Five months ago, Fu Qi was a poor disciple who wanted to devote himself to his career, but had no way.

From the age of seven to the age of eighteen, my knowledge has grown a lot over the years, but my family has become poorer and poorer year by year.

When the last valuable object in the family was pawned, Fu Qi suddenly woke up in the cloudy eyes of the old mother, and burned all his manuscripts, and the old mother was hoarse and wanted to save these manuscripts that were previously regarded as treasures by Fu Qi, but Fu Qi just stopped them and let these things turn into ashes.

After the bamboo slips were turned into ashes, Fu Qi kowtowed to his mother three times, and resolutely threw himself into the Skynet that was recruiting troops at that time.

After several rounds of review and testing, Fu Qi, who was a poor man and read poetry and books, was promoted quickly in Skynet.

Once selected into Skynet, he will enjoy high benefits and benefit his family, Fu Qi's old mother has already moved out of the small broken thatched house and lived in a spacious and clean small courtyard in the city, and there are still people to take care of it every day, even if it is the two sisters who have been married, they have received a lot of benefits.

Fu Qi became more and more desperate for Skynet, even if he died, he could be willing.

Contented and grateful, wise and smart, abiding by the rules but not roundabout, this is Pang Tong's evaluation of the fifteen words of dealing with the city, Fu Qi was personally promoted by him, in order to cultivate him, he also threw it in Fuxian, let it secretly plan to attack the city.

It's only been two months since he came to Fu County, and Fu Qi has done very well, which is not only satisfied with Pang Tong, but also satisfied with Liu Chan.

After receiving the news that Liu Chan had passed the dictation and the Skynet spy recorded the arrival of the city, Fu Qi immediately began to send people to contact all parties, preparing to deal with the army outside the city when attacking the city.

"Is there any change in Liu Huai?" A two-story house in the southeast of Fuxian City, where all the people live are ordinary people or ordinary traders, this small building is not eye-catching at all, and the owner of the house is a down-and-out scholar who smiles every day and is gentle and polite, and makes a living by making a bookkeeper for a general's shop in the city.

This bookkeeper is none other than Fu Yan.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, but clean and tidy, Fu Qi's forehead is wrapped around a scarf, Confucian is dressed, Confucian robes are extremely old, because of the many times of washing, the original gray fabric has been washed out of the white background, but the clothes are better than clean.

"We ate them to death. He wants to live, and only we can give him a way to live. Sitting opposite Fu Qi was a deputy with a number starting with B-level, and the number number was only a two-digit deputy.

Many people in Skynet wondered how these strange symbols came up with them, and it was extremely difficult to read, like someone's bad taste. However, the strange symbols do not affect their cognition of the size of the position through the change of symbols, for example, the A level in Skynet is the highest-level spy, and the number behind A is the least, and the higher the level. As long as it starts with A and there are more numbers in the back, even in front of B1, it is one level higher, and B is higher than C level.

Therefore, the number not only represents the identity of this Skynet spy, but also represents his status in the entire system of Skynet.

Fu Yan's deputy has only two digits in the number, and his status in the B class is very high.

"You go for a trip, you go to contact Liu Huai and tell him that if he wants to live, he will do it here. Fu Qi said to his deputy Yan Zheng.

Yan Zheng and Fu Qi are the same age, but Yan Zheng was selected from the army, and his martial arts are good, and Fu Zheng's literature and martial arts complement each other, so that today's Fu County is so thoroughly infiltrated by Skynet.

"Good. Yan Zheng got up and prepared to leave.

Fu Qi also got up: "Let's go out together, I still have to go to Dianmao." The

two walked out of the house, and many vendors on the street knew each other and greeted each other.

Fu Qi works as a bookkeeper in Liu Bi's mansion, and Yan Zheng's identity is a small businessman who delivers goods, and the delivery object is Liu Bi's mansion, so the contact between the two on weekdays does not make people suspicious.

Liu Huai and Liu Bi are cousins of the same race, Liu Huai's residence is next to Liu Bi's mansion, because of the proximity, and the two families have a lot of daily contacts, Liu Bi's mother-in-law hooked up with Liu Huai, Liu Bi never knew that he was cuckolded by his brother on his head, but promoted Liu Huai, a brother of the same clan, everywhere.

However, no matter how secret this kind of thing is, there is also a mistake, the Skynet spy accidentally discovered this matter, so he gave Fu Qi a lot of room to operate, Liu Huai knew that once the matter was revealed, the angry Liu Bi would definitely kill himself, and when Skynet contacted him and identified himself, Liu Huai immediately promised to be willing to assist Skynet in exchange for a life.

Yan Zheng walked into Liu Huai's courtyard from behind, and asked his subordinates to report, and Liu Huai soon appeared.

Liu Huai has a scar on his face, he looks ugly, and he doesn't know how Liu Huai's mother-in-law took a fancy to Liu Huai.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Yan Zheng said to Liu Huai: "General Liu, I need your help now, after the matter is completed, you can live, and you are still the hero of this siege, and the lord will reward you for your meritorious deeds."

"What needs to be done for me. Liu Huai's expression was calm, he had already done this kind of thing for betraying Liu Bi once. The second time I did it, I didn't have the slightest psychological burden.

"How many trustworthy people can you organize?" Liu

Huai thought for a moment and said to Yan Zheng: "There are about five hundred people, all of whom are my trusted subordinates.

"When the lord's army attacks the city, you need to take the north gate, and someone will assist you. Yan Zheng said.

Liu Huai's face hesitated: "The north gate is my brother on duty, if there are not enough people, I'm afraid I can't take it."

"That's right, you, as a lieutenant general, are by your brother's side, make a decisive move, and take down your brother first.

Liu Huai glanced at Yan Zheng, but did not immediately agree, and his face became more and more hesitant.

"Are you afraid of your brother?" Yan Zheng asked Liu Huai.

Of course Liu Huai is afraid of his brother, Liu Bi beat Liu Huai to adulthood, and when he grew up, he took Liu Huai with him, Liu Huai didn't know how much his position was higher, Liu Huai's majesty can be said to have been deeply rooted in Liu Huai's heart since he was a child, and now he hooked up with his sister-in-law, and he felt even more guilty about Liu Huai in his heart.

"If you are afraid, then the thing can't be done, if it doesn't work, you will die, and even the woman you like will be killed by Liu Bi, by the way, you don't know yet, she is pregnant with a child in her belly, it is yours. Yan Zheng looked at Liu Huai with a smile, if Liu Huai didn't agree, things would go wrong, and Yan Zheng would kill Liu Huai now without hesitation.

"Liu Huai, you'd better think clearly, take a step back and die without a place to be buried, and take a brave step, that is, the future is bright, glorious and rich. Yan Zheng said to him.

The sweat on Liu Huai's face flowed down, and he asked Yan Zheng: "I will organize people to take the city gate directly, can I not face my brother?" "

If you can kill Liu Xuan, the city gate is ten percent likely to be taken." But according to what you said, with Liu Bi in existence, it is likely that he will not be able to take the city gate. Liu Huai, this is not a bargain, it is something you have to complete. Yan Zheng said.

Liu Huai gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"You have to think clearly, if you hesitate when you do it, it's still you who dies, if you don't want to die, be ruthless." Yan Zheng said.

Leaving Liu Huai's house, it was not until the evening that Fu Qi returned home from Liu Huai's house, and the two met.

"How's it going?" Fu asked.

The two walked into the house, Yan Zheng quickly returned to the door, looked left and right towards the street, and after confirming that no one was following, he closed the door and re-entered the room.

"Liu Huai agreed, but he was afraid of his brother, I was worried that something would go wrong, and I would go up to the city wall when the time came, and let a few brothers disguise themselves as soldiers with me, just in case.

Fu Qi nodded in agreement: "That's good, if Liu Huai doesn't dare, you know how to do it."

Yan Zheng nodded heavily: "I understand."

"I hope all the best. Fu Qi said.

The men and horses of all parties in the city are ready, waiting for the day when Liu Bei will attack the city, and the men and horses lurking in the city can attack at any time.

Ling Bao, as the chief general of Fu County, had already begun to arrange the defense of the city in full swing when Liu Bei attacked Zitong, he hoped to block Liu Bei through Fu County, and waited for the arrival of reinforcements from Meng Da and Zhang Ren, so that Liu Bei's pace was blocked, and it would not take two months for Liu Bei to fail.

Therefore, during this period of time, Ling Bao is painstaking, and the arrangement of the city defense is done by himself, if he really can't pull away, and wait until his subordinates report to complete the task, Ling Bao has to personally check whether the city defense matters are qualified.

It can be described as conscientious.

When Liu Bei was thirty miles away from Fuxian, the scout passed the news to Fuxian County, Lingbao stood on the city wall, looking at the direction where Liu Bei's army was about to appear, and Liu Bao stood beside him, and Lingbao said to Liu Bi: "If you can't hold Liu Bei for two months, I Lingbao will apologize for the crime with death."

Liu Bi is also full of confidence: "There are 10,000 defenders in the city, all kinds of city defense facilities are complete, the materials for defending the city are also sufficient, and the people can be mobilized to go up the city wall to defend the city at the necessary time, and the grain and grass are also enough for us to eat for 10,000 people for several months, as long as we hold for ten days, after the reinforcements arrive, it is enough to hold for two months."

Liu Bei led the army to appear outside Fuxian County, it was evening, Liu Bei did not attack the city overnight, which made Liu Chan regret, come early or a day late, you can go to Fuxian County to live, now this camping in the wilderness, but also camping, it is really troublesome.

The carrier pigeon flew out of the city, fluttered and fell into the military camp that had just been built, and the letter sent from the city soon reached Liu Bei's desk.

"Tomorrow morning, you only need to attack the north gate. Liu Bei said after reading the letter.

Pang Tong took the letter and read it again, and then wiped it with water on the back of the paper, and the place that was smeared with water showed a number, which was Fu Qi's identity number, and Skynet's letters basically had such a secret code to distinguish the authenticity of the letter.

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