"He has his own plans, I'm just helping him sew and mend it, it's a trivial matter, there's no need to tell him. Liu Chan said casually.

Chen Zhi felt that this was not a trivial matter, and taking Chuyang City would have a very big impact on the battle situation, and might even affect Guan Ping's arrangement.

Hearing Chen Dao's worries, Liu Chan said: "Then Uncle Dao will go and talk to Guan Ping to see what arrangements he has." I don't care.

Liu Chan, who was the shopkeeper, yawned and went back to the camp to sleep.

"Can a hundred Bai Yu soldiers take Chuyang City?" Guan Ping heard what Chen Zhi said, and was a little unconvinced.

Chen Zhi didn't care about Guan Ping's suspicions: "I can take it."

Deng Ai nodded at Guan Ping and said, "You can fight."

Guan Ping said: "Then just wait for Zhang Wei to beat us." Originally, I didn't have much confidence, but now if I can win Chuyang, then the victory or defeat will be five or five points.

Chen Zhi asked Guan Ping what kind of backhand he had? Guan Ping

replied: "There is no backhand, but as long as Zhang Wei attacks, he will lose half of it." This

is the same as not saying this, Chen Zhi didn't bother to continue asking, but said: "Then you can rest assured that Zhang Wei should send about 1,000 to 2,000 people back to save Cangyang."

Deng Ai said: "At least 2,000 people, there is grain and grass for Zhang Wei's army in Weiyang City, if he doesn't go back to save it, not only will the back road be cut off by us, but the grain and grass logistics will also be gone." "

Uncle must be careful. As soon as the enemy troops come back to help, you will immediately withdraw with your men! As long as the enemy troops come back to help, it will take at least half an hour to come back and forth, which is enough to affect the situation of the battle.

Chen Zhi said: "I understand." "

Waiting is painful, Huang Xu and others rolled on the ground, shouting bored, Zhang Wei come and beat me.

A few people are not even in the mood to play the game of deduction, and they are all restless.

Liu Chan is also waiting for Zhang Wei's attack, this time Zhang Lu will be deflated, and it will have a great impact on the future, maybe the battle of Hanzhong in the future will not be staged, although it is a bit regrettable, but it is better than anything else to get a solid Hanzhong.

You must know that Liu Bei fought hard to win the battle of Hanzhong, and all he got was Hanzhong, which was moved out of hundreds of thousands of people by Cao Cao.

Not long ago, during the rebellion of Han Sui and Ma Chao, tens of thousands of people in the Guanzhong area rushed to the Meridian Valley to settle in Hanzhong.

Now Hanzhong County, the population of Shu County is more than Shu County, and it can be said that it is the largest county in Yizhou in terms of population.

Population is productivity, how can Liu Chan watch Cao Cao migrate hundreds of thousands of people in Hanzhong.

The weather in early summer, it is said that it will change, the sound of the rain hitting the tent makes a crackling sound so noisy that people can't sleep, Liu Chan sat up in annoyance, there was a shouting and scolding in the sound of the rain in the night, Liu Chan pricked up his ears and listened, isn't Zhang Wei doing it?

After listening for a while, I realized that it was not, it should be a team of soldiers who were transferred out.

Liu Chan didn't know anything about Guan Ping's arrangement, and his heart said that this should be one of Guan Ping's arrangements.

On the second day, the dripping rain never stopped, and Liu Chan stayed in the barracks all morning, unable to settle outside the tent, and his feet were just a foot of mud.

"Zhang Wei is going to move, if he waits any longer, the water will flood, and if he doesn't withdraw his troops at that time, he will have to withdraw his troops. Zhang

Wei on the other side of the river took advantage of the rain curtain to cover him, and was dispatching troops, stepping on the mud with one foot, Zhang Wei glanced at the east bank of the river, and in the hazy rain curtain, he couldn't see it really.

Zhang Wei did not look like a simple straw bag as Liu Chan imagined, but was very lean and capable, and his eyes looked very vicious, as if he could see through everything at a glance.

Zhang Wei, who was eight feet tall, was wearing a cloak and a hat, and asked the lieutenant general behind him majestically: "How are you preparing?" "

Everything is ready, just wait for the pontoon bridge to be built tonight to cross the river, and tomorrow at dawn you can cross the river." The lieutenant replied.

Zhang Wei snorted: "Has Liu Beijun found any traces of us?" "

We retreated under this cover, and the scouts on the other side did not notice that one of our troops was going upstream. The lieutenant replied.

Zhang Wei nodded, indicating that he understood.

The rainy weather was dark a little earlier, and under the drizzle, Liu Chan left the barracks before the night completely fell, and was almost caught and escorted by Guan Ping, and sent out of the barracks, heading towards the mountains and forests behind.

Liu Chan galloped past with 10,000 grass and mud horses in his heart, but staying in the barracks would only become a burden when the war was a big one.

The mountain road is difficult, and there is more and more mud on my feet, and I lift my feet to throw out large chunks of mud, and I don't take two steps and two feet of mud, and I am too tired to walk.

Liu Chan simply took off his boots and went up the mountain barefoot

, "Young master, this is it." The soldier escorting Liu Chan pointed to the faint candlelight in the darkness in front of him with the torch in his hand.

After approaching, with the help of a dozen torches, this is a small wooden house, looking at the furnishings outside the house, it should be a hunter's hut.

There were two soldiers in the room who had been waiting here for a long time.

The stove in the house was burning, and when they saw Liu Chan coming, the two soldiers hurriedly beckoned Liu Chan to come over to warm up.

"There are fifteen of us here, and tonight we will divide into three groups and keep vigil separately. Don't take off your armor to sleep, as soon as there is any movement, you will immediately escort the young master towards the mountain. The captain of the fifteen said to a few of them.

In the rainy weather, it was not comfortable to stay in the mountains and forests to stand sentry, Liu Chan saw that there was wine in the house, and asked several people who went to be on duty to bring some respectively.

"Where is the original Orion?" asked Liu Chan.

"We withdrew when we reached the water, and it became a secret outpost for our scouts. "

The water is running from north to south, the Guanping military camp is on the west bank, Zhang Weijun is on the east bank, and the two armies are facing each other across the river.

Now the location on the mountain where Liu Chan is located is the southwest of the military camp on the east bank, which is a little downstream of the river than the Guanping military camp, and two scouts are arranged on the mountain in order to look far away and prevent Zhang Weijun from crossing the river from downstream, but if Zhang Wei chooses to cross the river, he will not choose to be downstream, but will choose the upstream where the water is shallow.

There was no trace of Zhang Weijun's scouts in the vicinity for so long, and it was relatively safe.

The mud on his body couldn't be washed, and without such good conditions, Liu Chan lay directly by the stove and began to fall asleep.

At dawn, the soldiers woke Liu Chan up, Liu Chan opened his eyes and asked, "Has the battle under the mountain begun?" "

Not yet, but the young master is lucky, the weather is sunny today, and he can clearly see the battlefield under the mountain."

Liu Chan got up and looked outside, the morning sun shone through the gap between the branches, like ten thousand rays of light falling from the sky.

"Let's pick a good spot and watch the game. "

When the fish belly white appeared from the sky, there was a slight glimmer of light, Zhang Wei's five hundred people had already begun to build a pontoon bridge in the upper reaches of the river, but in half an hour, the pontoon bridge had been built, and the scouts of Guan Pingjun found that a pontoon bridge appeared on this hidden river bay, and there were Zhang Lujun soldiers on the other side of the river constantly gathering to cross the river by stepping on the pontoon bridge.

Guan Ping led the army and began to march towards the crossing.

By the time Guan Ping arrived, Zhang Wei's army had already crossed half of its number.

Zhang Wei saw this scene on the other side of the river, and his originally nervous face instantly showed a smile: "The son is just like this! Order to speed up the crossing of the river!" The

distance of the battlefield has become farther away, Liu Chan really can't see the battlefield in real terms, and wants to go down the mountain to take a closer look, but he is stopped by more than a dozen soldiers, and he must ask Liu Chan to stay here.

Liu Chan was helpless, so he had to stare at the battlefield where the person in the distance was like a small black dot.

Deng Aizema stood beside Guan Ping, while Liu Feng and Huang Xu were nowhere to be seen, presumably Guan Ping had other arrangements.

"Everything was arranged. Deng Ai said.

Guan Ping grabbed the spear in his hand and said with a smile: "Then wait to see a good show." At

the same time, three thousand cavalry came out of the city and headed for the battlefield.

When the 3,000 cavalry left the city, dozens of white soldiers in the woods not far from the city stayed in the shade of the trees, quietly watching the cavalry going farther and farther.

Guan Ping was still waiting for Zhang Wei's army to cross the river, this scene made many soldiers dissatisfied, at this time the enemy army crossed the river, shouldn't they be halfway crossed?

"Pass my order, dare to make a restless noise, immediately beheaded!" Guan Ping ordered.

Liu Bei asked Guan Ping to lead the soldiers led by the four young generals, not the soldiers led by the four people in Jingzhou, Liu Bei selected elite soldiers when he entered Shu, and the soldiers and horses they commanded before were still not eligible to be selected.

The soldiers and horses handed over to the four-person commander have only been running in for more than a month, and they have not experienced the battlefield, and these arrogant soldiers with elite names do not serve the four young generals who have not dried up.

"Why don't you attack halfway?" Liu Chan was equally puzzled.

"Could it be that there is any backhand?" Because

the distance was too far, Liu Chan couldn't count how many soldiers and horses there were on Guan Ping's side, but a rough estimate of the size of the black spot in the lower corps, there were still thousands of soldiers and horses.

It is unlikely that the division of troops will be carried out, and if the troops are divided, Zhang Wei on the other side of the river can see it at a glance.

Zhang Wei estimated the number of enemy troops before crossing the river, and no army was divided.

The soldiers stepped on the shaking pontoon bridge to cross the river quickly, during which some soldiers were immediately rescued because they fell into the water, and after being reprimanded, they followed the troops and continued to run towards the other side of the river.

More and more Zhang Lujun soldiers stood on the other side of the river, while Guan Ping did not make the slightest movement, and waited for Zhang Wei's army to be assembled.

It seemed that he sensed that something was wrong, why did the enemy not even use the bow and crossbow, as if he deliberately let himself cross

the river? When he stepped on the pontoon bridge and finally stepped on the bank, Zhang Wei looked back, and the other side of the river was not abnormal, and everything always had a feeling that something was wrong.

What is

the problem? Zhang Wei, who couldn't figure out the problem, looked at the enemy troops in a neat line, looked at the neat line of enemies, looked at him leisurely, drew his sword, and shouted: "Attack!" The

5,000 Zhang Lu troops, who had stood firm and formed a formation, began to advance slowly under Zhang Wei's orders.

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