At the end of August, Zhuge Liang led an army of 20,000 under his command, led by Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and other generals, from Jingzhou, took the Yiling Road, and led the army to Yizhou.

According to the plan, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei's army will converge under the city of Chengdu.

Guan Yu stayed in Jingzhou, and Zhao Lei, Mi Fang, Ma Liang, Liao Hua, Fu Shiren, Yi Yuan, Wang Fu, Pan Jun, Zhou Cang, Lei Xu and other civil and military cadres assisted Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou.

Took away 20,000 troops, Jingzhou Guan Yu still has tens of thousands of troops, Jingzhou under the governance of Zhuge Liang has prospered, various policies tend to be stable, Guan Yu only needs Xiao Gui Cao Sui, can continue to make Jingzhou more prosperous and stable, Zhuge Liang set off, thousands of instructions, Jingzhou military let Yun Chang call the shots, but Jingzhou's current policies must not be changed without authorization.

Guan Yu knew that Jingzhou's growing strength was the result of Zhuge Liang's governance, so he naturally would not modify it indiscriminately, and he also knew that he was not the material for governing the place, and no matter how many people Ma Liang and Yi were under his command, they could not compare to Zhuge Liang, so he promised Zhuge Liang that he would not change his layout in Jingzhou.

Liu Chan once talked to Zhuge Liang about the fear that Jiangdong would attack Jingzhou, and asked him to carry out some influence on the people of the four counties of Jingnan in terms of political means, so that even if Jiangdong was suddenly attacked in the future, he could also help to recover the lost land through the people.

Zhuge Liang still has reservations about Jiangdong's attack on Jingzhou, and he still has some faith in Jingzhou, an ally without God's perspective.

Liu Chan firmly believes that Jiangdong's wolf ambitions will not change, and some of Zhuge Liang's political arrangements are not too much in the military, but they just let Skynet stare at Jiangdong, for Guan Yu himself, Liu Chan did not mention that Jiangdong would probably attack Jingzhou, what Guan Yu should do is the Northern Expedition, and then shock Huaxia and achieve his due historical status.

And Liu Chan worked as a sewing maker at that time, sewing and repairing some holes behind Guan Yu.

Now that the materials for sewing are ready, we are waiting for when Guan Yu will be in power.

Liu Bei's army arrived in Ruoxian County in mid-August, and until the end of August, Liu Bei did not attack with a single soldier, but quietly besieged the city, waiting for changes in the city.

"The soldiers don't quite understand why we have stayed outside the city of Luo County for so long, and they all want to make meritorious contributions. From Fuxian County to the present, many soldiers have made every inch, just playing with the army, and now there are a lot of complaints. Liu Bei routinely inspected the barracks every day and listened to some of the opinions of the soldiers, and Liu Bei was clear about the situation at the bottom of the army.

Liu Bei can be appeased, but after a long time, there are remarks in the army, which is not a good thing. Suppressing it with military orders will be counterproductive, especially now that we are fighting in the hinterland of Yizhou, it is even more important to have one heart.

It's not enough to be helpless, the army that has always wanted to fight and make meritorious contributions, instead of the army that covets the comfort now, will still obey the order after all, Liu Bei personally came forward to appease, and the resentment in the army disappeared.

Liu Chan was holding a paper copy of "Zuo's Spring and Autumn", which was read with relish and a literary history book, which still looked a little interesting.

"Idle eggs hurt, it's easy to do. Isn't it always a small item of military training, or something that regulates the entertainment life of the army? At present, this method of playing with the bow is not good, and according to my method, I will ensure that this group of idle soldiers will not be able to complain from their mouths. "

This thing has been around in China for a long time, even dating back to the legendary Yellow Emperor, but the earliest records are still in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The Western Han Dynasty Juju appeared in the army and was used to train soldiers, and it was recorded in the "Farewell Record" written by Liu Xiang of the Western Han Dynasty: Juju, the strength of the troops. Therefore, when practicing samurai, knowing and talented, they all practice because of playfulness. In addition to symbolizing "military strength" and training samurai, Kemari was also used to enrich the life of the army and keep the warriors physically and emotionally good.

"What can you do?" Liu Bei asked, Liu Chan had a lot of ideas, and Liu Bei knew that this kid might really have an idea.

Liu Chan hurriedly found a piece of paper and asked the scribe next to him to start recording what he said.

"The amount of exercise is too small now, and there are very few people who can play together at the same time. Let's change it like this......

"Liu Chan changed the bow to football, but it didn't take much trouble, Liu Bei next to him, including Liu Bei's advisers Pang Tong and Zhang Song, also nodded frequently after listening, Pang Tong said to Liu Bei: "This change is good, the soldiers on the field form their own military formation, exercise the coordination and cooperation of the soldiers, and can also exercise the physical strength and combat skills of the soldiers, killing multiple birds with one stone."

Liu Chan threw away his pen and said to Liu Bei: "Let people make some bows that can withstand kicking, and let them toss them." If you have the heart, you can also come forward in person and give some rewards to the winning team, and the soldiers will definitely chase and love this sport.

"Uncle De'ang, have you written down the rules of playing football, you can help me sort it out, and then I will supplement and improve it, and then I can promote it." Liu Chan said to the scribe who recorded next to him.

This calligrapher is no one else, it is a person from Yizhou County, Li Huizi Deang, since Liu Bei raised troops in Jiameng, he has heard of it, so he set off from Yizhou County, came to vote for Liu Bei, hurried and hurried, and finally met Liu Bei in Luocheng, after taking refuge in Liu Bei, Liu Bei appointed him as Gong Cao Shuzuo, let him serve as a scribe official by his side, and assist in handling various affairs.

In history, Li Hui was also a great contributor to Zhuge Liang's pacification of the Nanzhong counties, and before Zhang Wei, he was the general who guarded Nanzhong. Although he is not very famous in history, his ability is undoubted.

"I've memorized it all. It's something very new, and I want to play with it. Li Hui said with a smile.

"You can form a few more teams, Uncle De'ang, if you are interested, you can participate. "

Outside the city, football is in full swing, but inside the city is noisy, and the streets are full of search teams searching for prey like hunting dogs.

Zhang Ren was arrested and imprisoned, countless people related to him were all arrested and interrogated, and at the same time, any suspected person had to be arrested and interrogated.

Liu Xun is now completely a soldier, but this alone is not the end.

Even though it is a daily pursuit, but Liu Bei's fine work is still active, yesterday a small warehouse was burned, and a letter to Liu Xun was left at the scene, which bluntly stated that he was hiding in the city's fine work, this organization is called Skynet, let Liu Xun stop persecuting those innocent people, there is a kind of to arrest them.

Liu Xun, who was at the scene, immediately took a knife and slashed several members of the search team and scolded the waste for half an hour.

So more forces joined the investigation.

"This Liu Xun is so stimulated that he is crazy, arresting the fine work lurking in the city, with such fanfare, everyone knows what he is doing, how to catch it? It's really stupid. "

Are you smart? Then how could you be blamed? If it weren't for you and Zhang Wu, our head of the family would have been arrested?"

Zhang Ren has a separate cell, and his cell holds more than a dozen of his family soldiers, Liu Xun is quite affectionate, and he has not been tortured.

In the past two days, Zhang Wu and Zhang Qi have been counted miserably, if Zhang Ren hadn't stopped them, these two goods would definitely have been beaten.

After listening to what happened to Zhang Qi and Zhang Wu, Zhang Ren concluded that no matter how much Liu Xun tossed, he didn't want to catch a person from that Skynet, Liu Xun would only be toyed with in the palm of his hand, and this county town was in danger!

Zhang Ren said to them: "Shut up." Be quiet for a while. "

The door of the cell was opened, and the light from the outside pierced in, making it impossible to open one's eyes, and many of the people who were being held up threw themselves in front of the cell door, stretched out their hands from the fence, and shouted words like wronged, let me out.

The person who came was Liu Xun, and it was only after Zhang Ren was detained for several days that Liu Xun was free to see Zhang Ren.

Walking to Zhang Ren's cell, Liu Xun said to Zhang Ren: "Zhang Ren, because my family has treated you well for two generations, why do you rebel

?" "Young master, you didn't investigate the matter of Zhang Wu and Zhang Qi, and you didn't even send someone to ask them about the two things. And then it is reasonable to judge that I am Liu Bei's spies?" Liu

Xun had a black face throughout the whole process, and he didn't have any good attitude towards Zhang Ren, he sneered and said to Zhang Ren who was sitting on the floor of the cell: "I have a lot of evidence here. I came to see you to see if you had any remorse, but now it seems that there is no trace of it.

After speaking, Liu Xun shook his hand and left.

Walking out of the cell, Liu Xun said angrily: "Since my grandfather began to cultivate Zhang Ren for two generations, they have all been fed to the dog's stomach. Such wolf-hearted people should be killed!" The

people who were with Liu Xun cautiously proposed: "Young master, why don't I go and kill him?"

"Go ahead." It's better to kill him with a knife and not give him too much pain. After all, he also made a lot of contributions to my father. There is still a little bit of affection for this. After a long time, Liu Xunchang sighed and said.

"The young lord is merciful. The man next to him complimented.

Liu Xun sighed again: "I'm tired, go to Wutong Garden and sit." When

I came to Wutong Garden, I saw the group of women leaning on the pavilion, waving silk scarves to attract guests.

went straight up to the third floor, came to the outside of Su Mei's room, knocked lightly on the door of the room, and Su Mei's voice came from inside: "Who." "

It's me. Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Liu Xun said in a low voice.

Su Mei inside was flustered, and hurriedly said to Liu Xun outside the door: "Xunlang, you wait for me, I'll dress up immediately." "

Dressing up, I'm in. "

No, I'm ugly now. Su Meijiao said angrily.

"Where are you ugly, you have always been so beautiful, I can't help but see you. Liu Xun desperately wanted to go in, but Su Mei had bolted the door before, and Liu Xun couldn't open the door.

"Wait. It'll be fine in a while. Su Mei's coquettish voice made Liu Xun's heart itch even more, but thinking that he couldn't make the beauty happy, he had to suppress his desire.

"Okay, okay, I'll wait for you.

Su Mei quickly poured the medicine bag given by Geng Di into the wine jug, stirred it well, and checked that there was a lot of medicine powder leaking around, to make sure that there was no omission, and opened the window to ventilate, she was afraid that the medicine powder smelled and would be smelled by Liu Xun.

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