This was a hard-to-see siege battle, Liu Bei stood on the watchtower of the military camp, watching the siege battle commanded by Ma Chao.

Under the pressure of catapults and heavy crossbows, the carts and ladders were pushed to the moat, and then, under the cover of the shield bearers, the soldiers pushed the flying bridges towards the moat, and more than forty flying bridges were laid above the moat, just at a good distance.

The bows and arrows and heavy crossbows on the city walls of Chengdu were constantly thrown at the city, and the enemy did not come close at this time, and only long-range attacks could cause damage to the enemy army.

Wu Yi didn't have the intention of going out of the city to fight Liu Beijun at all.

There were too few defenders in the city, and the city walls of Chengdu were too long, and a large number of troops were needed to defend the four walls, and 10,000 people were already dwarfed, and there were no more troops to go out of the city to fight Liu Bei.

But Liu Bei had enough troops to attack the four city gates at the same time, which made Wu Yi a little worried, Liu Bei did not use all his strength to attack Chengdu, if Liu Bei really attacked Chengdu City with all his strength, he would definitely not be able to defend it.

"Brother, why has Liu Bei been attacking the city with such a small army, will he attack the other city gates today?" Wu Ban stood beside Wu Yi and asked suspiciously.

Wu Yi sighed and said: "Liu Bei is determined to win Chengdu, Chengdu City is actually his sooner or later, he is not in a hurry, and he is not bad at this critical kick, he did not attack the city with all his strength in order to reduce casualties and leave a reputation of benevolence and righteousness, and then he wants to force the lord to take the initiative to go out of the city, so that he will be more justified in taking Yizhou."

"These three sieges are actually tentative?" Wu Ban was a little incomprehensible.

Wu Yi nodded: "It's also for training." Liu Bei except for the soldiers and horses brought by himself, as well as the soldiers and horses brought by Zhuge Liang into Shu, the remaining tens of thousands of Yizhou troops were actually weak divisions that could not withstand a war, and Liu Bei took this opportunity to take turns training his troops three times.

Wu Ban was extremely angry when he heard this: "He actually despises us so much.

Wu Yi smiled: "He has such strength to despise us." "

Then will Liu Bei capture Chengdu today?" Wu Ban asked.

"I don't know, we can only do our best. Wu Yi sighed.

The construction of the flying bridge allowed Liu Beijun's soldiers to begin to cross the river, and the shield bearers in the front row held a one-man high shield and slowly pushed forward.

Wu Yi looked at the advancing enemy troops and ordered: "The catapult is ready to launch." "

A large number of catapults were also used to defend the city, but they were not as good as the improved catapults outside the city, and they could not be thrown at such a distance, and there were few stones in the city, and they were not as luxurious as those outside the city.

Only when Liu Beijun approached, the catapult on the city wall would start.

The stones thrown down from the city wall smashed into the crowd, and it was a blur of flesh and blood, and the stone smashed into the flying bridge was a big hole.

"Advance!" Pound commanded as the vanguard, shouting the soldiers to continue to advance, providing enough range for the large siege equipment such as rushing carts, ladders, and hook carts behind, as well as the archery troops.

The catapults placed in the back began to attack the city walls with all their might.

In the panic, the soldiers advanced across the moat, and Pang De shouted: "Go and cut the rope

of the suspension bridge!" In order to facilitate the entry and exit of business travelers, a suspension bridge in Chengdu City must be inconvenient, so each city gate has at least three suspension bridges, and the special suspension bridge is extremely strong, and can withstand the caravan carriage full of goods, and it is naturally easy to withstand the attack of the catapult.

The flybridge was not enough to bear the weight of large siege equipment, and it was necessary to pass through the drawbridge.

But no soldier was willing to risk the bows and stones on the walls to cut the ropes.

These soldiers are far from sacrificing themselves in order to fulfill military orders.

Pound was in a hurry, the situation was critical at this time, and one more breath of time made it impossible for the heavy siege equipment to get close to the front of the city wall, and he would not be able to suppress the attack on the city wall, so the number of soldiers lost would be even more!

"Take my bow and arrow!" Pound said to the soldiers behind him.

Draw your bow and aim at a sling, one arrow, the sling breaks, another arrow, another sling breaks.

The suspension bridge fell to the ground.

Huang Zhong, who was standing in the distance watching the battle, praised: "Good archery! This Pang De is good!"

Liu Bei also nodded approvingly, and Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and others next to him couldn't help but admire.

"This Pound looks much more pleasing to the eye than that horse!" Zhang Fei said.

As the drawbridge fell, a large number of follow-up soldiers poured in, and the siege equipment began to advance forward.

The pressure on the defenders on the walls suddenly increased, and many soldiers crawled and hid behind the battlements, dodging the arrows and stones thrown at the walls.

The ladders and chariots were getting closer and closer, and the soldiers on them were almost at the same level as the soldiers on the city walls, so the archers on both sides became flat and attacked each other.

"Gold juice, hot oil, rolling wood, all ready!" As these siege equipment got closer and closer, the garrison materials for melee combat also began to be prepared.

As the ladder approached the city wall, countless soldiers began to climb up the city wall by stepping on the ladder, rushing at the archers on the cart, throwing stones down the city wall, pouring gold juice, hot oil, and rolling wood to shoot the defenders, so that the comrades under the city could better climb the city wall.

"Brother, I'll take someone with you. Ma Dai pleaded to Ma Chao.

At this time, the city has been climbed, and there must be a fierce general to lead the soldiers to attack the city wall in one go.

Ma Chao nodded and instructed: "Be careful, if you don't succeed, you will retreat immediately." "

Understood!" Ma Dai jumped off the platform where Ma Chao was beating the war drums, and led three thousand people to start running towards the city wall.

"Lord, this Ma Chao has a bit of ability, it's only been half an hour, and he has already begun to climb the city. If he sent troops and horses to attack other city walls at the same time, causing pressure on the defenders, Ma Chao might be able to capture the city wall after a while. Huang Zhong said to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei said: "Ma Chao's military ability, few of us can match. He fought on horseback when he was more than ten years old, and fought no less than 100 battles in his life, I thought at first that he led the cavalry to fight with unparalleled experience in the world, and now it seems that the siege battles he commanded are also extremely brilliant, and I sigh that this siege battle is not as good as it. It's just that Ma Chao has too many stains, and I don't dare to entrust him with a heavy responsibility. "The meaning of Liu Bei's words is that you have superpowers, but your character is too bad, and this kind of thing is not something that anyone can do, he votes for Liu Bei now, don't think too much about gaining Liu Bei's trust, after all, you can even sell your father if you say it, let your father and brother become Cao Cao's sword ghosts. Whoever is the lord of Ma Chao must not be guarded against.

Ma Dai has led 3,000 people to start climbing up the ladder, Ma Dai took the lead, took the sword, stepped on the ladder and went up quickly, the defenders were suppressed by the archers and did not dare to take the head, more and more rushing cars were pushed, a rushing car can carry at least twenty archers, in the face of these archers almost close to the attack, the defenders encountered a great threat.

The most important thing is to prevent fire, the car is covered with straw that has just been fished out of the water, and even if hot oil is poured on it, it is difficult to ignite.

"Let the reinforcements go up to the city wall and prepare to fight!" Wu Yi's face was ugly, the situation was grim, and now he could only hope to block these enemy troops on the city wall and kill them back.

It is a distance of one zhang from the head of the city, Ma Dai held a ladder with one hand, his body was like an ape, he jumped up, almost leaped up to the head of the city, which made a soldier who had just raised the stone and wanted to smash it was stunned, Ma Dai reacted quickly, held the ring knife on his mouth, and split the soldier with a knife, the stone the size of a human head fell to the ground, Ma Dai kicked the stone, and the stone smashed on the chest of a soldier who pounced, the soldier's chest was dented a lot, and he fell to the ground with blood in his mouth.

Ma Dai was the first to jump onto the city wall, and the surrounding defenders pounced one after another!

Liu Beijun's soldiers who followed Ma Dai also climbed up and began to join the battle, and as more and more soldiers climbed onto the city wall to start a scuffle, the archers and catapults on the charging cart stopped, this was to prevent damage to friendly soldiers.

The crash was constantly crashing against the city gates, and once the gates were opened, a large number of troops could pour in.

Pound directed the hook cart to move towards the city gate, trying to use the hook cart to open the city gate.

"Lord, you can take Chengdu City, Ma Chao's offensive is just right!" Huang Zhong persuaded on the side.

Liu Bei nodded and looked at Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Fei: "Each of you will lead 10,000 people to attack the other three gates! Take Chengdu today!"

Ma Chao received Liu Bei's order to inform him that the other three city walls had been sent to attack them, so that Ma Chao could continue to increase the offensive.

"Xu Jing rushed over with hundreds of people, and this person wanted to rebel. Wu Ban, who was on patrol, hurriedly went up to the city wall and informed Wu Yi of this.

"Take it down! Give it to the lord!" When

Xu Jing rushed out with hundreds of people, the spies in the Skynet stronghold hidden in the secret were all fried, and the person in charge of Chengdu Skynet shouted: "Why didn't Xu Jing obey the order? What did he want to do? Now Bendongcheng, there are thousands of troops there, how can he fight with hundreds of people? How do you convey my order?" I asked him to wait for the opportunity, and when the army attacked the other three city gates, he should take the city gates, and now he is going to die, why don't you stop him?"


Bang, an angry fist smashed on the case, how can the person in charge of Skynet not be angry, the heads of Fucheng and Yuxian have all been reused and promoted after helping the army capture the city, and even promoted by leapfrogging, one by one is now much bigger than his position, and now he has such a mistake in Chengdu City, and he must not think about promotion.

"Stop him!" yelled the person in charge.

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