“The principal, Niu Ruili, participated in the siege of the Jinshui River Shuibohe god Baibing, and won 1200 merits, and killed 29 Demon Soldiers, and won 580 merits… a total of 2130 merits.”

“Military officer Liu Dazhu, guarding the formation, participated in the siege of the Shuibo River god Baibing, won 400 merits, killed 7 Demon Soldiers, won 140 merits… a total of 832 merits.”


Bai Bing, as the Monster King Peak Realm cultivation base 300 years ago, was tainted with a trace of dragon, and he was in the half-step demon-sage realm. Although his strength fell sharply after 300 years, he still It’s quite impressive, so anyone who participated in the siege will get a lot of merit points.

In addition to various other tasks, as well as the extra rewards in the state, the miscellaneous things add up, it can be said to be a big profit.

For a time, every person who was pronounced his name was full of joy when he heard his merits, obviously very satisfied.

Of course satisfied.

You must know that the merits gained at this time are basically equivalent to their achievements in one or two years. How can they be unhappy?

With these feats, they can exchange more ammunition and weapons to bring it up a level.

With the rollover, the inner Qi atmosphere of the whole hall soon became eager.

And soon, it was Gu Changan’s turn.

“military officer Gu Changan……”

When the chief of Hidden Martial Building said this, his calm tone suddenly paused.

At the same time, other military officers and even the principal couldn’t help but look at them.

You must know that this time when Bai Jiao was born, Gu Changan was a big show. There are his silhouettes both front and back.

Everyone is curious about how much merit Gu Changan can get.

The director of Hidden Martial Building did not let everyone wait too long. Looking at the merit book in his hand, he said loudly: “First of all, the military officer Gu was investigating the bizarre death of a villager in Xiaohe Village and won 30 points of merit. Among them, he killed the Dao of Qi Qi Sea cultivator and got 200 points of merit.”

“The birth of Bai Jiao was discovered by the military officer Gu during the investigation and reported it in time. This also made me The Guangyang County Xuanjing Department has time to prepare in advance. This is the first effort in advance. In view of the big things, the Xuanjing Department can be arranged calmly, so it rewards 3000 points for the merits.”

There was an uproar.

3000 points!

Just report a message and get 3000 points!

Be aware that with so many people present, none of them have won more than 3000 merits, and Gu Changan has surpassed everyone by just reporting beforehand!

What about the back?

How many merits can he get in the end?

“Participated in the siege of the Jinshui River and the Shuibo River God, and won 1,200 merit points, of which, for the first time, the Bai Jiao was severely injured, and the breakthrough was opened for the besieging of the Bai Jiao, and 3,500 points were awarded for the merit! p>”Afterwards, Bai Jiao launched Divine Power again. When he planned to be perish together, he pulled strongly against a crazy tide. At the most critical moment, he killed Bai Jiao and rescued his colleagues. He won 5000 points!”

“Bai Jiao Fu Zhu, the water demon attacked the city, Gu military officer led the team to help, and brought the storm to an end, he helped the mansion and rescued the people of the county, and won 3000 points.”

“Kill the giant tortoise, get 1,000 points of merit, 19 demon killers, 3600 merits, and 269 Demon Soldier, merit 5380 points…”

Hidden Martial Building Tell Gu Changan’s achievements.

Defending the city, killing monsters, saving the entire county, killing the first skill of the Jiao, the key to a blade… one by one, everyone in the audience was stunned.

Not only because of Gu Changans amazing amount of feats, but also because of these things Gu Changan has done, which is truly shocking!

Finally, the director of Hidden Martial Building finished describing all the deeds of Gu Changan and gave a summary of the merits

“29940 Merit!”


When this number was reported, the whole hall suddenly sounded one after another sucking in cold air.

29,940 points of merit, nearly 30,000 points of merit, if this is replaced by an ordinary military officer, it may be their lifetime effort!

Even if it is the principal, it will take ten years, or even more than ten years, to accumulate!

So much merit, if this is replaced by medicine pill spell, how much can this be exchanged!

Even if it is replaced by a weapon, I am afraid that it can be exchanged for a Magical Artifact with the same quality as Qianhu Li Changfeng’s magic sword!

the thoughts got to this point, many people breathed quickly, and the gazes looking towards Gu Changan also carried envy that was hard to hide.

But they are also very clear.

Although there are many such feats, Gu Changan deserves it.

Lets not talk about other things, just when the white scorpion was besieged and killed that day, the white scorpion was seriously injured and dying to launch Life Source Divine Power. When it was planned to perish together, if no one stopped, I am afraid that the people present would have to die more than half. .

It is Gu Changan who did not retreat at the critical moment, but went up and broke the Divine Power of the Baijiao, beheaded it, and also saved many lives invisibly.

For this alone, everyone present has to accept Gu Changan’s favor.

Therefore, they admire envy, but no one is jealous-martial artists of Xuanjing Department are all temperament people after all. Some private thoughts may be there, but no one will go. Be jealous and murder colleagues.

even more how, this is my life saving benefactor.

“Many thanks, many thanks, thousands of households!”

Not only was his colleagues shocked, Gu Changan’s breathing suddenly stopped when he heard this number. Obviously, he I didn’t expect that he could get so many merits.

But this is a good thing after all.

At the moment, he took his mind, holding the Identity token, placed it in front of him, and said respectfully.

Hidden Martial Building slightly nodded, Qianhu Li Changfeng is also nodded, and then with a finger stroke, immediately a stream of light crosses the space and goes straight into Gu Changan’s token.

This means that 29940 points of merit have been assigned to him.

In addition to the 980 points left before, Gu Changan’s merits have truly exceeded 30,000 points, reaching 30,920 points!

Such a huge feat, in these thousand households, I am afraid that no one has more than him.

After all, as far as martial artists are concerned, they will immediately redeem medicine pill treasure after receiving meritorious service to enhance their strength, and no one will save it.

The only heterogeneous Li Changfeng, he used to accumulate ten years of meritorious service, but he was also to exchange the magic sword, and the magic sword is now in his hands.

“With so many merits, it seems that you can buy some treasures, and you can get started with the treasures that you wanted to redeem but could not be exchanged before!”

The merits are lost, Gu Changan Thank you again, but I thought so in my heart.

Next, the chief of Hidden Martial Building was chanting his name again, and every military officer or strong man named by his name came forward to receive his merits.

After an hour, the distribution has been completed.

“The merits have been distributed, and there will be various treasures and trophies below. These will be delivered to you within three days.”

On everyone’s face When she was overjoyed, Li Changfeng said: “Although I know that everyone is eager to go back to exchange treasures, but I still have to disturb you for a moment… Here, I have one thing to announce.”


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