Full of blank paper, the pen and ink are transparent, and a piece of Liu Che's autumn style words leaps on the paper.

"The paper is good, many times better than Zuobo's paper. I just don't know how much it costs.

Thinking that he would finally not need to use these bulky bamboo slips and expensive brocade silk in the future, Liu Chan was a little happier in his heart.

Re-laid the blank paper, and wrote several Chinese poems one after another.

Xingtou came up and wrote a few more famous articles about Li Bai.

"Hahahaha, the ancient sages are all lonely, only the drinker leaves his name...... Five-flowered horses, daughters Qiu, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and sell eternal sorrow with you!" The last word was written, and Liu Chan's heart was happy.

Sure enough, it was by practicing calligraphy that he could sweep away his depression!

Crumpled Li Bai's business card into a paper ball, threw it all into a basin full of ashes, and looked up to see Sun Shangxiang leaning on the door of the study, looking at Liu Chan with starry eyes.

"What kind of poem is this, did you just write it?" asked Sun Shangxiang.

"No, I copied it.

"I've never seen it, but you made it yourself. Are you going to burn them?" Seeing Liu Chan lighting the fire, Sun Shangxiang said hurriedly.

Liu Chan glared at Sun Shangxiang: "In the future, you are not allowed to approach my study Sanzhang."

"It's you who read it too loudly, I'll come and see."

"Then you are not allowed to listen. "

You're really domineering, little boy. Sun Shangxiang said angrily.

Liu Chan snorted and ignored Sun Shangxiang. Damn, the good mood is gone in an instant.

The bad mood of human beings is common, when Liu Chan was in an extremely bad mood because of Sun Shangxiang, Zhang Song, who was thousands of miles away, was smashing the rice bowl in his hand to the ground.

After a soft thud, the delicate porcelain bowl fell to the ground and shattered.

"Why did you suddenly drop the bowl?" Zhang Song's brother Zhang Su looked at this younger brother who had eaten well and suddenly dropped the bowl.

"Broken peace, broken peace. The old lady Zhang Su and Zhang Song next to her muttered.

Zhang Song is not tall, and his face is not very good-looking, compared to his brother Zhang Su's appearance and height, Zhang Song does not look like his biological at all.

"At the time of today's deliberations, it was said that Zhang Lu's soldiers committed Ba County in the first half of the year, and they were unstoppable, and now these generals under the lord only know how to fight for power and profit, how can they have the ability to fight, and when they encounter Zhang Lu's army, they will definitely collapse, involving the overall situation of Yizhou, I am really not good to speak out in front of the lord, I can only say that I want to think of other ways to let Zhang Lu retreat. "

My lord asked me what I could do.

"I said that I could ask Liu Xuande, the general of Jingzhou and Zuo, who were also members of the clan, to lead the troops into Shu to help us resist Zhang Lu.

Zhang Su asked, "Then what? The lord refused, and you were so angry?"

Zhang Song said: "You listen to me." After I finished talking at the time, the bud man rushed out, saying that he was not ashamed that he could lead 10,000 soldiers to retreat Zhang Lu, and said that bringing Liu Bei in was really luring wolves into the house, which was a move to sell Yizhou, so it was just a political difference. But I didn't want this husband to humiliate my height and appearance, and when I was eating, I remembered that Cao Cao didn't want to see me because of my appearance and height, but sent someone to humiliate me, and I was angry.

Zhang Su shook his head and said nothing, and the old lady next to him was still thinking about broken peace.

"What does the lord think?" asked Zhang Su.

Zhang Su is not a driver in Yizhou, don't drive as the prime minister in the state capital, the status is very superb, it can be said that in a state is one person under ten thousand people, although Zhang Su is a brother who looks a little better, but he really does not have the talent of his younger brother Zhang Song, and he can't do that kind of Zhang Song's position as an official, and now he is just a don't drive, but he is doing things in the hands of his younger brother, so naturally he is not qualified to participate in the deliberations held by Liu Zhang.

"The lord has never had an idea. Seeing that I was arguing with that bud, I could only put it aside for the time being, saying that I was thinking about it, but I don't know what happened in the end. It's just that now that Zhang Lu has violated the realm, how can he have so much time to think about it, the lord is really indecisive!" Zhang Song said.

Zhang Su said: "Ziqiao, as a courtier, you can't talk about the lord, as a don't drive, you can't talk like this."

Although the elder brother's official position is low, but at home, the elder brother is still the elder brother, Zhang Song nodded when he heard this: "I know." I can't eat this kind of food, so my brother will accompany my mother to eat well, and I'll go to find Nafa Zheng to talk. With his

mother bowing and confessing, Zhang Song left the house and went straight to Fazheng's house, which lived next door to him.

Fa Zheng saw Zhang Song and said with a smile: "Ziqiao, you came to my house with a meal, it just so happens that your sister-in-law has made a few good dishes, let's have a few drinks." Zhang

Song's face is extremely ugly when he smiles, which can be said to be distorted, but he is such an ugly-looking person, his talent and learning are the best in Yizhou, and it can be said that he is talented and literate in Yizhou, and people can't look like this is vividly reflected in Zhang Song.

"Thinking about many things at home, it's really hard to swallow food, and only by thinking about having a few drinks with Xiaozhi can I get rid of the depression in my heart. Zhang Song said.

After the two sat down, Fa Zheng asked the maid to withdraw and personally poured wine for Zhang Song, Fa Zheng said: "Why are you upset?"

Fa Zheng's current official position is only a military honor captain, which can be described as low and pitiful, and it is extremely incompatible with Fa Zheng's real talent. When Fa Zheng served as the new capital commander before, his style of acting was too upright, and he dragged a few gentlemen who were playing and molesting women on the street into the county office and beat them with thirty sticks each, beating them half to death, which angered the local powerful family of Yizhou behind them, resulting in not only the loss of the new capital order, but also various persecutions by these families, such as slander, assassination, and exclusion.

In the end, if Zhang Song hadn't helped, Fa Zheng might have been buried alive by the children of those families.

Zhang Song has another official position for Fa Zheng, who is now a military lieutenant, because of his status in the army, those families have been a little restrained.

After this incident, Fa Zheng was extremely dissatisfied with the top and bottom of Yizhou, and felt resentful, believing that Liu Zhang was really not the master, and his people could not check and balance the conflict between the local faction and the Dongzhou faction in Yizhou, which led to the two sides becoming more and more arrogant.

And Zhang Song, who is a good friend of Fa Zheng, understands that Yizhou's current gold is ruined, and the entire Yizhou people's livelihood can be said to be in dire straits.

Both of them think that a weak lord like Liu Zhang is really unworthy and incompetent to be the lord of Yizhou.

In this way, the two of them drank and talked about things several times, when Cao Cao's Chibi army was defeated, Liu Bei got Yizhou, and then got Nanjun, Fa Zheng gradually gave birth to the idea of offering Yizhou to Liu Bei, so there were many conspiracies and consultations, and finally decided to seize Yizhou with Zhang Lubing's invasion and Liu Bei's plan to support.

From the time of the plan, a year has passed now, and the two have been waiting for the opportunity, and finally waited for the news of Zhang Lu's attack on Ba County.

Zhang Song informed Fa Zheng of all that had happened during the deliberations today.

Fa Zheng's strategy is much higher than Zhang Song's. However, Zhang Song's strategy is not low, and he is far beyond the people in Yizhou.

It can be said that these two people are the most intelligent and scheming two people in the whole Yizhou, and it is not wrong, but it is a pity that Liu Zhang is talented and cannot be used.

Liu Zhang hesitated, obviously he already had some approval in his heart to introduce Liu Bei into Shu as help, otherwise he would not hesitate, at this time, Ziqiao, you should go directly to Liu Zhang's place and explain it in detail to him, he will definitely be moved.

Zhang Song took a sip of wine and said to Fa Zheng: "I'll try it, if he doesn't listen, we need to find another way."

Fa Zheng smiled lightly: "Liu Zhang will listen." Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang are enemies of killing their mother and brother, Liu Zhang has always wanted to attack Chengdu and kill Zhang Lu to avenge his mother and brother. Liu Zhang is weak, and many of his generals are dragged down by constraints from all sides, and they will definitely not be able to control Zhang Lu's army, so Liu Zhang can only ask Liu Bei to help. Although Liu Zhang is cowardly and incompetent, he is not stupid, as long as Ziqiao is a little bit clear, he will definitely understand.

Zhang Song got up and said, "Keep the wine for when you are successful, and then drink it, I'll go to Liu Zhang's place." "

Liu Zhang and Zhang Lu are feuding. In the early years, Liu Zhang's father, Liu Yan, asked for Yizhou pastor from the imperial court, and after entering Yizhou, he completed the task of exterminating the rebel thieves assigned by the imperial court, and on the other hand, in order to stabilize his rule in Yizhou, he sent his henchman Zhang Lu to Hanzhong.

It's just that Zhang Lu is also an ambitious person, who killed the Han envoy, severed the connection between Hanzhong and the outside world, and became a soil emperor by himself.

And Liu Yan and Zhang Lu's mother were really a little unclear, so they did not raise troops to attack Zhang Lu, but let him be at ease in Hanzhong, and the two sides were safe.

Until Liu Yan died, Liu Zhang became the Yizhou pastor, and without saying a word, he killed Zhang Lu's mother and younger brother who stayed in Chengdu.

Zhang Song came to Liu Zhang's place, and after being informed, he was received by Liu Zhang and walked straight into Liu Zhang's room.

Liu Zhang is tall, but extremely obese, like a small mountain of meat, and does not like to exercise, drinks and has fun every day, accompanied by beauties.

As in the past, Liu Zhang was lying on the floor, surrounded by several scantily clad women.

"Lord" Zhang Song bowed and saluted.

Liu Zhang, who was as fat as a mountain, sat up with difficulty and said to Zhang Song: "Ziqiao is here, what is the matter?" Zhang Song

glanced at several women and said to Liu Zhang: "Lord, it is not appropriate for outsiders to be present."

The hand of Yingying Yanyan next to him kept stroking the fat on Liu Zhang's body, and Liu Zhang smiled and said to several women: "Stand down for the time being, I will discuss important matters with other drivers."

Several women chuckled and complained and walked out, a woman glared at Zhang Song, Zhang Song just didn't see it, although this woman was a concubine, but the family behind her, Zhang Song couldn't afford to provoke.

After the women left, Zhang Song said to Liu Zhang: "Lord, today I am here for Zhang Lu's attack on Ba County.

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