"Are you saying that I should change to use the talisman seal to subdue demons and eliminate demons, so as to spread the Heavenly Master's Dao?" Zhang Lu looked at Liu Chan and said.

"Of course, although this is still a deception to the people, and it is also a deception to the people's peace of mind, but there are no demons and monsters in this world, even if it is a deception, it doesn't matter. But you tricked them into using rune water to cure diseases, can rune water cure diseases? You don't believe it yourself. It is a great sin to deceive people in this way and delay the good time for healing, which is tantamount to murder. I believe that there is no reason in your Taoism for your followers to kill people, right? Help a regime stabilize the people, instead of inciting the people to rebel and disturb the world. Believe me, your Heavenly Master Dao will continue forever, it may be a thousand years or ten thousand years, and it may become a state religion in the future. This is far more promising than what you do in Hanzhong.

Liu Chan's words made Zhang Lu's eyes gradually bloom, Zhang Lu was already obsessed with cultivation, than being a warlord, he wanted to become an immortal more, this is probably a family tradition, after all, Zhang Daoling and Zhang Heng are more than cultivating immortals in the first place, Zhang Daoling even abandoned the official and went to the deep mountains to cultivate the Tao.

gave Zhang Lu a word, Liu Chan was about to leave, but Zhang Lu suddenly said: "Yang Ren and Yang Song of Yangping Pass have not yet arrived, you lied to me before, right?"

Liu Chan smiled: "No, they are just delayed on the road, and they will arrive in two days."

When Zhang Lu saw Liu Chan's ghostly appearance, he immediately understood that he had been deceived before, Zhang Lu wanted to be angry, but in the end he smiled and said to Liu Chan: "Young Yingjie." Liu Xuande has this son, which is a blessing that he has cultivated in several lifetimes.

"That's that, with a son like me, he was definitely the one who saved the galaxy in his last life. Liu Chan dropped this mindless sentence and ran away, things were busy, how could he have so much time to talk about Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu chose Qingcheng Mountain to cultivate and become an immortal, then he had to get Zhang Lu to Qingcheng Mountain as soon as possible.

"Ma Yan, you don't want to show up in Hanzhong recently, I'll get you a position when I go back. Ma Tan and Gaihua entered the city and quietly came to Liu Chan's residence, and Liu Chan entered the door and saw Ma Tan holding his knife from the treasury of Zhang Lu's mansion and watching thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Ma Yan put down his knife and asked, "What position?" "

The situation in Nanzhong is complicated, there are many barbarians, and non-idlers can't deal with things there, you choose a county, and I will let you be the Taishou." Liu Chan said.

Ma Tan went directly from a small official to a county guard of 2,000 stones, which was promoted by rocket, but Ma Tan was not happy, but looked at Liu Chan with a questioning face: "Young master, I have no grudge against you."

Liu Chan kicked over, and after Ma Tan dodged over, he said stupidly: "There have been incidents of killing Taishou in several counties in Nanzhong... The barbarians over there are too much to tame. "

You're cowardly?"

Liu Chan kicked over again, but this time he didn't let Ma Jian dodge, because Liu Chan shook a false move, and when Ma Tan dodged, the other kick came over.

Ma Jian said aggrievedly: "Young master, I have made a great contribution, you have to be reasonable."

"The importance of Nanzhong to Yizhou is equivalent to Yizhou's back, you say that someone is wielding a knife behind your back, can Yizhou live a stable life here? Let you go to Nanzhong to take up a post, is to value your ability, but also to reuse you." Moreover, the powers and responsibilities of the Taishou of several counties in Nanzhong are also heavier than those of other counties. "

Then can I recruit soldiers?" asked Ma Yan.

Liu Chan frowned and thought for a while, he was really unwilling to let Ma Tan lead the troops. But let him go to Nanzhong to serve as a taishou, and it is impossible to send a general to divide his command of the army.

After thinking about it for a while, let's let Ma Tan exercise

in Nanzhong?" "Nonsense, isn't it, Taishou has the duty to defend the land, and the barbarians in Nanzhong are rampant, if you don't give you some soldiers and horses, your head will be hung on the head of the city the next day." Liu Chan said.

"Then I'm going to Yizhou County!" Ma Tan said immediately.

"I'll tell my dad when I go back. However, you still have to wait, and Yizhou County has not surrendered yet.

Liu Chan looked at Gaihua: "Do you have your own plans?"

Gaihua hesitated for a moment and said.

Liu Chan looked at Ma Tan, then at the cover flower, and sighed, "You two...... Is there a story?"

Ma Yan's color changed: "Young master, you can't talk nonsense."

Gaihua was furious: "Will the old lady take a fancy to him?"

"Then what are you going to do

with Yizhou County?" "Go to other places, others will look down on me as a woman, go to Yizhou, there is Ma Tan as a guard, I can be useful." Gaihua said confidently.

Ma Tan agreed: "That's right, the martial arts of Gaihua are still good, you can be my escort in the future to protect my safety."

Liu Chan said in his heart that these two people treat each other as tool people, Gaihua wants Ma Jian to cover him and let himself make contributions, and Ma Jian wants to let Gaihua be his own guard, and these two people will definitely have a story in the future, so Liu Chan said: "Okay, then follow Ma Tan to Yizhou County." You cooperated well in Hanzhong, and went to Yizhou County to continue to cooperate. When the time comes, you contact Fu Qi, who is the person in charge of Skynet in Nanzhong, and ask him to hand over all the affairs of Yizhou County to you. After

finishing the business, Ma Tan picked up Liu Chan's knife and said to Liu Chan: "Young master, where did this knife come from, can you reward it to your subordinates?" "Do you know this knife?"

Ma Tan pointed to the two words engraved on the knife and explained to Liu Chan: "Young master,

these two words are called Ming Hong." This is the famous Ming Hong Knife. Where did you get it

?" "Is that the knife that Emperor Wu gave to Dongfang Shuo?"

"This is the knife." Legend has it that this knife was made by the Yellow Emperor to create the leftovers of the Xuanyuan Sword, but this is just a legend. The real period of this knife should be the Spring and Autumn Period, I have read the classics in Jingzhou, this knife should be made by Ou Yezi, the Yue people at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. "

I can see this knife today, look at its seal carving, these two words have the characteristics of the Yue people insects and birds. The books I read should be written without error. "

Even if this knife is not made of the leftovers of the Yellow Emperor's Xuanyuan Sword, it has become made by Ou Yezi, it is also an antique that is almost seven hundred years old, and the seven-hundred-year-old knife can still be preserved in good condition, and it is undoubtedly a divine weapon.

Liu Chan smiled and snatched Ming Hong from Ma Tan's hand: "This is a treasure knife, why are you so shameless and let me reward you, get out." "

Young master, I have done great work for the lord, I have shed blood for the lord, I have planned Hanzhong for the lord, what happened to reward me with a broken knife!"

Liu Chan hugged Ming Hong and rewarded him with a horse.

After Ma Tan and Gaihua rolled, Liu Chan stared at Ming Hong, and after knowing where it came from, he couldn't stop smiling, this knife is a good thing, a good knife that can be preserved for seven hundred years, it is not a problem if it is not sharp, it only needs to be polished, and it will naturally be sharp.

"What are you silly happy with a knife?" Guan Ping walked in and looked at Liu Chan with a smirk.

I haven't slept for the past two days, and it's still high-intensity work, Guan Ping is busy with a mouthful of blisters, and his body is also stinky, Liu Chan covered his nose: "Hurry up and take a bath."

Guan Ping ignored Liu Chan's dislike and yelled at the attendant standing outside: "Bring water to Yeyan." "

It's all overorganized?" Liu Chan asked

, "It's all overorganized, and my remaining more than 2,000 brothers have been filled in to serve as officers." Excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled, a total of 13,243 soldiers were reorganized. Twelve divisions were organized, and those who had contributed to the battle were promoted to lieutenants. Here's the list. Guan Ping took out the paper from his arms and gave it to Liu Chan.

After Liu Chan read it hastily, he said to Guan Ping: "The four of you will each lead three soldiers and horses, and when Wei Yan comes, you will go and take the other counties of Hanzhong County." I didn't care about the other arrangements, I wrote directly to ask my father to send someone over. "

This is when Liu Bei has not yet come to Hanzhong, hurry up and arrange the customs and other people, and try their best to seek benefits for them, Wei Yan does not have such benefits, but Liu Chan guessed that it was not surprising that Wei Yan might be appointed as the Taishou of Hanzhong.

Guan Ping immediately rejoiced when he heard what Liu Chan said: "This is the best." "

As long as you can lead the troops, there is nothing to make Guan Ping happier.

With Wei Yan taking Yangping Pass, Hanzhong Dading, Liu Chan's whole person was a little happier, and when Wei Yan arrived outside Nanzheng City with his people, Liu Chan was even happier, and there was basically no problem in Hanzhong.

After taking over the city defense of Nanzhengcheng, Guan Ping and Deng Ai, Liu Feng, and Huang Xu roared and took the soldiers and horses out of the city to conquer the city, and they all wanted to take this opportunity to have a good run-in with the newly led 3,000 men and horses.

This will be their descendant army in the future.

"I really envy these young people, they are energetic and full of energy. Wei Yan looked at the soldiers and horses who were leaving the city one after another and sighed.

Liu Chan ignored Wei Yan's complaints, and said to Wei Yan: "I'm going to sleep, I haven't slept well recently." Nanzheng City will be handed over to you, and when my father sends officials over, officials will be set up in various parts of Hanzhong County, and the system of sacrificial wine in Zhang Lulong will be abolished, and there may be some resistance at that time, do you know what to do.

Liu Chan is planning to pick on his son and don't want to ask about these miscellaneous things, Wei Yan knew that the young master was tired and lazy after several days of hard work, so he immediately said: "My subordinates understand." "

Waited until a few days came, Liu Bei sent a large group of officials, Liu Chan went out to greet him, Wei Yan unexpectedly became the Hanzhong Taishou, but the leaders of a group of civil officials were Jian Yong and Sun Gan, these are the two oldest under Liu Bei, obviously Liu Bei is willing to let Wei Yan be the Hanzhong Taishou, but he still doesn't believe in Wei Yan's ability, so he let Jian Yong and Sun Gan, the two most trusted subordinates, come over.

In front of these two people, Liu Chan didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and shouted Uncle affectionately in his mouth, while introducing the two of them to all aspects of Nanzheng City, but Wei Yan, the newly appointed Hanzhong Taishou, was left out in the cold.

Wei Yan didn't care, it was already an honor for him to be promoted to the Taishou of Hanzhong, and it was the lord who looked up to him. I immediately made up my mind that in the future, I would only be in charge of military affairs in Hanzhong, and as for the governance of the government, I would hand it over to Jian Yong and Sun Qian, and I would indeed not be able to govern the government anyway.

Jian Yong and Sun Qian have been following Liu Bei to govern the place for many years, and how to govern the territory they have just laid down is a familiar road, and a group of officials brought by them were quickly properly arranged, either as county officials, or as county magistrates and county magistrates, everything was in order.

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