Gu Changan was taken back by many natives and found that he was taken to a place like a primordial tribe. This place was full of people wearing animal skins like them.

And the woman who led the clansman to stop herself is like the leader of this tribe. The clothes she wears seem to represent her Identity.

“Outsider, if you quibble with it, we will turn you into a pile of coke, and then give it to Heavenly God.”

“I ask you one more time, you Where is the Spiritual Pill on my body?”

The woman coldly said.

The gentleness and restraint that a no girl should have, on the contrary, like a bully, it is medicine pill if you open your mouth and shut your mouth.

“I said, I dont have that kind of medicine pill at all. I just got two by chance before, and I used it myself.”

Gu Changan said .

“If you dont believe me, you can come and search by yourself, and if you find one, you can turn me into coke.”

“And, I dont even know what place this is. I don’t know, how could I collect the so-called Spiritual Pill?”

The woman was suspicious, but not at all asked her to search her body.

“You said you don’t even know where this is, meaning you just came here not long ago?”

The woman asked.

“Well, I only came here yesterday, but I met you after a whole night.”

Gu Changan said honestly.

After all, this place is unfamiliar with people. If you can draw any useful clues from the mouths of these natives, maybe you can leave here.

“Then you are lucky. If you didn’t meet us, and you disturbed things that shouldn’t be disturbed, I am afraid that now it has become a pile of bones, so there is no chance to sit here and talk to me. “

The woman said, letting people loose Gu Changan.

The latter obviously didn’t expect the other party to be unwilling to believe in him along the way, and when he heard that he was just here, he untied himself.

Although there is no clear expression of kindness, it is enough to prove that it is not hostile to Outsider.

“Very few of you Outsiders survived when you came here, and even many of you died soon after you came here.”

The woman said.

For these Outsiders, her sympathy is greater than hostility.

“What do you mean… Besides me, there are many people who are Outsiders? Where is this place, and why will people keep coming here?”

Gu Changan is puzzled.

Although there are some strange things in this place, it shouldn’t be enough for a large crowd to swarm over.

“This place is the land of the ruins. It is the place between the legendary human world and the Nine Nether. The undying and Inextinguishable spirits here will never die unless they swallow each other.”

” And they say that if they die in the hands of outsiders, they will turn back to Spiritual Pill, returning to Spiritual Pill, you can unlock the Outsider, the gods that are covered on your body, in other words, what you humans say The Seal of Spiritual Qi.”


Gu Changan was a little surprised.

I don’t understand why I suddenly ran here. Wasn’t he still in Jianxinzong last moment?

However, since this place is the distance between the world and the Nine Nether, why would anyone continuously flock to it?

Is it possible that all came for the so-called return to Spiritual Pill?

But after I ate it, I realized that this thing seems to only undo seal, is it possible that there are other effects?

“Back to Spiritual Pill, at first can only help you undo seal, but after it completes the undo seal, it can continue to increase your Spiritual Qi, True Qi within the body, and… Unlimited accumulation and increase!”

“This temptation… also led to a grand slaughter in Guixu, and the slaughter is your group of Outsiders. In order to return to the Spiritual Pill by fair means or foul!”

After the woman said, she looked a little angry. Gu Changan listened in silence.

“putting it that way, your ancestors were also slaughtered?”

“No…that’s not the case, because I am not the original spirit, this World does not have the original spirit Humanoid creatures, we are the descendants left behind by the slaughterers.”

“The entrance was closed because of sin, killing, and Guixu. Those slaughterers have a large amount of return to Spiritual Pill, but they cannot leave this World. In the end, we were marked by this World as a sinner. We…also known as sinner.”

“For generations to come, we have existed to protect the original spirit of this World, but we also need to improve. I need to return to the Spiritual Pill.”

“But we cant kill the evil, we can only take the Spiritual Pill back from the hands of you Outsiders!”

After some explanation by the woman , Gu Changan has a general understanding of the current situation.

But I still dont know why I appeared here.

It’s just that he knows the way to unlock his Spiritual Qi, and it seems that he can gain some benefits through this approach.

It was only then that he remembered that his realm seemed to have been in place for a long time.

May be able to improve one’s own cultivation base through this approach.

“Outsider, according to our original method, you should have been dealt with immediately, but no outsiders have entered the market for a long time. You are very lucky.”

“We Decided to keep you, let you get back Spiritual Pill for us, and you can also get some benefits, we are a cooperative relationship. Hello, we are also good, we can also listen to you provide some specific information on monster beast, And their location.”

An old woman dressed like a High Priest came out of the Native Person group.

The human language is also spoken by the mouth, and other natives only seem to express their information through the most primordial howling.


Gu Changan has no choice.

If he wants to live here, he must wait until he returns to the Spiritual Pill to improve his cultivation base.

Only when the cultivation base is fully restored, can you be able to protect yourself in this place. If not, you can only listen to other people’s dispatch arrangements.

Only strength is the weapon that can guarantee one’s own rights and interests.

And this group of natives have lived here for many years, where will those monster beasts gather, what else to provoke, what monster beasts not to provoke, the other party must have comprehensive information.

If the two parties reach a cooperation, a win-win situation will be formed, and Gu Changan will be prevented from dying alone in this vast desert.

After all, the other party also needs him to get the Spiritual Pill back, so the most basic guarantee of survival will still be given to him.

“Okay, since you have agreed, then you will be the queen of our tribe and return to the Spirit Master in the future. Over time, other tribes will be ruled by us.”

“At that time , Maybe you dont want to go back. Its better to be the ruler of a world than to be alone in the drifting world outside.”

The woman suddenly stood up and said.



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