Fa Zheng was accompanied by more than 30 servants, all of whom were Liu Bei's personal guards to ensure Fa Zheng's safety.

There is also a horse in ordinary dress, which is not conspicuous in the crowd.

Fa Zheng and Ma Jian walked hundreds of miles of the Sword Pavilion plank road, stepped into the Hanzhong Plain, Ma Jian opened his mouth and came: "The north is based on the Qinling Mountains, the south of Pingba Mountain, the land of Tianfu, the country and the people are safe, the people are rich, and they live and work in peace and contentment, but it is a pity that Zhang Lu's generation does not know how to forge ahead, otherwise with 100,000 households in Hanzhong, advance and retreat, attack and defend, and will definitely achieve a great cause." "

Hanzhong is indeed very rich, the Hanzhong regime is a theocratic regime, Zhang Lu is not like Liu Zhang to govern Shuzhong, the more the rule is more chaotic, the people in Hanzhong are rich and healthy, Shuzhong, Guanzhong refugees have flowed into Hanzhong, resulting in a sharp increase in the population of Hanzhong.

This is also why Zhang Lu can rely on a county to suppress Liu Zhang, a county can make up 20,000 or 30,000 horses, and he can beat Liu Zhang on the one hand and send people to support Ma Chao to fight Liangzhou, which shows the strength of Zhang Lu in Hanzhong.

"Zhang Lu can't fight out, it was more than enough to hold Hanzhong before, but now it can't, the tiger and wolf peep, he can't hold it. The fat of Hanzhong has entered Cao Cao's field of vision, and we must take Hanzhong as soon as possible faster than Cao Cao. Fa Zheng said to Ma Yan.

"Sir's point. But I'm going to part ways with my husband. Ma Jian said to Fa Zheng.

Fa Zheng asked him: "Zhang Lu is the leader of the Five Bucket Rice Sect, and most of the people believe in the Five Bucket Rice Sect, and the young master asked you to start with the Five Bucket Rice Sect, what are you going to do?"

Don't worry, sir, half a year is enough time for me to carry out. "

Be careful, what you have to do is not a trivial matter, it is to win the hearts and minds of the people of the Wudoumi Sect in Hanzhong, which is equivalent to digging out Zhang Lu's lifeline. Fa Zheng instructed.

Ma Tan left Liu Bei and Liu Chan's side, and his escape nature was fully revealed, and he said with a smile: "This matter is what the young master let me go to Hanzhong to sharpen me." I thought very clearly that the war in Hanzhong would end soon, and as long as the war ended, I would be safe. As

soon as Fa Zheng heard it, he knew that Liu Chan's abacus couldn't be hit this time, and this Ma Jian was a little too smart.

"Just don't do anything bad. Fa Zheng was not interested in talking to Ma Jian any more.

Ma Jian bowed and left, without a retinue with him, Ma Tan, dressed as a Confucian student, went in the direction of Nanzheng, but only took small roads along the way, and went to sparsely populated small villages.

Now that the summer harvest is approaching, the fertile fields of the Hanzhong Plain are full of golden rice.

Hanzhong is surrounded by continuous mountains and mountains, not only the source of the Han River, but also the territory of Baoshui, Shuishui, diving, Shuishui, rich in water resources, the crops planted on the Hanzhong Plain are mostly rice.

Zhuge Liang was in Hanzhong many times, and the harvested grain was used for the Northern Expedition.

This place, in Liu Chan's opinion, is fatter than Nanjun. If you can get a Hanzhong with a population of 100,000 households, the Northern Expedition will not need to call on the power of Shuzhong at all.

Walking on the ridge of the field, there was an old farmer bending down to cut rice

, and when he saw the strange Ma Tan, he stood up and shouted to Ma Tan: "Housheng, where are you from? What are you doing here?" A thick Shu sound, barely able to hear clearly, Ma Tan could not speak the dialect of Yizhou, and said to him in official dialect: "I came from Jingzhou to study, and I came here to wander around." "

What?" asked the old farmer, puzzled.

Ma Jian resolutely shut up, this old farmer couldn't understand the official language.

"Hehe, let's go. "A simple sentence or two in a dialect will still be imitated.

"Then let's go, but don't go blind. The old farmer said.

Ahead was a small village with smoke curling, and it was the time for the second meal of the day, and Ma Jian wondered how to go for a meal.

In ancient times, people generally ate two meals, the first meal in the morning and the second meal in the evening.

The population of the village is not large, looking at the number of houses, Ma Jian estimated, there are about 100 people, but there are a lot of fields around the village, and there should be about four or five acres of land in each of the 100 people in this village.

"It seems that there are no landlords who are strong, and it should be a rich small village. "Walking into the village, the chickens and dogs smelled each other, and there were little children in open crotch pants rolling on the ground, and the old man next to him was screaming and scolding, not knowing what the reprimand was.

A stranger came, and children and old people all looked at Ma Jian with curious eyes.

Ma Jian is young and looks like a talent, and the women and girls in the village are not shy about pointing at Ma Tan, and they are even more bold and bold to smile.

Walking around the village, the doors of every house are pasted with yellow talismans, and the content of the talisman is identified by Ma Tan, which is used to drive away diseases and avoid ghosts and gods.

The Wudoumi Sect founded by Zhang Lu's ancestors and grandchildren for three generations, the sect called the patriarch Zhang Daoling as the Heavenly Master, so they called themselves the Heavenly Master Dao. The outside world has a lot of contempt and looks down on them, because they have to pay five buckets of rice to join the religion, and the outside world also calls them five buckets of rice, also known as rice thieves and rice witches.

Because they look down on it, no one wants to know about this sect that has been entrenched in Hanzhong for decades and has gone through three generations.

Fa Zheng, a smart person, knows very little about the Five Dou Rice Sect.

The Wudoumi Sect actually respects Lao Tzu as the leader, and Zhang Lu is the Heavenly Master in the sect, so people call him Shijun. Under the Heavenly Master, there are 24 of them, which govern the people of Hanzhong who were transformed into 24 by Zhang Lu.

Under the head of the big sacrificial wine is the sacrificial wine, and the sacrificial wine is the master of the Taoist people, and it is necessary to meet and visit regularly.

Further down are ordinary Taoists.

Each identity has different statuses and distinct hierarchies.

Ma Tan looked at the gray Taoist robe who came over, and knew that this was a small sacrificial wine, and the big sacrificial wine was wearing a white Taoist robe, which could be described as spotless, like a fairy among the gods.

"Stranger?" Xiao Saijiu is a middle-aged man, who should have traveled abroad and has experienced, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he was a pure Luoyang official.

"Those who came from Jingzhou have traveled here. Ma Tan replied.

Xiao Saijiu looked at Ma Jian and said, "Since you are a student from a foreign country, you should naturally be warmly entertained." You haven't eaten yet, so come with me to the righteous house to eat. "

Is there a righteous house in the village?" Ma Tan asked in surprise, he thought that there was no righteous house in such a small village, and he planned to go to the villagers' homes to have a bite of food.

"My home is a righteous house. The little sacrificial wine replied.

The righteous house was built by Zhang Lu's people, mostly built on the side of the avenue, and also taught people not to accumulate private wealth, and the excess rice and meat were handed over to the righteous house for the people who passed by. However, you can only "measure your stomach and take enough", not eat more and occupy more, "if you have too much, you will get sick".

This kind of small village, very far away from the avenue, actually has a righteous house, Ma Jian immediately understood what was going on.

Sure enough, where there is a class, there is corruption. This sacrificial wine seems to have made a righteous sacrifice, but in fact it is to collect wealth.

As for whether the people in the village have any resistance, Ma Jian probably won't have any resistance, after all, it is for the Heavenly Master's Dao!"

"Do the guests know the Heavenly Master's Dao?" While eating, the small sacrificial wine began to preach the Heavenly Master's Tao beside him, and his intention was obvious, wanting to pull Ma Tan into the sect.

"I know, the outside world calls you the Five Buckets Rice Sect, it's really too much, I have traveled in Hanzhong County for a long time, and I have seen that the people live in peace and contentment, and every household has enough money and food, compared to Shuzhong, it is even more regarded as the country of heaven, and the contribution of the Heavenly Master is not small. Ma Tan said casually.

The middle-aged little sacrificial wine was overjoyed when he heard this: "The guest seems to be a sensible person." In the past, when outsiders talked about our Heavenly Master, they mostly looked down on us. There are not many people who really understand the way of the Heavenly Master, and there are even fewer people like guests who can praise our Heavenly Master.

"But your Hanzhong County is too fat, and Shijun Zhang Lu doesn't have much military ability, so he can't hold Hanzhong." "

Huh? Shijun has tens of thousands of soldiers, how can he not be able to hold it?"

"You don't understand this when I tell you. By the way, where is the great sacrificial wine of your reign?" Ma Tan asked.

"What is the matter with the guests looking for the Great Sacrifice Wine?" Ma

Jian said with a grin: "Don't you want to pull me into the Heavenly Master Dao?" I think this Heavenly Master Dao is quite interesting, but your level is too low, I can only be an ordinary Taoist when I pull me in, and my ability is enough to make a sacrificial wine or even a big sacrificial wine." "

The small sacrificial wine still has a little admiration for a scholar like Ma Tan, and Ma Jian has a very thorough understanding of the Heavenly Master's Tao between his words, such a person should be a sacrificial wine or a big sacrificial wine, and the middle-aged little sacrificial wine feels that there is nothing wrong with this.

"I'll take you to find the great sacrificial wine, with the talent of the guest, you will definitely be able to be a sacrificial wine. In the future, we may be colleagues.

Ma Tan clenched his fists and said, "Then thank you for the sacrificial wine."

"It's getting late now, guests stay here for the night, and I'll take you there tomorrow." The sacrificial wine replied.

On the second day, Ma Tan walked about fifty miles before arriving at the village where the Great Sacrificial Wine was located, and the row of the Great Sacrificial Wine was not small, although he did not live in the city, the population of the village chief was estimated to be thousands, which was comparable to a small county town.

Ma Tan walked into the village with the small sacrificial wine, and every household in the village was pasted with yellow charms in front of the door or there were portraits of Lao Tzu and Zhang Lu on the door, and looked inside through the gate, there were incense tablets of Lao Tzu and Zhang Daoling and Zhang Heng in the middle hall of the house.

On the way, Ma Tan also saw a burning charm, which was put into a decoction with ashes for the sick to drink. It's just a move to add to the snake, but these people really believe in this, and firmly believe that it is Fu Shui who has cured themselves, and do not think that this Fu Shui was originally boiled in Chinese medicine.

The villagers are in a good mental state, unlike the people in some areas of Shuzhong, who have vegetables and are thin, like walking corpses.

The residence of the great sacrificial wine is not simple, surrounded by water on three sides, like a moat, and there are seven or eight guards with guns and knives standing at the gate of the vermilion gate.

If you don't know, you think it's the residence of a prince.

Zhang Lu was the emperor of the soil in Hanzhong, and these great sacrificial wines can indeed be regarded as the princes of the territory.

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