Yizhou is a piece of top fat, which is better than Jingzhou.

Jingzhou is the land of four wars, once there is Yizhou, Liu Bei will have a territory that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and he really has a foundation.

Now Liu Bei is eager to get Yizhou, and Hanzhong, which is counted as the gateway to Yizhou, Liu Bei is naturally unwilling to let it go.

In history, Hanzhong was first obtained by Cao Cao, but it was really Liu Bei who had just taken Yizhou, and it was really Liu Bei who had just taken Yizhou, and he couldn't take it because of Hanzhong's whip.

After Liu Bei took Yizhou, Cao Cao took Hanzhong, history records that Shuzhong was shocked three times a day, afraid that Cao Cao would come in, but Cao Cao did not go deep into Yizhou, but there were not a few years, stable Yizhou, Liu Bei, who had accumulated strength, only entered Hanzhong at this time, although he killed Xiahou Yuan, but Hanzhong was only empty, and hundreds of thousands of people in Hanzhong were migrated away by Cao Cao, which was equivalent to taking an empty Hanzhong, which was quite regrettable.

Liu Chan's current purpose is to take Shuzhong and Hanzhong together, and then slowly consolidate and stabilize.

Liu Bei also wanted to take Hanzhong, but he still chose to believe Liu Chan's proposal, and then began to discuss some details with Pang Tong.

When proposing who to attack Hanzhong County, Liu Chan took advantage of the situation and proposed to let Guan Ping, Deng Ai, Huang Xu, and Liu Feng lead the troops.

Liu Bei thought for a while: "If the four

of them go for such a major event......" "They are all extremely capable, you can let them go, Dad, you don't want to train them, such a good opportunity is just right for them." Liu Chan said.

Attacking Hanzhong is too important, and handing it over to four teenagers is really a bit too child's play.

When Liu Chan found Guan Ping and the others, these people were lying on the second floor of the restaurant in Jiameng City, bragging nonsense.

The army was not allowed to drink, and the four of them simply sneaked into the city to drink, and they didn't care what kind of punishment they would receive afterwards, drinking and drinking were more important than anything else.

"If the third master is here, pull him to drink together, we will definitely not be punished, and the next time we drink secretly, we must call the third master together. Guan Ping shook his head, thinking of a crooked idea.

Liu Chan kicked over: "It's not big or small, don't you call the third uncle the third uncle, looking for a fight?"

Guan Ping saw that it was Liu Chan, put down the wine bowl in his hand, and pressed Liu Chan to the ground, Liu Chan wanted to struggle, Liu Feng and Huang Xu also pounced and grabbed Liu Chan's legs.

Deng Ai also followed the same stream and pressed Liu Chan's hand, making Liu Chan unable to move.

Guan Ping let go of Liu Chan and laughed: "Hahahahaha, here is a better person than the third uncle."

Liu Chan couldn't get up, so he lay on the ground and scolded: "Guan Ping, you are a dog, don't you be punished if you want to pull me into the water?"

Come, try the plum wine in Shu, it's delicious. "

There are plums only in August, where does the plum wine come from now! Dog's day, Lao Tzu can't drink!" Liu Chan said scoldingly.

Guan Ping filled a bowl for Liu Chan and said to Liu Chan: "Look at you, you don't drink, and the aged plum wine tastes pure."

Holding the bowl, Guan Ping poured wine into Liu Chan's mouth.

Liu Chan took two sips, sweet, the taste was quite good, not much different from drinking a drink, so Liu Chan, who was about to get angry, drank a few more sips, and he didn't care about losing his temper.

"How's it going? It tastes okay, how can a man not drink. Guan Ping said with a smile.

Liu Chan wiped the wine from his mouth and neck, simply sat on the ground, and said angrily: "I came over to bring you good news, but you treat me like this, I suddenly don't want to say it, I have to go back and tell my father that you are not suitable for this errand."

Liu Chan turned around and left, Guan Ping hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Brother Adou, what kind of errand, I told my brothers." Don't be angry, my brothers want to talk to you for a drink. "

Tell a fart, I don't look up every day and don't look down to see you talking to me?" Liu Chan scolded.

"Isn't it like a day without a day? Guan Ping said cheekily.

Liu Chan was simply convinced: "It's shameless to see it."

Huang Xu also hurried over: "Don't see outside, Adou, we have something to say." What kind of errand did you get for us?"

Liu Chan sighed: "Then I'll tell you, master, I helped you ask my father to let the four of you attack Hanzhong, this is simply picking up credit." "

Oh, come on, come on, Adou sit down, there's dust on the floor in front, I'll wipe it off for you." Huang Xu suddenly turned into a dog-legged look and helped Liu Chan to take a seat.

"What are you doing in a daze, you don't want to order food for Brother Adou, you can't let Brother Adou go hungry. Huang Xu said to Deng Ai and Liu Feng.

Guan Ping grinned, pounced over and pulled Liu Chan and said, "How many soldiers and horses does Uncle give us?"

"It's quite a lot, four thousand." Liu Chan said.

Guan Ping's smile disappeared instantly: "

Four thousand?" "Four thousand." "

Four thousand?" Guan Ping reconfirmed.

Liu Chan scolded: "It's too much? I'll talk about it again, is 2,000 people enough?" "Don't

be kidding, how can 4,000 people fight Hanzhong? We can't even touch the Nanzheng City Wall."

Liu Chan smiled and said: "The mountain people have their own clever plans, and they will definitely be able to take Hanzhong when the time comes." What you have to do is to train your 4,000 men well, and take them to train in the mountains and forests, don't use them in the future, and enter the old forest one by one like headless flies. Leaving

Guan Ping, Liu Feng and others with an unfathomable back, Liu Chan walked out of the restaurant, and the senior sister was still waiting for her to go shopping together.

In June, Cao Cao gathered more than 100,000 troops, prepared grain and grass materials, and set off towards the south, and in July of the same year, Sun Quan gathered 70,000 troops and sailors, and stationed troops on the south bank to prepare to resist Cao Cao.

At the same time, Ma Chao swept Liangzhou, Qiang surrendered, Ma Chao's military might once again pointed to Chang'an, and Xiahou Yuanru, who was sitting in Chang'an, sat firmly in the atrium and was unmoved.

In the same year, Hanzhong Zhang Lu raised an army to attack Liu Zhang, failed, shrank his forces, and began to defend Hanzhong County.

And in Shu, Liu Bei is in the abyss, waiting for an opportunity to move, Liu Zhang has no idea that on the side of his couch, there is a hidden dragon that is ready to swallow him at any time.

Zhang Song packed up the letters on the case, hid them, and walked out of the room, Zhang Su was teaching his son to play chess in the front courtyard, Zhang Song hurriedly walked over, Zhang Su shouted: "Ziqiao, you have been quite busy recently, rarely see you, and you are secretive, what have you been doing recently?"

Zhang Song stood up and said: "Official business is busy.

"But my lord sent someone to his house yesterday to ask if you were sick, and he didn't see you go to work for days. If you have anything, tell me. Zhang Su said.

Zhang Song bowed and saluted: "No, big brother, you just play chess."

Seeing that Zhang Song didn't want to talk more with himself and left, Zhang Su sighed, his younger brother has been very mysterious recently, put down the chess pieces, Zhang Su was still not at ease, so he let his son play by himself, he walked to Zhang Song's study, gently pushed the door open, came to the bookshelf to take a look, and found nothing.

Then he saw a pile of paper in the drawer, Zhang Su opened the paper, his face gradually changed, and finally he turned extremely pale.

"If this is discovered, my Zhang family will not be able to protect it!" Zhang Su held in his hand the letters exchanged between Zhang Song and Liu Bei, many of which talked about how to cooperate with Liu Bei and take Chengdu.

Thinking that his wife and children might be exterminated by Liu Zhang's family, Zhang Su squeezed the papers tightly, trembling all over, and his face was pale.

"Dad, what are you doing in your uncle's study?" shouted to Zhang Su from his seven-year-old son, standing at the door.

Zhang Su glanced at his son and said to him: "It's nothing, you go play with yours."

Looking at his son's distant back, Zhang Su thought about it again and again, and finally put the letters in his arms, and then walked out and closed the door.

Walking out of the house, Zhang Su went directly to the Yizhou Mu Mansion.

Zhang Song walked out of a corner, looking at Zhang Su's distant back, his face was not good-looking, he never imagined that his brother would actually report him.

Just now Zhang Su broke into Zhang Song's study, and the Skynet spy lurking at home immediately notified Zhang Song.

Seeing Zhang Su, who looked hurried, covered his chest with one hand, and walked looking left and right, Zhang Song instantly understood that his brother planned to betray him in exchange for the safety of himself and his family.

Zhang Song sighed and said to the Skynet spies who were protecting him: "The news is about to be revealed, now let's go out of the city."

Zhang Song didn't have anything to clean up, so he was immediately escorted by Skynet and walked out of the city.

Passing by the city gate, the soldiers on duty saw that it was Zhang Song, and did not dare to stop it, so they immediately let him go.


A shout came from above the city tower, and Zhang Song looked up and saw that it was Wu Yi.

Zhang Song clenched his fists and said, "General Wu."

Wu Yi walked down the city and said to Zhang Song: "Zhang Beijia, why are you in such a hurry to get

out of the city?" "There is an urgent matter that needs to go out of the city, it would be better if the general could provide me with a few horses." Zhang Song was in danger, and said to Wu Yi with a normal expression.

Wu Yi vaguely glanced at a few men behind Zhang Song who were dressed as ordinary domestic servants, and said to Zhang Song: "Why did you take the domestic servants out of the city

?" "It's because there is an urgent matter at home, does General Wu have anything else?" Zhang Song's official position is higher than Wu Yi's, at this time Wu Yi is pestering, Zhang Song's face also collapsed, there are great signs that Wu Yi is going to be angry if you mess around again.

Wu Yi sneered a few times, took a few steps closer, and came to Zhang Song, and the Skynet spy behind Zhang Song also took a few steps forward, pressing his hand on the handle of the ring head knife, staring at Wu Yi vigilantly.

Wu Yi said to Zhang Song in a very low voice: "Don't drive these people behind you are Liu Bei's people, right?" Zhang Song's

pupils instantly expanded, and he said to Wu Yi: "General Wu, what do you mean?"

Wu Yi took two steps back, made a gesture of invitation, and shouted in his mouth: "Bring my mount to other drivers."

Zhang Song looked at Wu Yi, and Wu Yi smiled: "Don't drive, you can go out of the city." "

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