"Ma Chao, Pang De, come out and speak.

Chen Zhi stood outside the post house and shouted on the opposite side.

After a while, Ma Chao, Pang De, Ma Dai and their remaining subordinates all walked out, and when they saw dozens of heavily armed soldiers behind Chen Zhi, Ma Chao and the others were very vigilant.

"Give me an explanation. Chen Zhi looked at the young general who was surrounded in the middle, he looked pretty good, and concluded that this person should be that Jin Ma Chao.

Ma Chao smiled: "Dare to ask Your Excellency?"

Which one is Pound?"

"I'm it, what are you looking for me? What do you want?"

Ma Chao said in a round game: "General Chen, this is a misunderstanding, Ling Ming was drunk, so he did this." "

Chen Zhi is a good old man, but he is not a good old man who simply doesn't know how to work, the young master let himself come over this time to meet this Pound, that is, to give him an idea of getting off the horse, Chen Zhi will not let Pound go.

"Then now that the wine is sober, when the wine is sober, I will apologize to the little official and pay for the medical expenses. Chen Zhi said to Pound.

Pound said angrily: "Do you want me to apologize to a small official?"

Ma Chao's face also changed, this is not only an insult to Pound, but also an insult to him.

"This is not Liangzhou, Ma Chao, Pang De, you are not the princes of one side, since you want to take refuge in my lord, then keep a low profile. I can tell you very clearly that there is no such person under the command of the Lord. "

This is very clear, you Ma Chao is different from the past, and now you are a courtier under the fence, so don't be so domineering anymore, be a low-key person, and be good to everyone.

Ma Chao's face turned the color of pig liver, how could he have been insulted like this.

Pang De clenched his fists and yelled that he was about to come over to hit Chen Dao, but was dragged by Ma Dai.

Chen Zhi looked at Pang De, who was about to rush over: "Don't stop him, since you don't want to apologize, then take a beating."

"You are too much of a deception! You nobody, I will teach you a good lesson today." Pound yelled.

Ma Dai let go of Pound, Pound strode forward, waving a fist the size of a sandbag and smashed towards Chen Zhi, Chen Zhi skillfully dodged, and punched Pound in the stomach, Pound staggered back a few steps, and roared madly to step forward again.

However, Pound, who got off the horse, was only beaten in front of Chen Zhi, and punched Pound several times in a row, not giving others a chance to intervene, Pound had already fallen to the ground, trying to struggle to get up, but he couldn't get up.

Ma Chao and Ma Dai hurriedly helped, and Ma Chao looked at Chen Dao deadly: "Is this General Zuo's hospitality? If so, then Ma Chao will leave."

Chen Zhi smiled: "If the guests are polite, we will receive the guests as the host, and we will naturally be polite and thoughtful." However, if the guests are not polite, then as the host, there will naturally be no good wine and meat to entertain the guests. "

It's too much for you to insult Ling Ming so much for the sake of a small official!" Ma Dai said angrily.

"Petty officials can insult and beat? None of them start with junior officials? And if this logic is followed, the bigger the official position, the more likely they can beat and insult the people below? Wanton killing? Ma Chao, Pang De, I will rescue your family from Jicheng, if I don't help you, I'm afraid your family members will be arrested at the head of Jicheng City, in front of the two of you, one by one. I don't know if you Liangzhou people are ungrateful or wolf-like, they have taken refuge in my father, and they are still so domineering, who are you doing to show me? I thought about it on the way here, you Ma Chao can let your own father be imprisoned, and you have always rebelled, you have never been loyal, filial and shameful, and suddenly feel that saving your family is a superfluous move. Liu Chan walked over and looked at Ma Chao and the others with a sneer.

After these words, Ma Chao's face flushed, and he lowered his head in shame, and Pang De was silently supported by Ma Dai, looking like he had eaten a fly.

"Let me introduce myself, I have long expected that Ma Chao will defeat Liu Chan in Liangzhou, and when I was still in Jingzhou, let the people of Skynet rescue your family when you are defeated, so as not to make you a loner. Do you think that I can predict your failure in Liangzhou and not tell you in advance? Then have you thought about it, why should I tell you? I told you at that time that you will believe what I said? Ma Chao, you can fail in Liangzhou for two reasons, the first reason is to offend the Liangzhou scholars, and the second reason is that you don't have a good brain. If you have a good brain, from the moment you step into Yangping Pass, you should be low-key and low-key, and then gain my father's favor, and then gain trust, and then he will conquer Liangzhou one day, and you, as the main general, will sweep Liangzhou again and take revenge. "

It's not as transparent as a child, Ma Chao is almost embarrassed.

Now that he is doing this style, under Liu Bei's command, he will definitely not be used by Liu Bei, and he will even be excluded, thinking of what he will encounter in the future, Ma Chao has a deep regret.

It's okay to turn around and leave now, but the world is so big, where can I go? Join Cao Cao, that is absolutely impossible? Entering Qiang? They themselves are difficult to protect, Cao Cao's next step must be to defeat Liangzhou, who is Cao Cao's enemy in Liangzhou today? Not himself, Han Sui is about to go into the ground, he is not an opponent, the only opponents are the Qiang and Di people, and it is useless to vote for them. For example, today, only Liu Bei can accommodate himself, and only Liu Bei can take revenge.

As for Sun Quan, Ma Chao didn't consider this person at all. What are you doing in Jiangdong as a Liangzhou boy? Is there a water war?

The princes of the past have fallen to this point today, which is really regrettable, but Ma Chao really deserves to get to such a point.

The Ma Chao in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, glamorous and martial, among the five tiger generals, in fact, the real historical Ma Chao still has a little sadness. Of course, poor people must have something to hate, since Ma Chao raised an army against Cao, and his father Ma Teng was killed by Cao Cao, Ma Chao was destined for a lifetime.

"It's me who failed to restrain my subordinates, and I ask the young master to punish him. Ma Chao seemed to endure great humiliation and bowed to Liu Chan.

"There is nothing to blame. Let Pang De apologize, the eldest husband can bend and stretch, since he is a good man in Liangzhou, he has done something wrong, and apologizing to others will not make you lose your head. In the past, Han Xin still had the humiliation of his crotch. Liu Chan looked at Pang De and said.

Feeling Liu Chan's gaze, Pang De was speechless, and finally walked up to the little official who was beaten and paralyzed by himself and hugged his fist and said: "Today is my Pang De Meng Lang, please forgive me." Later, Pound will come to the door with a gift to apologize. After that, he looked at the little official deeply.

The little official was frightened, and hurriedly dodged, shouting in his mouth that he didn't dare to dare, and the little one didn't dare.

Liu Chan ignored the situation of the officials over there, but said to Ma Chao: "Ma Chao, my father will not reuse you, and if you are reused, these generals under you will squeeze you out, that taste is very uncomfortable." However, just because my dad doesn't reuse you doesn't mean he won't use you, and it doesn't mean that I won't reuse you. "

Ma Chao came to take refuge as a prince, Liu Bei will definitely give him higher treatment and official position, but the treatment of official position and the reuse of real power are two different things.

Whether Liu Bei later became the king of Hanzhong or became the emperor, Ma Chao existed as a mascot.

Liu Bei has no possibility of reusing Ma Chao, but Liu Chan has the mind to reuse Ma Chao, although this person has a reputation for unfilial piety, but Liu Chan is still sure to control this horse.

Ma Chao heard what Liu Chan said, his spirits perked, and the brilliance in his eyes gradually brightened a little.

Liu Chan will inherit Liu Bei's great cause sooner or later, and today there are Liu Chan's words, and he will definitely have a chance to kill Cao Thief to take revenge in the future.

"Let's stay here, I'll go to Chengdu City to see my father in two days. Zhang

Lu was still in Nanzheng City, and Liu Chan was waiting for Ma Chao to vote, so he took Zhang Lu and Ma Chao to see Liu Bei together, and invited credit by the way.

The snow began to melt on the second day, and after three days, the snow was almost finished, but fortunately it didn't rain again these days, otherwise it would have been a freezing disaster, and God still gave a glimmer of life.

Stepping on the residual snow on the road, Liu Chan set off for Chengdu.

Walking on the Sword Pavilion Road, stepping into the vast Shu Mountain, the weather began to warm up, more than ten days later, into the Sichuan Basin, the feeling is different, the cotton jacket on the body, actually felt a little stuffy.

Spring has already entered Shuzhong, and small buds can already be seen on the depressed branches.

It was more than ten days, and finally arrived at the city of Chengdu, Liu Bei has not yet conquered Chengdu, where Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and others have divided the counties and counties, and they have all come to Chengdu to join Liu Bei.

Except for Chengdu in Shu County, the entire territory of Yizhou has been owned by Liu Bei, and the Taishou of the southern and central counties have surrendered one after another.

Liu Zhang's general trend has gone, holding the lonely city of Chengdu, and he is unwilling to open the city and surrender.

Liu Chan's return was warmly welcomed by the generals in the army, Liu Chan was hugged by Zhang Fei at the beginning, unwilling to let go, Liu Chan endured Zhang Fei's beard, and had to face everyone with a smile.

was finally put down by Zhang Fei, Liu Bei slapped him, Liu Chan habitually wanted to dodge, but Liu Bei just patted his shoulder, Liu Chan hurriedly put away the blocking posture, Liu Bei Lao Huai comforted: "My son has grown up."

"I've been a bull since I was a child, and your son is naturally powerful. Liu Chan praised himself for being unstingy.

"I will brag, this time Hanzhong did a good job, like my son. Liu Bei said happily.

Liu Chan pouted and said, "At my age, you are still playing in the mud under the mulberry tree in your hometown."

Liu Bei slapped Liu Chan on the head: "What nonsense? Liu

Bei met with Ma Chao and Zhang Lu very warmly, these two separatist princes, one came to take refuge in himself, and the other surrendered himself, Liu Bei suddenly felt that his status had gone up, and now it was different from the past, and he was no longer the Liu Bei who was chased away.

Liu Bei is a well-trained person, and after a while, Ma Chao and Zhang Lu are no longer as frightened as before, but have some admiration for Liu Bei, Ma Chao even knelt on the ground and swore to Liu Bei, saying that he was willing to die for Liu Bei in the future, and said that if there is disloyalty, the whole family will die.

The personality charm is like this, and it is useless for Liu Chan to look at it and envy it.

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