Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 894: .Strange Mom and Dad (90) 3 in 1

Strange Mom and Dad (90)

If you can do it all over again?

Liu Shan smiled bitterly, he thought more than once, if everything could be done all over again.

What will happen next?

"I was angry at first, and felt that I shouldn't let other people get involved." Liu Shan pondered for a while, but still told the truth, "At that time, I thought that these were all short-sighted and not enough to do anything. But later, After a long time, when I was able to calm down and think about it carefully, I thought it was ridiculous. I don't need these people to use other people. Everyone has their own selfishness. At this time, I reflect on my own. It took me more time. I didn't do a good job of being a leader..." From the beginning of signing the contract to the step-by-step concessions that caused disputes, the relationship with Lin Yutong, a collaborator, was not satisfactory.

Lin Yutong listened quietly, he didn't say how he would do it again, he was just stating his reflections during this time, "...I know that everything can't be pushed back, so I still hope that Haina will give me one more time. Opportunities, I hope to work for Heiner, I lack too much, I want to learn from scratch in a down-to-earth way..."

There is no self-righteous thinking that if you start again, you will be successful, even if there is no such problem, there is still such a problem. I have only seen a lot, how much have I experienced?

This sentence made Lin Yutong a little surprised. After thinking about it, she called Guan Jiajia, and then said to Liu Shan, "Go and report. I'm officially joining the job today, so let's follow Yang Tian first."

Yang Tian is Lin Yutong's number one general. When Lin Yutong is away, all affairs are handled by Yang Tian. He has also dealt with Heiner for such a long time, and he still knows that. He never thought that Lin Yutong would give him such a high starting point. He knew that when the school approached her several times to ask Haina about recruitment, they all told her to push him. If he guessed correctly, he should be the first media university student she recruited this year. And listening to her, this is not an internship, but an official entry.

"I..." He hurriedly stood up, "Don't worry, I will definitely follow President Yang in a down-to-earth manner."

Coming out of Lin Yutong's side and going downstairs, he was still in a trance. After crossing the road, wandering back to the school, entering the dormitory and lying on the bed, it seemed that I had a little reaction. He jumped up from the bed suddenly, opened the closet, took out the suit that had cost tens of thousands of dollars to buy, and put it on swiftly before going to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

Xiao Yao stuck his head out from the upper bunk, "What are you tossing about? Are you going to see the leader of the TV station again?"

I thought it was because of the broadcast schedule of the show that I went to run again?

"Would you like me to continue to be a cameo driver?" Saying that, he stretched his arms and jumped off the bed.

Liu Shan's mentality is different now, and when he looks back at Xiao Yao, he feels that this is a rare decent person. No matter how fierce the trouble is, he will not interfere, only supporting what he thinks is right. He was resting for a while, only he took the initiative to ask, and he answered in a good voice, "No! What driver do I use, I'm just going to report."

"Report?" Xiao Yao was about to change his shoes, but he stopped when he heard the action, "Go to work?" Without waiting for Liu Shan to answer, he hurriedly said, "What about the show crew?"

Liu Shan patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder without saying a word, the meaning is obvious, let's go!

The other two people who had been huddled on the bed and never came out also stuck their heads out, "What's the matter? I really don't care? Then Lin Yutong has to give someone an explanation."


"I explained it." He showed a bit of high spirits again, and he took the wallet and mobile phone and was about to go out, "I just went to Haina to report..."

"Internship?" Xiao Yao asked hurriedly, "It won't be an internship for a few months."

"No!" Liu Shan didn't hide it, "Officially joined." After saying that, he glanced at the bed that he had slept on for four years. When he came back, he was afraid that he would have to pack his things. Haina's single apartment is said to be good. My own van finished in one trip.

It wasn't until Liu Shan left that Xiao Yao said "I Cao", "When did this happen, this grandson is really tight enough to hide it."

After speaking, I sent the news to the group, and many students pointed to this crew. Those who can find jobs have all left, but for the time being, those who haven’t found their hearts are still pointing to the work in the crew as a springboard. Now they say that they are gone, and those who have no intention to work will be blinded.

Li Qun came directly from the opposite dormitory wearing slippers and asked Xiao Yao, "Liu Shan is really going to Haina?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao was very happy for Liu Shan, "Our show has achieved such a virtue, I'm embarrassed to see Lin Yutong, the people who hurt them lost money and smashed the signboard. I didn't expect a lot of adults... "

It's not a big deal for adults.

Li Qun frowned and interrupted Xiao Yao, "Then we didn't say how to arrange the rest of our show crew?"

What's the meaning?

Xiao Yao was stunned.

The other two people on the side suddenly woke up, "Yeah! You can't just arrange Liu Shan to disband the program team. You are our leader, you have to talk to Lin Yutong."

Xiao Yao's mind couldn't keep up at this moment. In the end, half of the ownership rights belonged to Lin Yutong, plus Liu Shan's, so they stood 70%. They have every right to disband the show group. Who said that after the dissolution, people are obliged to arrange jobs for them. Isn't this bullshit?

But others don’t think so, and it’s not that everyone doesn’t understand this truth. Many people know that this road will not work at all, but why bother? The purpose is to get a severance pay after the dissolution. Three or five thousand do not dislike less, and one hundred and eighty thousand do not dislike much. This is the picture.

Ge Han lives in the dormitory, and now she lives alone in the dormitory, struggling for the postgraduate entrance examination. It is better to live in school, that is, to be well-informed. Just when they were discussing how to negotiate, Ge Han got the news and immediately called Lin Yutong, "...this is really a fight for rice and enemies, and it's a classmate's affection to ask them to go on like this. Even if it's over."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yutong didn't take it to heart, but after two days, Li Qun really came.

"I'm sorry." Li Qun apologized as soon as he entered the door, "I didn't suppress these people when they made a fuss, and it was the squad leader that I had to run here. Don't treat me as a villain who doesn't know what to do. "

Lin Yutong sat still and didn't ask Xiaofu to serve tea. Looking at a child like him was like looking at the water in a saucer. She didn't talk nonsense to him, she said directly: "What do you want?"

Li Qun, who had not yet reached home, was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say for a while.

Lin Yutong stared into his eyes and repeated: "If you solve this matter, what do you hope to get from me?"

This glance made Li Qun feel that he had nothing to hide, and it made him feel embarrassed just like the clothes on his body had been ripped off.

Lin Yutong smiled at this time: "Sit down. Sit down and talk."

Li Qunzheng was overwhelmed and sat down after hearing this.

"There's nothing embarrassing about it." Lin Yutong smiled understandingly, "You're embarrassed, it proves that you can't cultivate well. Whether it's doing business or something else, half a villain and half a gentleman, I have also been a villain. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Calculating people is nothing, it's also a skill. It's just a matter of who's skillful. In fact, I really don't know what you want from me. From my point of view, your ambition is not money. little things."

Li Qun's hot face slowly returned to normal, and he said with difficulty: "I am really embarrassed to use this unworthy means to my classmates."

Lin Yutong avoided this topic, as if the indifference and contempt just now had never existed, just like chatting with ordinary classmates, he said something else, "If you guessed correctly, you are planning to take the public exam."

Taking the civil servant exam is probably the right path for Li Qun to take.

Li Qun smiled bitterly, "Crossing a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops and horses is much more difficult than the college entrance examination." Even if he passed the entrance examination, the difference between the units would be huge.

After saying this, Lin Yutong understood, "Do you want to stay in school?"

Using school leadership positions as a springboard is also a shortcut.

Li Qun glanced at Lin Yutong in surprise, but she didn't expect her intentions to be revealed, so she understood her future plans.

But this stay at school requires at least a graduate degree, but now I am an undergraduate, and I have to take the postgraduate entrance examination... I have been busy with the program group this semester, and I have made some money, but this grade is a bit difficult to pass the postgraduate entrance examination. The key is He found it difficult to put his mind back on the textbook.

"I know it's a little difficult." Li Qun was a little embarrassed, "It's okay to stay in school and do some transactional work."

Transactional work that is not a teaching position is indeed relatively less demanding.

I have to say that this one is much more pragmatic than others.

Lin Yutong narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure you've made up your mind?"

"Think about it." Li Qun's eyes showed a bit of determination, "For me, this is the best choice now."

But how did you know that I would get used to your troubles.

Lin Yutong nodded with an "um", "I see, go get busy."

As a result, Li Qun was notified the next day that he was among the places to stay at the school.

He was overjoyed, Lin Yutong still had to maintain a good relationship, her father or Haina still had a certain influence in the school. He turned around and went to work in each dormitory in the class, "None of us are legally illiterate, who really cares if something goes wrong? Haina has a tradition of filing lawsuits at every turn. We are the key to graduation soon. Now, if I really want to cause such a thing, can I still get my diploma? The school also expects Heinardo to give some opportunities to students in some majors in our school. For example, the students majoring in drama, the internships of those students are all the help of the school. According to the arrangement, 90% of them will participate in Haina's play, regardless of whether it is a group performance or something else, at least this opportunity is rare. Of course, Lin Yutong may not care about everyone for the sake of classmates, and just give a few money. Let's be big money, but what people throw out is like sending beggars. You say it's worth it to break the relationship with this classmate for this little money. We will all be working in this industry in the future. Look up and see you, classmates This kind of incense is very useful when it comes to the critical moment. What is the most valuable now, contacts! Of course, I will not talk about the family's extensive connections. If there is no such confidence, I think it is good to maintain this relationship. Look at Liu Shan, now everyone has moved to a bachelor apartment in Haina. As long as you are single, as long as you are still working in Haina, you can live there forever, almost free. For a place of 30 square meters, with a kitchen The bathroom, home appliances and furniture are complete. There are free hourly workers to clean the house regularly at convenient times every week. There is a canteen for meals, and everything is available, but the cost is not higher than the school's food cost. Now he is Yang Tian Yang's assistant, he goes out There is also the power to adjust commercial vehicles. This is the advantage of having a good relationship. There is no internship period, and the monthly salary is about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. To tell the truth, who of these people in our class is looking for a job better than Liu Shan Okay?"

In fact, there is no need to talk about the benefits at the back, just say that the lawsuit is going on, and that most people will shrink back when they say that they can't get a diploma. I have been in school for four years. If I can't get my graduation certificate because of this, how can I explain it to my family?

I don't know if Li Qun did a good job, or if everyone was just impulsive before, but they didn't make trouble anyway.

Ge Han called Lin Yutong, "I used to think that the old class was okay, but now I realize that this person is very boring. He has too many hearts, and the most beautiful classmate is him."

Miao Miao was the most angry, "It's better to directly help Ge Han with research than to give him a chance to stay in school."

As a result, two days before the words were finished, a news came from the school that the list of people who communicated with the Tibetan University for Nationalities was released, and Li Qun was among them. It is said that there was no Li Qun, but the distant niece of a certain leader was on the list, and now a person with less background has come, and this person with no background has replaced the person with some background. It's hard to say when the exchange will come back.

The people who were originally envious were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

Li Qun stood up and went to look for Lin Yutong. He went downstairs before stopping. He was really stupid. So a shrewd person, who can see his plan at a glance, how can he be afraid of such a small trick. Just like what he said when he was doing ideological work for everyone before, it was his own side that didn't take care of himself, so Lin Yutong had nothing to worry about. Who is who and who can understand at a glance, what influence she cares about.

Do you think you are smart but have been mistaken by smarts?

Can you regret it now? The diploma is still in the school.

He closed his eyes, and he had to recognize it if he didn't recognize it.

After Li Qun went to the Tibetan area, many of his classmates lost contact with him. Before, everyone was simple, but after going to society, I thought about the past from the beginning, and those who didn’t understand and couldn’t understand clearly understood. Li Qun has his own bottom line in his heart. It is said that although he did not return to Beijing or his hometown, he had a good life in the Tibetan area. After more than ten years, someone saw him at the education work conference, and he was already the vice president of a local university.

Of course, this is another story.

Lin Bo knew about Lin Yutong's use of relationships, so he didn't object, but strongly agreed, "That's right! That's how relationships are maintained. Haina is still a novice in the field of online video. To expand the scale, you must have fresh blood. You can do this job, your alma mater, your alumni, your classmates, this will all be your direct line in the future..."

Therefore, after the school sold her a favor, Heiner was officially recruited on campus.

Not counting electronic files, only the paper files that were received had to be pulled back in a van when they left. Lin Yutong didn't go directly to the recruitment site, she called Liu Shan directly. Almost all of the classmates who were holding the files and preparing to deliver them shrank back. In their opinion, they were out of the game. Who said they didn't cooperate much with Liu Shan's work in the program group before? This conflict finally led to the direct disbandment of the program team, and this girl might not be able to hold grudges in her heart. What have you been doing? Don't you feel slapped in the face?

Miao Miao watched the fun and whispered to Wenjuan, "Those like Tong Tong can be written into your novels. There are so many hearts. It's too ugly for her classmates to refuse directly. No, she sent Liu Shan over. Do the work that offends people." Of course, it doesn't matter to Liu Shan, people have long been offended.

Of course, there is also an example, such as Xiao Yao, this guy didn't even have a resume, so he just went over, "We don't know who, the resume is not useful, and writing it out is deceptive. Look at these positions. Anything I can do, driver and chores, or I'll be a cleaner too! Really, bro! Or I'll have to sleep on the street after graduation. You know bro just got a film school girlfriend, and money is spent I've done countless things, and if I don't have a good job, I'll blow it up. And I'm really out of money. I'm afraid I can't afford to live in the basement in the future. Haina's dormitory is the most attractive place for me..."

Liu Shan silently added that it is also convenient to pick up girls.

If you know that you work in Haina, let alone a girlfriend in film school, even two people are probably happy.

When he went back to report to work in the evening, he seemed to mention it to Lin Yutong jokingly, and Lin Yutong laughed, "Xiao Yao..." This kid is really handsome, not to mention the driver's errands This line is a bit unfortunate. If he learns to be a news host, and his little face breaks the news and reports, it really seems like that. Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing, "Haina has a training class for abbots, you ask him if he will go. It lasts for half a year."

Liu Shan scolded inwardly, this guy is really lucky. This is what Haina just added this year, for the network platform. The host of his own show has really done a good job and his future is limitless.

Xiao Yao's second-hand man asked about the dormitory and treatment first, "Give me a place to live, can I give you 3,000 living expenses? It's fine if you don't have 3,005, anyway, it is said that the food in Haina canteen is very cheap..."

Years later, Liu Shan was able to be on his own, and Xiao Yao also became a famous host. When they got together to talk about the events of the past, it was inevitable to sigh.

As graduation approached, Lin Yutong's stomach was bulging day by day.

Lin Bo was a little worried, "What about this wedding?"

Wearing a wedding dress with a big belly to hold a wedding is also a toss-up. Besides, he now has two pregnant women to take care of, so he really doesn't have time to prepare his daughter's wedding. Immediately, he thought of the Jiang family. Anyway, he did the engagement. This marriage can't be managed by his own father-in-law.

Of course, the fourth master doesn't need him to worry about this, and said very considerately: "It's my business..."

"What's your business?" Of course, my son's marriage is my business, and I can't take care of my wife, isn't there? "Your business is to take care of Tongtong."

After I finished speaking, I felt that it was unrealistic. The son-in-law's father was shaking three times when he was lying there talking. The son-in-law's mother was said to have gone abroad to get married and then went directly to the honeymoon. There are people from the Jin family, but it seems inappropriate to ask the son-in-law to owe so many favors. I can only blame this son-in-law's parents for being weird enough.

So he found Jiang Qiao, Jiang Qiao is the eldest brother, and it is more suitable for him to come forward. But Jiang Qiao scolded him as soon as he heard it, "Your son-in-law has no time to take care of your daughter, and my mother-in-law's wife is eight months old and I have time. You are my friend for nothing. , let's break off from now on."

Limbo looked at the phone that hung up and pouted, "No, no, no, why are you yelling?" Those who have broken up with each other will not shout a few times in a year.

Zhu Zhu had a big belly, "I'm not going to give birth tomorrow, what are you busy with?"

So where is it? Just don't worry about you, I don't worry about leaving my daughter-in-law to my son-in-law.

"I'll make it up later." Lin Yutong touched his stomach, "It's really easy to wear a wedding dress once, what a big belly looks like, or else the wedding date will remain the same, and the small-scale two families will have a light meal..."

Where could Limbo be willing to wrong his daughter?

Lin Yutong was really afraid of trouble, and he was the kind of person who couldn't understand with Lin Bo. Now it can only be said on his side, she immediately hugged her stomach and complained of pain, and tossed it twice, he knew his attitude, and he had to do it.

It's okay, but you have to prepare for anything other than the wedding. The fourth master of the house has long been prepared, two sets of doors facing each other, a good place for quietness in the middle of the noise, a house with a courtyard structure, the interior decoration is very stylish, and the vegetation in the yard is also lush. After reading it inside and out three times, Lin Bo was stunned that he didn't pick out a single fault. This is much better than the house he prepared for his daughter. It is good to have a big yard, and it is convenient for children to play in a yard. Two stops from this villa area are bilingual kindergartens, key primary schools, middle schools and high schools, and it is convenient enough for children to go to school. Coming to and from get off work here is about the same distance as home. As for places like vegetable markets and supermarkets, let alone where there is a school, there are school district houses around. The traffic in this place is concentrated, and naturally these markets are indispensable. It is only in the case of my own home. The distance of the market is the least important thing.

"If you know it's a Siheyuan, you shouldn't have to face the door. It would be better if it was next door. It would be very convenient to have a moon gate in the middle." Limbo pointed at the wall and muttered.

Zhu Zhu rolled his eyes at him, didn't you say that you wanted to live opposite the door?

Fourth Master pointed to both sides, "You can live on both sides if you want, they are all well-decorated." At all, he didn't want to betray them. The children are too old, and one person can't afford one set.

Lin Bo was only satisfied, but if the real estate business continued to do the same as his son-in-law, he would have to die. He asked worriedly: "I heard that you are doing housing projects recently?"

Fourth Master replied, "It's also the policy above."

But there are not many honest eyes like you. What the above says is what it is, stupid. What is the price of this land now? What can you earn by doing this?

Lin Yutong just laughed, the realm of human beings is different, and the fourth master can understand it himself.

Where did Lin Bo persuade him, "...This is really not the way to go. This is not something that anyone can turn the tide. This is not comparable to other businesses, and the loss is astronomical..."

"It's okay!" Lin Yutong smiled at the fourth master, "After paying the money I gave, let's continue to pay. Can you call me a man to make money?"

Lin Bo suddenly sipped old blood and pointed at Lin Yutong with a look of hating iron. She went back to the bed and pulled Zhu Zhu's hand to her chest, "It hurts to death, this white-eyed wolf. My daughter can't be so stupid..."

"Stupid is also my daughter." Zhu Zhu pulled back her hand, "If I don't have my daughter, can I still ask my daughter to send money to her?" Then she stood up and lifted her leg to lift Limbo, "Get up What are you pretending to be dead! Get up and make money!"

The pregnant Lin Bo, who was kicking and kicking people, jumped up and called out to his aunt, "Don't scare me. Can't I get up? I really owe you both. The prodigal daughter of a prodigal woman, I will make money. , I made money so I can bring disaster to my daughter!" Before leaving, he touched Zhu Zhu's stomach and thought to himself, "You must give me a chance, you have to be a son." Otherwise, when will Lao Tzu do it? Hello son! Earning money for the family should be divided, if you dare to lose the family, you can't beat him to death. As long as you think that in the future there will be someone who will be enslaved by you to make money, he will be full of energy, let's do it! Do it! Anyway, there is a successor.

There was no wedding, so on Lin Yutong's twentieth birthday, she went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the fourth master to get a marriage certificate with an eight-month belly. When I came back, the two families had a meal together, even if there was such a thing.

Zhou Xiao was due to give birth in the past few days. She was in the hospital waiting for delivery and did not come. Jiang Qiao came over to show his face, and had a cup with the fourth master, "Please drink the full moon wine when the child is born."

There is a bit of an active gesture of goodwill.

Jin He's eyes were drooping and he didn't speak, but the fourth master touched a glass, "I ordered a long-life lock for the child, and when I gave birth, I told someone to send it over."

Also accepted the other party's kindness.

Limbaugh was very satisfied. With the relationship between these two brothers, who would be willing to give in if they were not afraid of being difficult for themselves.

As a result, Zhou Xiao was born that night, a daughter who weighed eight pounds. Named Qianjin!

This child had a birthday with Lin Yutong, and the fourth master really gave a big red gold longevity lock to hang on the crib. Anyone who came to see the child had to look at the child for a long time, "The child's uncle is sincere enough."

The closer to the delivery period, the more impetuous Zhu Zhu appeared to be, and the more grumpy it was.

Lin Bo whispered to his daughter, "You are probably afraid of your mother's birth." After speaking, he looked at his daughter, this child is really stupid and bold, and he is not afraid until now. Haven't you heard of people scaring people to death? I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't say, what if the child is afraid again? It is said that they are stupid and bold, and their daughters have a bit of this meaning now.

Lin Yutong said in her heart what am I afraid of, having a child is an old man. On Zhu Zhu's side, she couldn't comfort her either, so going there could only make her more worried. Originally, the old lady was going to come over to take care of her, but Lin Bo hurriedly stopped him. Zhu Zhu's temper can't be controlled. Together with the old lady, it is impossible for Mars to hit the earth. Even if he was under control, he was afraid of suffocating her. So Ms. Bao Meiyi came to live with a lot of burdens, and Zhu Zhu, who was screaming twice, stopped doing it, "What are you afraid of! Come out when it's time to come out! If you don't want to give birth, don't give birth, just lie in the hospital. Go, there is a doctor for everything. What can I do for you?" You didn't do it when you were born, and no one bothered you to feel uncomfortable. Now you've caught someone, and you have to make up for it. It's almost there, don't stop.

As a result, Zhu Zhu was lying there under anesthesia and then underwent caesarean section. Lin Yutong entered the delivery room on the same day and gave birth smoothly in less than an hour.

The baby was born two minutes before his uncle.

Lin Bo hugged his grandson and looked at his son in the crib, "I don't know what to do?" Isn't there a face without a nephew?

But is it my fault?

The boy named Lin Yipur stared at his father with dark eyes, and there was no expression on his face.

Lin Bo felt guilty, curled his lips and swayed his grandson, "...Looking at us sleeping soundly, we are very lucky. It's great, you will be with your uncle when you go to school in the future, and your uncle will carry your schoolbag. Your uncle will bring you delicious food, and someone bullies you and asks your uncle to fight you... If he doesn't obey you, tell grandpa and grandpa will beat him..."

Ms. Su Yuan, who was walking past and preparing to miss her little grandson, was angry, "What nonsense?"

Why are you talking nonsense? Shouldn't it be an elder?

"I'll take the child back to raise it again." Su Yuan picked up her little grandson and dangled it for a while. She couldn't help complaining, "What's wrong with the name, if you call it a purlin, will you choose a name?"

Zhu Zhu also said that his name was Lin Zhu? It's not because of him being a father that he didn't take the name. "The purlin is pretty good. If you can't be a pillar, it's enough to be a purlin to support a family. I don't have that much hope..." My daughter is enough to be a monster. God is fair, I shouldn't give it to my two. evildoer.

Zhu Zhu just smiled at Lin Bo, how could there be parents who don't love their children. I can spoil my grandson, but I can't spoil my son.

After the child was born, the fourth master's right to be named was directly deprived, and no one asked Jiang Tian about the name.

"Let's call it Jiang Lin." Lin Bo's words depended on his words and could not be changed.

Zhu Zhu rolled her eyes, you really have double standards, here you are not allowed to use two surnames to call Lin Zhu, and there you name the child Jiang Lin, you are really capable. The thief didn't even cover up.

Before this was over, Lin Bo said to the fourth master again: "I heard that you still have a name in the Jin family? This child is called Jiang Lin in your family, and Lin Jiang in ours." It's useless for you to object. It's not my family's rules, it's your family's rules.

Lin Yutong guessed that the child was vague about names before the age of five.

After the full moon, Jiang Lin was already a fat and tender bun. He was two and a half pounds heavier than his uncle. At the graduation ceremony, the already conspicuous Lin Yutong became a scene of the school. Holding the fourth master's arm, the two came with a basket for the child.

The principal smiled and awarded the graduates, and then took a group photo with the classmates. Jiang Lin was warmly invited, so in the graduation photo, there was a little fat cub with dimples smiling with open eyes.

There is no frontal photo of Jiang Lin on the Internet, and the media are scared by Lin Bo's accusation. If the photo of her sixteen-year-old daughter comes out, he will sue you. you are bankrupt. Therefore, everyone has learned to be good, and the photos of children, whether in newspapers or on the Internet, are all mosaic.

Jiang Lin was called the richest baby by the media. The value of the property he could inherit would be a frighteningly astronomical figure if there were no siblings to share the property.

After graduation, everyone will go their separate ways. Lin Yutong did not go, but she booked a hotel, and she invited this meal. Some people cry and some people make trouble. This has little effect on Lin Yutong. For a few years in college, the classmates with whom he has a good relationship are all in the capital. If you want to meet, it's just a phone call. But now they are not as busy as they used to be, and they are all busy with life. It is Ge Han who is preparing for graduate school and has plenty of time. When he is close, he comes to see the children and chat. Miao Miao and Wenjuan are not too many.

"Wenjuan brought his father and mother over." Ge Han hugged Jiang Lin and swayed, "Rent a stall at the market at the gate of the community to sell vegetables. His father is a diligent man and often rides his bike to the suburbs to get some wild vegetables. The things that cost money, come back and sell at high prices. Just that thing can earn the booth fee in one day, and I think the business is not bad. "

Heaven rewards hard work, and hardworking people can earn a bowl of rice to eat wherever they go.

"Miao Miao has returned to her hometown, and her father is in a divorce with her stepmother. Right and wrong, I can't tell." Then he asked, "However, what happened to your cousin? I didn't listen to her. pass."

This is not said. However, I heard from my aunt that Zhu Guangbin was not in Beijing these days, saying that he was out. If Miao Miao is not there, it is estimated that the two will return to Miao Miao's hometown together. Maybe a good thing is coming.

Lin Yutong asked Ge Han again, "Aren't you going to talk about one?"

"Talk about one?" Ge Han handed the child to Lin Yutong, "I think so too! But it's difficult! It's hard to say what the situation is when you go to graduate school. Let's talk about our class. There are a lot of people who fall in love, and a few become It’s not like you broke up as soon as you graduated. You can’t work together, your future is uncertain, you can’t be responsible for your own life, and who can be responsible for others. Like you and Miao Miao, you can only say if you can be responsible for yourself. Be responsible for the family. That's the truth. Besides, my family's situation is also special. My parents don't ask people to look for a foreign hukou. You say this... So I don't want to think about it at all in the past few years. Anyway, it's still early. It’s okay to think about it after thirty.”

Busy and trivial, when Song Yuejin and Director Song walked into the house with a suitcase, Lin Yutong responded, "It's already finished?"

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