zhong blade in Gu Changan’s hands is constantly resisting the attack of the sword intent soul in front of him, and the sword intent soul in front of him is not empty. Gu Changan already knows something about Azure Lotus Sword Song. Up.

Its just using softness to overcome rigidity, and using rigidity and softness, it looks perfect and without blemish. In fact, its not Azure Lotus Sword Art, but the trick Azure Lotus Sword Song, so many places cant be connected. Yes, so Gu Changan happened to find the weak spot, and then easily cracked the Azure Lotus Sword Song in front of him.

Azure Lotus Sword Song works step by step, but it is useless. Shi Zhong blade uses brute force to break through the so-called flexibility, and overcomes the rigidity with softness, but to a certain extent, the use of softness to overcome the rigidity has no effect, and the most important It’s a strength breaking myriad laws, Azure Lotus Sword Song mysterious, but it can crack everything with one effort.

And Gu Changan had already come to the sword intent spirit in front of him, and then he threw a charm from his backpack, and the charm was attached to the sword intent spirit, and Gu Changan picked it up with his mouth. Another talisman, the talisman is naturally the Qiankun Mantra. When the Qiankun Mantra was acted on by Gu Changan, he directly released his mouth, and then the Qiankun Mantra flew behind him.

The Sky Thunder Curse has lost its effect, but it doesnt. Its just because Gu Changan didnt use it personally. After the Sky Thunder Curse was hit by the sword intent spirit behind him, it just played a defensive role. , So soon the sword intent soul has already broken through its imprisonment.

He moved towards Gu Changan and stabbed in the past, but Gu Changan was already ready to welcome the sword intent soul. The Heavenly Thunder Curse and the Qiankun Curse can be used together, and as long as Gu Changan uses the Qiankun Curse , Then the thunder curse around the sky will be activated together, when the time comes sword intent, the soul will know his power.

In the face of the sword intent spirit in front of him, Gu Changan has no universe curse, only the earth fire curse. The earth fire curse does not do much damage to souls. Gu Changan didnt want to use it. Its still used by circumstances.

The two spells were posted on the sword intent soul, and then Gu Changan took a half step back, and then the sky thunder curse and the earth fire curse had effects almost simultaneously, and both were still on the sword intent soul. The flames and thunder and lightning all gathered on the sword intent spirit, and then a sky thunder blasted down, and the flame burned. Only the sword intent spirit was very painful and constantly twisted.

Gu Changan looked at the sword intent spirit in front of him, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised. It seems that his plan has been successful. He successfully killed one of the sword intent spirits, only seeing Shi Zhong blade It was already moved towards one of the sword intent souls, which of course used brute force.

After all, Shi Zhong blade has not been opened yet, so he can only use brute force, but it doesnt matter. Gu Changan thinks it is enough, because the sword intent in front of him, not at all, is what he imagined At this time, the sword intent spirit was smashed into fly ash, and flames and thunder and lightning were still entangled on the sword intent spirit.

Ten thousand Qi and Blood is not difficult for Gu Changan. After all, he has dealt with four guarding stone lions, and the Qi and Blood on each head has reached an astonishing five Ten thousand Qi and Blood, fifty thousand Qi and Blood are all done by him, even more how is just fifty thousand Qi and Blood of trifling.

For Gu Changan, not at all at worst, and Gu Changan also put out a long breath, ready to deal with the sword intent soul behind him, after all, the sword intent soul behind him , But its not so easy.

His spells are almost used up, and there is one earth fire spell left to use. The earth fire spell must match the sky thunder spell as before to have a chance, otherwise, it will be just a waste of waste A spell.

And Qiankun Curse and Sky Thunder Curse obviously cannot completely eliminate the sword intent spirit in front of them.



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