Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 884: Strange Mom and Dad (80)

Strange Mom and Dad (80)

The weather is getting colder and colder, there have been several heavy snowfalls, and the weather is cloudy and the sun is not very bright. Lin Yutong is a bit lazy these days. Except at home or in the company, he doesn't like to go anywhere.

"It's not good to stay in the heating room all the time, or I'll take you there this time." The fourth master took the tie that Lin Yutong handed over, and turned around and asked, "Let's go to live in the south after finishing this business. period of time."

"Don't go." Lin Yutong yawned and shook his head, "Is this time going to Pearl for the Jin family shares?"

"Uncle doesn't mean to take it back." The fourth master chuckled, "If you can't, just replace the shares. The blood relationship is farther from the next generation, and it will be an accident sooner or later."

This is true.

"You really don't want to go?" The fourth master turned to look at Lin Yutong, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No!" Lin Yutong urged him to leave, "Uncle Six called me two days ago to ask me if I would go to the island. If I want to be comfortable, I will go earlier. I just don't want to move the place."

Fourth Master stepped out but took it back, looking at her up and down in surprise, "...You shouldn't have it, right?"

nonsense! I have always done a good job of contraception!

Fourth Master insisted, "Are you taking the pulse yourself, or shall I take you to the hospital?"

You can't go to the hospital for sure! Once they went to the gynecology department, those reporters couldn't catch a series of **** stories about abortion or miscarriage, and even a series of **** stories.

She gave Fourth Master a helpless look, and was startled again by his serious appearance. She quickly switched her pulse with her left and right hands, followed by frowning. Although it was a shallow day, it was definitely true.

The fourth master understood her expression at first glance, and he pinched his fingers, "It should only be half a month."

That's right!

"I'm very careful..." The fourth master was a little sullen.

Lin Yutong laughed instead, "What are you afraid of?" There is absolutely no safe birth control. Just an accident! "I'm afraid that some people will say that I am not upright, or I am afraid that some people will say that the child is an illegitimate child."

The fourth master shook his head, "It's not... According to your age, you will be 20 years old in half a year."

Twenty years old is the legal age for marriage.

Fourth Master looked down at Lin Yutong's stomach again, "This child has to be born in nine months."

In other words, it doesn't matter when you get pregnant, anyway, the child can be born within the marriage, which is definitely not an illegitimate child.

"Even if the day we get our marriage certificate is the day before we are about to give birth." Children are all legitimate children within marriage. The fourth master seemed to be convincing himself, and asked uncertainly, "What do you think?"

what can I say? Your mind is turning too fast, so I figured out the three, four, five, and six of these. There is even a solution, what else can I say, I can only say: "...I'm obviously pregnant, I just don't see anyone."

There is nothing scary about having a baby.

Lin Yutong urged Fourth Master to leave quickly, "Otherwise, I won't be able to catch the plane."

The fourth master originally played with her for a few days, and went to the Lin family to show his seriousness. After thinking about it, he should go to Mingzhu first, and have to ask Jinsha and Jinhe to come forward to propose a marriage to the Lin family, otherwise it would appear disrespectful. The date of marriage can be set after Tong Tong turns twenty, but this engagement date has to be as soon as possible. By the way, the marriage news and the wedding date are released, and the public will not respond so much to the pregnancy. The custom in some places is such that men and women can live together after getting engaged. No one will think this is wrong or immoral.

The Kim family came sooner than expected!

The next day, Jinhe and Jinsha brought enough gifts and went to the old house of the Lin family.

The old man and Ms. Su Yuan were stunned by their intentions, "engagement? Is it a little too early?"

Jinsha smiled heartily, "The little girl will be twenty after Chinese New Year."

Is twenty years old? Absolutely not!

"If I go to graduate school or something..." Su Yuan was a little embarrassed, "It will affect the child's study." She was a little reluctant, but thinking about the child's big idea, she and the old man really couldn't overdo it, "Yes Discuss with their parents."

"Of course." Jin He's attitude was very low, and she came to the door to ask for a daughter-in-law. She knew the truth.

Zhu Zhu and Lin Bo were socializing outside. When they answered the phone, they thought something was wrong, so they hurried back. As soon as he entered the house and saw the Jin family's old brothers and sisters, Lin Bo's heart suddenly fell to the ground, and there was only one sentence in his mind - the weasel greets the chicken for the New Year.

The two sides greeted politely, the Jin family said their intentions, and Lin Bo said in his heart: Sure enough.

The words of his refusal were almost blurted out, and Zhu Zhu pinched him on the lower back. He turned his head and saw Zhu Zhu reach out and brush off the dust that did not exist on his shoulders. After the words that seemed to be squeezed out, "Your daughter is happy."

The implication is that you mess up the good things of your daughter, and see how you explain it to her.

But it's useless for her to be happy!

How can you get married at such a young age? Absolutely not to say.

Lin Bo coughed lightly: "That..." He tried his best to ignore Zhu Zhu's gaze, gritted his teeth, and then shook his head, "The child is still young..."

Jinsha and Jinhe looked at each other, this episode was wrong!

"Is there something in our family that makes my in-laws unhappy?" Jin He hurriedly asked.

relatives by marriage?

This title is a bit early!

Seeing that this is not a problem, Zhu Zhu secretly sent a text message to her daughter: Proposing marriage, your father will not agree.

Lin Yutong was talking to Tang Feiren about cooperation in the office, and received such a text message. She frowned slightly, and Tang Feiren, who was on the opposite side, hurriedly asked, "If there is something we can talk about next time, we don't need to be so polite."

Lin Yutong quickly sent a message to Lin Bo, then put down the phone and said with a straight face: "It's okay, let's continue talking."

Just as Lin Bo was about to speak, a beep sounded on his cell phone. This was music specially set for his daughter to prevent her news from being revealed. As soon as the phone rang, he took it out and opened it. There were only four words on it - I'm pregnant!


Zhu Zhu saw that the expression on Lin Bo's face was cracked inch by inch. She pushed Limbo lightly, "Is something wrong?" No matter what, you have to respect others, so what's the matter? The Jin brothers and sisters are old enough to be our parents.

Lin Bo raised his head and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. He turned his face and asked Zhu Zhu, "Where did you just say?"

Zhu Zhu kept a perfect smile, "Speaking of 'the child is still young'."

"Yeah! The child is still young..." Lin Bo said that again, and everyone couldn't help but look at him. This was to refuse. Who knew that his voice changed, "the child is still young, and marrying it will inevitably cause trouble to the in-laws."

Is this a promise?

Su Yuan's genial smile could hardly hold back, why is this kid still in such a tone of things. I didn't call you here just to tell you to stand in the way. Based on what he knew about this little son, he would be in **** if he was happy.

But today I really saw a ghost.

The two sides laughed, and the day of engagement was set.

"Get married at the end of May next year, or let's set the date together." Jin He tentatively said. This is what my son specifically told me to do.

Lin Bo nodded again and again, Tong Tong turned 20 at the end of May, and he had obtained the marriage certificate and had another child. So even if the other party didn't mention the wedding day, he would bring it up, so the promise was very refreshing.

As for the dowry, no one mentioned it. One is that the Lin family is rich, and the daughters of the Lin family can make money, and the Lin family doesn't care about these things at all. Not to mention a son-in-law from a well-off family, even a child from an ordinary family, the Lin family didn't care. As long as your kids like it, it doesn't matter. The second is that they also know that the Jin family is a family that wants face.

The two sides talked very happily, so it was settled. The engagement date is set in a hurry, just a week later.

When the people from the Jin family were sent away, the old lady in the family put down her face and said, "You don't discuss such an important matter with your family?"

Lin Boxin said that your old man is sitting here, and if you have any disagreement, you can raise it at that time, and who will cover your mouth. Of course, even though you are your mother and grandfather, I usually listen to you in everything. In addition to listening to the words of your wife and daughter, the most important thing to listen to is your words. But on the basis that your daughter is pregnant, the engagement is invalid even if you object. Willing or not wanting. But I really can't tell you that right now. I have to ask my baby girl first if she is telling the truth or not. If it's fake, it's just a matter of lying to yourself about agreeing to the engagement, which is easy to handle. No one needs to mention it. But if it's true, let's talk about it when we can't hide it. If you are a father yourself, even if it is to the grandmother of the child, you cannot shout at this time. What if this girl lied to her about the military situation. He now understands what Ms. Su Yuan meant. She doesn't want to marry her granddaughter early, and she doesn't want to end the marriage. With the idea of ​​not going overboard, you are using yourself as a gunman. Or mother? "Then what do you mean? I sent people off first and said they wanted to discuss it, and then I made an excuse together. I don't want to lose my good son-in-law, but I'm reluctant to marry my own child. That's what it means."

It's hard to say it so clearly.

"You son of a bitch!" the old man scolded, "How do you talk? As a woman, be more reserved. It's not right to ask them to come to the door a few more times. Our Tongtong should be so precious."

But I would like her to be precious, but what can I do if this girl is outgoing?

The interruption of calling the old man, Ms. Su Yuan can be regarded as slowing down, and she scolded: "You are heartless, the child has only been back for a few years, and you are so eager to send the child out, why did I give birth? Are you such a jerk?"

have to! Co-authoring is all my fault.

My heart is bleeding, who have you seen?

Lin Bo was speechless, this idiot daughter! I swallowed two liang of huanglian bitterly in my heart, but I couldn't show it on my face, so I had to raise my hand to surrender, "I was wrong, I'm guilty. I'll go back and think about it behind closed doors right away, and I won't go out if I don't want to understand." He slowly stepped back towards the door, and when he reached the entrance of the porch, Sayazi ran out.

Ms. Su Yuan's fingers trembled as she pointed in the direction of the door, "Look at him, look at him, how old is the virtue..."

The old man hurried over, patted his back and rubbed his chest. Zhu Zhu was a little embarrassed by the side, got up and poured a cup of hot water over, "You calm down. I'll ask him what he thinks..."

Ms. Su Yuan took the cup and waved her hand before Zhu Zhu could finish her words, motioning her to leave quickly. These two are unreliable. It was inconvenient for me to speak just now. You should be justifiable when you talk like a mother. A person who is usually smart and clever, just like a gourd with a saw-mouthed mouth, and said nothing. Of course, a daughter-in-law is no better than a son. She can scold her son if she wants to, and beat her if she wants to. It's impossible to say that to her daughter-in-law. However, I feel unhappy, I am annoyed when I see it, and go as far as it will go.

Zhu Zhu banged out, and when he went outside, he saw that Limbo's car was still at the door, and the headlights were flickering, waiting for him to get up. Wrapped in her coat, she got into the car, and before she could sit still, Limbo plunged into her arms...

The author has something to say: See you tomorrow

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